Copyright 1996
All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.
The materials in this and the following write-ups (#9 and #10) are more speculative than the materials presented in the earlier documents in this series.
These last two documents are primarily aimed at other researchers rather than providing pat answers.
Part 9B:
The first prerequisite to researching the mind is the passionate desire to do so, because nothing short of total dedication will carry you through the barriers in your way. Only seekers after truth need apply. You have to put your own case aside and discard any desire whether for wealth or vengeance or self righteousness that interferes with the search.
I also had the luck to be at a point in the cycle of existence where my intelligence was at maximum (we all have our smart and stupid lifetimes) and the further luck of having a family and teachers that usually helped instead of hindered. Without this, I wouldn't have had the wits to put things together or understand the answers I might find.
In addition to this, a researcher needs a dual exposure to heavy science and metaphysics, for only a fusion of the two has any hope of success in this field. I never made it to India, but I grew up in a family steeped in metaphysics and paranormal phenomena and I balanced this against my own innate bent for math and physics.
And finally I had the luck to stumble upon Scientology in my teens, before I had keyed in the usual weight of aberration that accumulates during a lifetime on Earth. And I found it at an early enough age to avoid being swept up in the sixties drug culture. That would have been a mistake not only because mind expanding drugs pull up too much out of the subaware area without proper preparation, but also because I needed the certainty that anything I saw or experienced was not due to some mind bending residual drug effect.
This left me ideally prepared to study the subject of Scientology, and I did so with a passion which soon bordered on fanaticism. But the fanaticism turned to heartbreak in the inanities of 1968 and 69. Since I would not abandon the subject, I hung on with grim determination and even remained on staff until my contract finished. And I racked up a record number of blows from post, because I would walk out at any order my conscience rebelled at, but I always came back after the dust had settled.
And eventually, the conflict between my love of the subject and my distaste for what the organization had become was too great for me to remain on staff. But I continued to study the subject, especially the materials of the 1950s which were mostly ignored, at least in those days (things have gotten better since then).
Eventually I did solo Nots and completed (unofficially) within about 6 months. This was in the early days of the level, and it would be many years before they would let anybody attest to completing it.
For myself, I had achieved a wonderful state of awareness. Not only had I reached cause over life (e.g. no longer affected by BTs and capable of handling them at will) but I had also realized that nobody was actually located anywhere in the first place (its just a mistaken idea that we all have) and therefore I was to some degree exterior to this universe and no longer stuck in the games going on here.
But I could be made to doubt that I was finished. There were a lot of unreal ideas about what an OT VII would be, and the org's unwillingness to have anyone complete were enough to get me wondering about whether it might be Nots that was keeping me from walking through walls. I think that there were quite a few of us in this position, I doubt very much that I was the first to really complete.
Its also possible that the SO had some PR considerations about who they would allow to be the first completion. Many of us old time auditors (and these would be the most likely to complete fast) were not fervent supporters of the party line. When the crowds were going hip hip hooray at Ron's statue, we were liable to stand around cynically and wait for the wave of BS to pass. This is not an ethics offense, but they know who is blindly loyal and who can think for themselves. And at a more mundane level, I was sloppy and wore glasses and was notorious for objecting to bullshit sales images which, as far as I was concerned, put us on a level with snake oil salesmen and used car dealers.
So after a very long break, I went back to auditing the level. And they leave you free enough, at this point, to chase after just about anything with the Nots techniques, so I went after the stuff that still caught my attention. But now I was going after things that didn't actually come from Nots, and after handling everything that could be done with Nots, the stuff I'd gone after was still there because I hadn't handled the real source. This was the period of my endless overrun. I was going after everything from why is the wall solid to what is the basic source of ARCXs and I was using the wrong tech for those kinds of questions.
Even so, I had many successes. And a few of the things I've been talking about in these technical notes were learned during that period. I even cleaned up my previous drilling on the old OT levels 4 through 7 which I had done earlier with good results and searched out any Nots stuff that might have been stirred up while doing them. I even went so far as to put out tractor beams and see if any entities showed up to block them etc.
But I ran into three areas that did not resolve and eventually collapsed the high case state and almost unkillable floating needle that had occurred when I had actually finished the level.
The three unresolved areas were:
a) Implant universes
b) Split off portions of myself
c) Actual GPMs
Gradually, as I kept following down things that led into these, and blowing off the Nots stuff, these three areas became more and more stirred up and exposed without being handled. And the state that I was in was so high that I was able to stir up a great deal of things in these areas before I finally collapsed.
And then the org's handling was heartbreaking and hopeless. They kept trying to get me to do more Nots and most of them didn't believe in these other things and had no way of handling them even if they did.
Many years passed, and I continued to get worse. Finally, I was sick, and going deaf in one ear, and loosing teeth at a rapid rate, and miserable about my job and life in general and sinking under an unbearable feeling of hopelessness. And I realized that I was looking down at a declining spiral that would soon end in death and failure.
So I decided that I had nothing to loose and took the plunge into unrestrained solo auditing on my own wild notions.
I began by making up a list of all the possible causes for the bad condition I was in, including the most common lower level reasons (overts, out-lists, etc.), Nots stuff, and even the invalidation of having completed and not being allowed to attest. And I did have some minor charge in these areas and cleaned it up. But it didn't cure the weight of the stuff I'd stumbled on without having the means to handle it. So I assessed the three areas above, and Implant Universes read well.
And I had an impression of an implant universe with a tiger and the idea that there might be a few dozen items in the platen, a bit like some of the things on OT2. And so I tried to do some listing of what the items might be. I had no idea of what I was getting into.
Thousands of items later, I had the anatomy of the penalty universes. And with that, everything had changed.
Eventually the penalty universes keyed out spectacularly and I was flying again. But I couldn't get a handle on either the actual GPMs or the split pieces, so I carried on with researching the track, especially later implants that were built on the penalty universe goals series. And eventually I began to find things prior to the penalty universes and began to really plot out the track as presented in "Cosmic History".
Once I'd handled enough implants, the actual GPM goal just sort of fell in my lap. I couldn't believe that I actually hadn't thought of it before, because it was so obvious. After a bit of fumbling around, I finally got the right way to handle these (see the write-up on actual GPMs) and put the matter to rest.
The matter of split portions of myself haunted me for a decade, and I'd poke at it once in awhile. But every attempt to handle it ended in failure and often got me sick. It is only recently that I finally found the trick for handling it (see "Divide and Conquer").
And so my three original sore spots have finally been solved. And the pain and difficulty of researching them was so great that I would not deny the answers to any who want them.
Of course, with my wild and freewheeling research, I managed to stir up another pile of unresolved areas while solving these that are given here. But I don't really mind that now that I have a method for working my way through the labyrinth. After all, I was always in this to find truth rather than to settle on some pat solution. And when you find good answers, they often raise new questions.
In truth I have probably been searching for answers off and on for an extremely long time. That may be true of everybody. One incident I found had a great deal of educational value, so I will pass it on here.
It seems to me that I was once a rich rice merchant and felt guilty that my knowledge and power let me live well off of the starvation of others. And so, eventually, I abandoned everything and undertook the pilgrimage to Tibet. This was perhaps a thousand years ago in India. At the gates, they made me undergo the same initiation as their children, namely to sit naked in the Himalayan snows for a night. It was this which led to the saying that the road to Lasha is death, for few lowlanders survived such a night. But it was not ill intended. A priest sat with me and read from their scrolls and offered instruction. And when I died, he continued to talk to the body and coaxed me through the between lives area so that I should be reborn among them and receive further training.
And after a number of lifetimes among the monks, with very little to show for all my labors, I became bound and determined to achieve enlightenment by whatever means. And so I took a collection of the scrolls and sat reading them and refused all nourishment as I did so. The scrolls were not of deep significance. They were things like the 7 virtues etc. which were nice but not great revelations. It was when I read one of these again (in Evan's translation of the Secret Doctrines) that this entire story came back to me.
For many days I continued to read the scrolls mechanically and refused everything but water. I ignored all distractions and communications and just kept on doggedly in a sort of half trance. Eventually the body began to starve to death but I ignored the pangs of hunger and eventually they went away to be replaced by a sort of weak numbness.
And finally I reached a point where the body had no energy left to sustain itself, but had not quite died. And so I remained alive and conscious with the fully support of a body, but the body itself ceased to swamp me with its perceptions and energy fields. And then I realized that the tiny spark of energy that still remained to me was my own creation and was not coming from the body, and I was finally able to drill this with positive feedback and perception of how much energy I was projecting and where it was going. It is quite possible that while you're alive, the body swamps and interferes with your own energy, and in between lives the prison machinery tries to keep you blocked so that I had found a sort of crack in the trap in the halfway state between life and death.
And in this state, I worked as long as I dared, fanning the flame of my own energy, and then I roused the body and called for food, for I knew that the other monks must be told of what I had found. And of course my meager perceptions and energy production were almost entirely swamped again, but not quite completely. Then I taught and studied for many years. Finally I undertook the trial again, but this time I knew where I was going. And this time I continued to drill my own energies and hardly noticed the passing of the body when it died.
I'm not sure if it was months or years, but I continued to drill for a long time, using simple exercises of perception and handling of energy. I don't think I had anything nearly as good as the OT drills we have now, but even simple reach and withdraw would be extremely effective if you did it with your own perceptible energy.
In the end I reached a state of real consciousness and ability in the bodiless condition. This is not how it usually is between lives, where you're normally in a half dream, battered by energies, and bothered by between lives control mechanisms.
But I hadn't really done anything to actually handle my case. There had been no tech on problems or overts or upsets and I still had no answer to the problem that had originally led me to Tibet, which was how to end the suffering and starvation in the world.
So I began a new search for answers. Based, I believe, on something in another of the scrolls (one that I haven't seen in this lifetime), I tried to follow a path out of this universe. I think that it told me to find the dark horse in the sky (the horsehead nebula) and pass through it and that I ended up coming up out of a pool in the magic universe. And there I found the red flower in the sky and went through it to the next universe above (the collapsed thought - conflicts universes) where a double helix (?) leads to the symbols universe. The entire journey is extremely vague (and perhaps my recall of it is blocked in some way), but I think that eventually I passed beyond the jewel of knowledge and was all the way out.
And once there, I had the feeling of being dampened and blocked and the idea that there were things unreachable in the distance, like cities in the night. And it seemed that the idea was placed in my mind that I was not ready and we all must come out together. And then I was moving down through the series of universes and came all the way back here, because it was what I was familiar with and the place where all the people I knew lived.
But I returned with considerable power, far more than when I had left. And I determined to change the world and make it a better place. So I reincarnated and this time I was so strong that it was my own energies that were the perceptible torch and the body's fields were swamped by my own projections. I chose the most scientifically advanced culture of that time, which was Islam, and became a white magician and wizard in Tunisia. I gained considerable wealth and power and had the ear of the sultan, but everything ran afoul of the usual out rudiments and other case factors and in the end it all went sour. In the next lifetime, I was sinking fast and became a black magician instead of a white one. And in that dramatization, I quickly managed to lose all the abilities I had gained and sunk back into the mainstream of humanity. In short order I was living lives among the Christians and alternately sinning and praying for forgiveness, although I never remembered what it was I really needed to be forgiven for.
This story is pretty wild, and I had my doubts when I scanned through the incident and wrote it down originally (immediately after reading that scroll in Evan's translation). This was before I had found the stuff on actual GPMs so I didn't have a chart of my lifetimes on earth nor did I have very good certainty on the little I could recall. But it had given me this strange idea of a jewel of knowledge at the top of the sequence of universes (which I had already mapped back as far a home universe thanks to running the penalty universes) and so I followed up on that point. And the jewel of knowledge bounced the emeter off its pins and what I could get of its anatomy reacted consistently despite the trouble I was having in visualizing its many dimensional structure.
I still consider everything about the jewel to be slightly speculative because I still can't visualize things in that many dimensions (even though I've been able to visualize 4 dimensional structures comfortably ever since I ran the incident on the reality wars), but I'm pretty well convinced of the existence of the jewel. The little that I have managed to pull out of it explains so much about who we are and what's going on that I'm pretty well sold.
The trick I used in that Tibetan lifetime of drilling OT processes while in a near death condition also lines up well with my one near death experience in this lifetime. I had been mugged by two guys and it really pissed me off, so I had fought back and gotten stabbed seven times in the process. I walked away from it and tried to heal the body by mental means (big mistake). I think that I actually had one or two of the wounds healed, but all the blood in the body had gushed out of the remaining ones during the hour it took me to do this so finally I gave up and called an ambulance (they had to give me 5 quarts of blood when they got me into the emergency room).
When they carried me downstairs on the stretcher (I had gone back to my apartment), the body blacked out and I lost my hold on it. The senses had simply shut down completely, but I retained full consciousness. It was not at all like being asleep or in a dream, I was fully awake, but receiving no input from the body whatsoever. I didn't see any light at the end of the tunnel or anything like that, but I did see stars. Then I realized that it was because I was looking at the sky (it was nighttime) so I turned around and there was a tiny ambulance rushing down the street a few hundred feet below me. My perceptions were clear and unquestionable, far better than I remember them being in any earlier incidents that I had run of actually dying. According to the mystics, in this situation you should find the golden cord running to the body and hang onto it. It seemed like a good idea, so I mocked up a golden beam and ran it down to the body. That may have kept it alive. I watched them move it into the emergency room (I rushed down and stayed close when they reached the hospital). Then they started pumping blood into it and the body's senses came back on. It was like being swamped by a flood and I was back in the body looking around the room while they worked on me. I actually felt quite good and pleased with myself because of the out of body experience and I remember joking with the nurses. I doubt that the heart ever stopped beating so I probably was never officially dead, but I did hit that near death state where the body couldn't overwhelm my own perceptions and energies.
To the org's credit, they rushed an auditor to me in the hospital and I received a thorough regiment of assists (at no charge, by the way even though I had not been on staff for many years). My healing rate was about 5 times normal. The chief surgeon would bring the interns by and lecture about miraculous recovery and how incredible it was that I was still alive. After they operated (shortly after bringing me into emergency), the estimates were that I would spend a week in intensive care, one to two months in the hospital, and it would be at least six months before I could work again and get around comfortably. The actual times were a few hours in intensive care (I was sitting up and talking and having visitors so they moved me out right away), a week in the hospital, and full recovery and back to work in about a month.
According to the Tibetan materials, if you die consciously, you will have a brief period where your energy level is still high and you will have a chance to make it out if you practice the yoga of the clear light of confront (the translations don't use the word confront, instead they write the-sitting-face-to-face which is a single word in the scrolls). They say that after that, the being will go into a swoon. Furthermore, the clear period may be long or short depending on the person's spiritual advancement, and may also be affected by the manner of death, possibly not occurring at all if the person dies while sedated. Therefore, they reject pain killing drugs if they are about to die, because they want a chance at coming out of the body with full consciousness instead of being befuddled with drugs. This might not be a bad idea.
In complete contrast to the two above experiences, where I was exterior with full consciousness while the body was half dead and completely out of commission, is another experience where I was completely without a body and experienced a terrific analytical shutdown as a result.
This is an experience that might be described as teleportation that occurred during the brief time period when I was key-ed out OT in 1968.
It was a cold night and I was walking back from dinner with a girl. We were just friends but we had our arms around each other for warmth because we didn't have our coats and the temperature had dropped severely while we were eating. We reached a corner two blocks from the org and I noticed a subway entrance. I knew that the subway platform extended underground for the entire distance and that there was an exit right where we were going. In this area of downtown, the subway stations often (but not always) had arcades or parallel tunnels that let you walk the length of the station without having to pay the fare to get down to the platforms. In some places you could go as much as a mile underground and it would be considerably warmer.
So I had the idea that we could walk the rest of the way underground in relative comfort. But I didn't want to drag the girl downstairs only to find that there were gates and turnstiles blocking our way. And this was a time when I had been having occasional flashes of good exterior perception (quick but clear glimpses of things). So I determined to simply take a look without using the body. And I did this by deciding to be there (rather than move there).
And then I was there, looking at the turnstiles. And for a moment, I was disappointed that they were in my way. But then I realized that I could simply float over them. And so I began to drift around in the subway in a bodiless state. And everything was a little bit vague looking, but more solid than in a dream. It all seemed a little blurry as if I didn't have my glasses on. But I didn't remember that I wore glasses, so it all seemed very natural. And I also didn't remember who I was or what I was doing down there. But it was pleasant and I was having fun drifting around looking at things. In retrospect, I was absurdly simpleminded, as if I had an IQ of about 50. But something kept nagging at me, and finally I remembered the girl.
In the next instant, I was standing on the street and she was staring straight at me yelling my name. And then she jumped back in startlement and asked me "Where did you come from?". I was back to my normal consciousness, but I was confused and a bit embarrassed. I immediately assumed that the body had gone into some kind of a trance while I was looking around in the subway. And I told her that, but she misunderstood and said "How could you come out of the subway, there's no entrance here?". And I looked around and we were a few blocks away from where we had been. And I asked her what had happened. And she said that I had suddenly disappeared and that she had panicked and started running around yelling for me. And she had run to the next block and turned the corner and continued to run around looking for me and suddenly I was right there in front of her.
We talked it through and the only possible conclusion was that my body had not existed for awhile. And since then, of course, I have always wondered exactly what I did and how to do it again. At the simplest level, it seemed like I had just forgotten to keep creating the body, and then I remembered to do it again.
On further examination, it seemed like there was some sort of a template or pattern which I keep continually energized on an automatic basis and I had simply cut off the energy flow. But the pattern remained, in some sort of a potential state, and then I energized it again and the body was back. Since I happened to re-energize it in a different place from where it had disappeared, the theoretical effect is one of teleportation.
This had led me to all sorts of interesting ideas, such as the concept that there are underlying templates or patterns behind the physical manifestation of reality (it was only later that I found out that Plato had some similar ideas). It also led me to think about the idea that there might be "potential" matter (as opposed to actualized matter) just as there is potential energy (as opposed to kinetic energy).
But no matter how many times I try to run through this incident, there always seems to be some sort of a blank spot in the moment when I disappear and another when I come back. Its like there is something that I wouldn't let myself remember.
Interestingly enough, I felt much warmer after I reappeared. The girl also felt warm on account of having run around so furiously looking for me. So we were fairly comfortable as we finally walked to the org.
One of the important points is how dim witted I was without the body. It has led me to believe that we foolishly use the brain as an aid for much of our thinking (like using a calculator instead of adding things up yourself) and we lose that when the body is gone. So we turn into morons after we die and easily get tricked into things like between lives implants.
It would be a good idea to practice thinking without using the brain. I think that we may have a need (or an aberration) to locate or store our thoughts and memories in some sort of mass or object. Try doing some arithmetic by pushing the numbers into a mountain or something and then try doing the operation (addition or whatever) in that space. When I first tried this, it was surprisingly hard (like doing it for the first time, despite the fact that I can run large calculations in my head easily), but it became easy very rapidly. This might make the difference between being bright or stupid after death.
(Once I got the penalty universes keyed out, and having no better angle of approach, I began a research rundown to try and run them further and also map out the track by handling the later implants that were locked up on top of them. This was not truly therapeutic because I generally stirred up as much as I was erasing, but it eventually opened up enough track to let me get earlier and find the agreements universe etc. So here is the rundown I actually used. I don't recommend it for case gain, there are easier ways once you know what's what. - Aug 1996).
Mar 24, 1990, rev. Feb 1993
1. Introduction
This is research auditing. As such, it requires someone of good skills who is willing to fly into the teeth of restimulation and find truth despite all prejudice. And here lies the rock that shatters many a researcher, for the biggest prejudices are to see things come out a certain way so as to make others truly wrong or so as to justify the overts of the researcher. Following close on the heals of this is the prejudice that comes from desiring to see a particular pet theory supported or a distasteful theory invalidated. If you're trying to earn a living with this stuff as well (heaven help you), that puts yet a further twist into the puzzle.
All researchers suffer from this ill. Good research, that shining moment when a real gem is revealed, comes from a willingness to be wrong, to find out that your were the villain (you were sometimes, but not always), and a willingness to change a theory even after you have staked your reputation on it. You need to look at everything with a suspicious eye, especially when it seems to be making you right. And you need a good tolerance for the confusion that starts billowing around every time you shift something that was supposed to have been a stable datum.
This is not a safe route. There is no guarantee. I think that if you keep working towards truth, you will make it, but once you're out beyond the well marked trails, there's no one who will have the tech to repair you except yourself. This is not a bridge. The bridge ended 3 islands back. All this is is a piece of string stretched out in the direction of the far shore to give you an idea of which way to swim.
So be warned. Your case is your own responsibility. Some of my ideas may be wrong. Certainly I occasionally get an item or a goal wrong. Its up to you to build your own bridge. And once you get somewhere, try to help some other people along as well. We have researched out part of the trap before and kept it to ourselves and used it for personal gain. Some of these materials seem awfully familiar to me. A group of us researched some of this back around a hundred million years ago and became gods to the locals. Specifically, I believe we had detailed platens for the "This Means" items in the penalty universes (probably around 10,000 items) but not the other stuff. It didn't do me much good. I had some fun for awhile (& committed some terrible overts) and then collapsed back to humanoid when I failed to stop Incident 2. Its even harder to research this stuff now what with all the subsequent implants (Fac 1 etc.) obscuring things even further.
An even graver warning is that you should not use this material against others even if it seems well justified. We have intentionally restimulated this stuff on each other endlessly. Some of this has been researched many times and used to build implants. At first the intention is usually to control criminals (although there are occasional exceptions to this). Later, the mad and power hungry turn them on the population at large. Everyone will find occasions where they implanted others or even worked on designing implants. Furthermore, there have been numerous times where you, as a sort of god, have fought with another god by hurling restimulative items and symbols at each other until one of you caved in and lost power. The weight of overts on this line is so vast that any attempted use of these materials against another is very dangerous to the user.
Now for the brighter side. Nobody is going to curb or block your ITSA line or tell you what you can or can't run. The truth of the matter is that you can run anything if you approach it the right way. What you need is some understanding and a good angle of approach.
With the discovery of the penalty universes of the home universe era, we have that angle of approach. In reaching them, you are bypassing 10 or 20 OT levels worth of gradient material. These other levels will show up as you try to take apart the penalty universes. But by the very fact that you are coming forward from an extremely early basic, you can figure out and tear apart these later things as well.
2. Auditing Style
In research auditing, the most important thing is ITSA (i.e. spotting and saying "it is a ..."). You can only do a limited amount of Whatsit before the meter begins to pack up and go South. Spot what you can spot with certainty and put the ITSA down on the worksheet. Don't struggle too long trying to spot something that's out of view and overcharged. You can do a little bit of checking to see if something is being hidden by a BT or Cluster or obscured by an overt you did. You can try dating things or checking a few good guesses, but don't muck around too much.
If something is obscured but not in restim, leave it alone and work from where you can get certainty. Each time I discovered some major abberative incident, I got obscured little glimpses of it from the edges on a couple of penalty universe goals before enough charge was off to spot the anatomy of the incident. So if something isn't ready to run, ignore it and go on. More will show up in a little while and then you can start pulling the thing apart.
If something is in your road but you can't quite get your hands on it, it often helps to take a very short break to let the restim cool down a bit and then look again. Leave the meter on and the session set up. Often you'll just be getting out of the auditing chair to make some coffee and the idea will pop into your head and you'll snatch the cans right up and check it. The thing you don't want to do is keep holding the cans and going "What is it?". All you can ITSA in that case is the fact that the needle is getting stuck and the TA is starting to climb.
Another good trick is to take a break and put on your CSing hat. This is especially useful in the case where you've made some errors. You can make up a little list of the things that could be wrong and then go back in session and check it. Make sure that you don't do this as an L & N action. "What's screwed up now?" is not a good listing question.
Sometimes you'll get yourself messed up with a high TA and tight needle. This can come from the usual causes (and you should watch for things like overrun etc.), but it can also happen from running something the wrong way. In this case, you may have to audit over it for awhile to get in there the right way. If you are running in this state, realize that the slightest momentary loosening of the needle or feeling of relief is a major release point. Don't invalidate it just because the TA is high and needle is stuck on other charge in restimulation. If you go back and check these "release points" later, you'll find big FNs. I mention this especially because you'll need to validate yourself as much as possible while your trying to pull through a rough mass in restimulation.
When you see that you've gotten messed up by running an incorrect platen and a simple repair list wouldn't handle it, the first thing you do it take a break and let the restimulation die down a bit. Get food and sleep if needed. If this doesn't bring the TA down, run Platen 1 on the positive penalty universe goal most closely connected with the area. Then try and blow any BTs or Clusters restimulated and not blown. Then check if you have an overt in restim. and handle. Then take another break and try to CS a better approach to the area.
For example, I made a bad mistake when I was trying to figure out how to handle the negative goals. I did all the above and felt much better and got a good nights sleep but still had a TA around 4.5 on 2 cans the next morning. But by then I felt good enough to realize what was wrong and correct it. Even this did not bring down the TA but it loosened the needle. Then I was able to go back to the original process that went sour and run it the right way. As soon as I started running it, the TA came right down and the process ran like a charm.
Unfortunately, when you do start in on something new it can drive the TA up briefly. You feel good and everything seems OK and you carry on a little further and the TA comes down. Also, it can be up a bit when you pick up the cans if something is incomplete. You just carry on with the action and it comes right down. This is a side effect of doing research where you don't always have the perfect route and many levels are being bypassed. But watch it if the TA goes high and sticks there for awhile. Find out what's wrong and repair it. Often it is just a corny auditing error or a cluster that needs to be blown.
You should frequently check for BTs/Clusters restimulated and not blown and for your own overts. These materials cause many such things to blow automatically and occasionally something hangs up and needs to be run briefly. These are also the primary reasons that an item wouldn't read although this can also occur for various other reasons such as a later implant going into restimulation.
3. Session Admin
If you are doing this on your own, you don't have to do anything just to please a CS or to help the CS follow what you are doing. But you need a good record of what is going on in case you need to repair things later and to serve as a record of the research. This means that items, dates, locations, etc. need to be recorded very precisely.
You also need to write things down to get them separate from yourself and ensure that they discharge. This is ITSA and early in auditing, you need another person to receive it from you. Later on, it is enough to write it down with the confidence that a CS will read it. Even further along, just putting it down on the paper gets it far enough away from you so that you can see it and blow the charge. The magic of the comm formula was simply that it put distance between the PC and his aberrations so that he could look at them and make them vanish. Now we have a gradient of how much physical universe mass is necessary to get the PC to separate from what he is stuck in.
Eventually, you want to be able to blow things without needing any physical crutches whatsoever. This is necessary if you are going to continue to make progress without a body. For this you can practice mocking up comm lines and terminals, messages, writing, etc. But its a steep gradient. So for now, use your paper and pen and meter, these tools will speed your progress greatly. But realize that you can blow things out of session and that this will occur more and more frequently as you continue forward. So you should also have a notebook handy for recording key insights and data that come up when you're outside etc.
Oct 1, 1990, rev Feb 1993
(This is the rundown I used to try and dig deeper into the penalty universes and explore the track at the same time. Although this produced case gain, it stirred up as much as it keyed out and the primary value was in finding out more - august 1996)
General Information
Initial running of the penalty universes has already been described. At first you are only trying for the lightest keyout. Gradually you start running deeper, getting more and more ITSA etc. As you do this, you should add actions from processing group 1 below until your running all the steps on each positive goal. Once your running the positive goal fairly thoroughly, you can start running the negative goal as well (see group 1N - Negative goal running).
The materials in group 2 are more difficult. You should be running both the positive and negative goals fairly deeply with the group 1 materials before trying to run group 2. When you do run group 2 processes, use both group 1 and group 2 on the positive goal and then use both on the negative goal.
Note that group 1N (negative goals handling) is listed after group 2 in the lineup below. You either run group 1 then 2, then 1N, and then 2N, or you run group 1 and then 1N (skipping group 2) depending on your gradient.
The group 3 processes are only used after everything else is running well. These are the 5 way oppose GPMs. Generally, you need to run off the negative goal before you can get at the GPM for the positive goal because the goal modifier (overt) latches up on the positive to negative inversion. Even when your running deeply, you should leave these alone unless one insists on running. Otherwise, it is probably better to flatten all the penalty universes first and then go after these GPMs. In my experience, they are usually quite hard to run until they're ready and then they just show up and fall apart, so don't dig and prod at them.
It would simply be too much of an overwhelm to try and run all of these processes right away. The first few times you run one of these, it can be quite rough. For example, the universe machine (group 2) platen uses each penalty goal terminal in hundreds of items. At first you need to run them all and they come off very slowly. Then you find that you can blow whole groups of items just by spotting the first one in each set. Then it gets even faster and you just call the very first item for the entire universe machine pattern, spot the various universe goals, and completely blow the penalty universe terminal out of the universe machinery in only a minute or two of auditing.
So you add one process at a time to your rundown and carry on with it through a few penalty goals (until it speeds up and becomes a fast action) before you add yet another process.
Initially we're not going for erasure. We're aiming at greater keyouts and increasing horsepower. As you keep running deeper, your ITSA line gets pretty awesome and you start blowing huge holes in everything. The target is to get up to the point where you can as-is these penalty universes by inspection and blow all the later stuff as well.
Note that most of these processes are addressed to the later locks piled on top of the penalty universes rather than to the basic incidents themselves. You need to run this stuff not only to take weight off of the penalty universes but also because it is the anatomy of the current trap (this is especially true of the group 2 processes).
Once your running deeply, you might need to check for PMEs (Programmed machine Entities, discussed elsewhere) and CEs (Control Entities, discussed elsewhere) that need to be run as a rudiment action (see the write-up on these). Also, you will need to alternate penalty universe running with OT drilling (discussed elsewhere) to keep from becoming interiorized into case. Keying out a penalty universe frees up a lot of space and you need to expand outward as a regular action.
Generally the order for selecting goals to run is best established by using a dynamic assessment. The sequence in which one was originally thrown into (or threw others into) these seems to have been random. Later restimulative implants used a number of different sequences, which you should be aware of. Common sequences are as follows:
a) The natural sequence of the dynamics, from 16 to 1 (goals To create down to To Endure) or the reverse (1 to 16). If negative goals are involved, they alternate with the positive goals (this is the sequence of the treadmill which established the negative items).
b) Like a) above but all 64 positive goals come first followed by all 64 negative goals in reverse order (usually from To Create, down to To Endure, and then the rest of the way down to To Destroy).
c) The dynamics occur in a pattern of 8 pairs with the high dynamic collapsing into the corresponding lower one. I.E., 16th, 8th, 15th, 7th, etc. down to 9th, 1st. Or the same pattern ascending (from 1 to 16). Again, the negative goals (if present) might alternate with the positive ones or might all follow afterwards (in the reverse sequence).
If you spot some later implant, it will often use penalty universe restimulators and will often follow one of these patterns (although there are many exceptions).
These are the basic processes for running the penalty universes.
1. Platen 1.
This is your entry point. Once your running deeply, all items should either read or FN. If an item doesn't read, pause and mockup exactly what the item means and then try spotting it again. If an item can't be made to read, check for and handle overts as described below. If overts doesn't read, you can use any of the other steps below and then return to the current step on platen one (which should now be reading).
2. Overts
Check if you have any overts connected with doing this goal and handle (overt rudiment).
3. Spot the incident 2 location (noticing the false mockup of the implant universe that was placed there during inc. 2).
4. Spot the Pyramid location (this is an earlier mass implant). Spot the face of the terminal within the pyramid.
5. Spot the terminal saying the price of the goal (for negative goals, spot the negative terminal saying the "this means an end to ..." statement).
6. Spot places where (terminal) is not.
Also, spot places in the penalty universe where you are not.
7. Spot symbol items from the penalty universe (a few are given in the master list, others can be spotted and blown by inspection). (Do this on positive goals only).
8. Scan the detail of the penalty universe.
9. ITSA any later track restimulation.
10. Check for any PMEs that are being machinery related to the goal. Handle each (spot being made into a machine, spot the first time, spot making others into a machine, spot the top of the penalty universe, who are you).
(note, you should already have cleaned up the troublesome machinery and be up to using a fast machine handling technique before you start searching out PMEs while running the penalty goals).
11. Run remedy of havingness on machinery related to the goal. Begin with broken machinery (make it decrepit etc. until it snaps in) and then improve to good quality machinery. Push it in from outside from various directions and throw some away as well. (see LRH references on Remedy of Havingness).
12. Spot things that you must not (goal) until the ridge blows.
13. Spot people, groups, etc. that you would permit to (goal) until your willing to have others doing this goal.
14. Spot places where (terminal) would be safe. Run this past the point where you get joy from placing the terminal in "safe" places where it is tortured etc. until you can have it or not have it anywhere by choice.
15. Spot things that the (terminal) does not own.
16. Mockup battered and beaten versions of the terminal in various places and say "The poor thing, it needs me so".
17. Spot the failures implant (thought universe). They would tell you to do (goal) to some (object) and then "prove" to you how you failed. Then they'd say "You failed to (goal) so you must depend on others to (goal) for you".
18. Spot the between lives scene for the goal. (if present in the master list).
(The remaining steps do not apply to negative goals, - note that the collapse of the positive goal is the justifier for doing the negative goal).
19. Spot the justifier for the goal (if present in the master list).
note that 18 and 19 above are easy to spot and blow, but the items can't be determined accurately until after the GPM (group 3) has been run.
20. Spot the terminal saying the "do you want to achieve ..." line in the between lives sequence. This false promise (of gaining power or strength or whatever) given early in the between lives is one of the things that pulls you deeper into that nonsense and results in your getting further messed up.
21. Spot the desire to swing into the negative goal so as to be rid of this penalty universe.
22. Run remedy of havingness on things used in the penalty universe (objects, etc., anything that seems nice or interesting in the mockup).
23. Check for any other entities stirred up and handle.
24. Spot the first few lines of platen 1 again.
1. Run the universe machine items for the goals terminal. See the write-up on the universe machine.
2. For each universe goal, working upward from persist to eternalize, spot how the universe goal is accomplished through the doingness of the penalty goal (How Would ... Enable You To ...).
3. Spot the "survive" line said by the terminal using each universe goal in place of "survive" (note that survive is the universe goal for the current universe). Spot this in the universe machines and if anybody wakes up, have them spot the top of the penalty universe (native state line).
4. Run the compulsion SVs in the universe machinery (see the write-up on compulsion SVs).
5. Run the compulsion SVs surrounding the body (see the write-up on compulsion SVs).
6. Run remedy of havingness on the penalty universe terminal.
7. Run the discontinuity. Note that this is based on the agreement universe definition items. You should run off some of the agreements universe directly before getting into handling the discontinuities. This step causes not-isness ridges to blow. See the write-up on the discontinuity implant.
GROUP 1N - Negative Goals
This is similar to the positive goal handling, but you use the Treadmill Crossover platen instead of platen 1.
Begin by spotting the inversion scene and using the other steps given on the crossover platen (these correspond to a few of the group 1 steps). This is the minimum that you can get away with running for a negative goal.
All the other group 1 steps up to number 18 also apply to negative goals (except as noted). Whichever ones you are running on the positive goal should also be run on the negative goal.
Group 2N
Steps 1 to 6 of group 2 also apply to the negative goal (i.e., all except the discontinuity implant). If you do one of these steps on the positive goal, also do it in the negative goal handling.
Group 3
Currently, the only thing here is handling the 5 way oppose GPMs for the positive and negative goals. See the write-up on the 5 way oppose.
Note that in this case, the positive GPM is not addressed until after doing both group 1N and group 2N on the negative goal because the goal modifier tends to charge up on the negative goal.
I know this is a lot of material and it might seem pretty complex, but it's easy if you just add one new technique at a time. Running just half of this stuff on a single penalty universe goal can produce significant case change.
As long as you know the material given under "in case of trouble" above, you can even slop around with these processes and still do very well.
Since writing the above, a significant amount of other implants have turned up which restimulate the penalty universes. These are covered elsewhere. They should be added into the above steps.
23 Jul 91, rev. 12 Feb 93
(Note: the master list may have later updates. The negative goals are not as thoroughly researched and should be treated as being slightly speculative)
16D 1. To Create (Statue) :To Destroy (devil statue) 2. To Cause (god, old man) :To Put At Effect (devil) 3. To Mock Up (Computer) :To Unmock (black computer) 4. To Imagine (Cartoon Mouse) :To Disillusion (vampire) 15D 5. To Understand (chipmunk) :To Misunderstand (cripple) 6. To Know (2 headed dodo) :To Mislead (gorilla) 7. To Absorb (Greek hero) :To Discard (Amazon) 8. To Learn (gnome) :To Forget (Troll) 14D 9. To Play (Chinese child) :To Fool (Joker) 10. To Compete (Coach, doll) :To Cheat (Skeleton) 11. To Manipulate (Penguin Banker) :To Ruin (Dragon) 12. To Exchange (Spirit Broker) :To Steal (Raccoon) 13D 13. To Shape (clay people) :To Distort (walrus) 14. To Change (magician) :To Implode (Sorceress) 15. To Combine (Siamese twins) :To Fragment (worms) 16. To Bring Order(gorilla people) :To Bring Chaos(Black.Panther) 12D 17. To Reason (clown) :To Discombobulate(1manband) 18. To Orient (wire man) :To Disorient (spinning top) 19. To Guide (pilot) :To Misdirect (scarecrow) 20. To Compute (toy bodies) :To Confuse (zombie) 11D 21. To Construct (beavers) :To Teardown (wrecking crane) 22. To Arrange (blockhead) :To Unstabilize (Goon) 23. To Build (snake people) :To Wreck (Raging Bull) 24. To Structure (Crystals) :To Shatter (batman) 10D 25. To Invent (munchkins) :To Divest (troll)? 26. To Inspire (muses) :To Occlude (mesmerist) 27. To Enhance (ghost people) :To Worsen (demon) 28. To Beautify (fairy godmother) :To Make ugly (old witch) 9D 29. To Purify (fire people) :To Pervert (satyr) 30. To Judge (bull people) :To Accuse/blame(ogre) 31. To Defend (little green men) :To Attack (gorilla soldier 32. To Strengthen (ball of energy) :To Hurt (silver ball) 8D 33. To Enlighten (rabbit preacher) :To Obscure (smog monster) 34. To Convert (fish man) :To Disabuse (jackal) 35. To Commune (female angel) :To Disconnect(spider woman 36. To Worship (knights) :To Profane (monk) 7D 37. To Predict (soothsayer) :To Randomize(3headed-griffin) 38. To Influence (cupid) :To Scandalize (hunchback) 39. To Collect (elves/fairies) :To Reject (wolfman) 40. To Embody (Pan - goat god) :To Disembody(invisibleman) 6D 41. To Discover (centaurs) :To Hide (octopus) 42. To Locate (Leprechaun) :To Misplace (Cricket) 43. To Gather (spacesuit body) :To Abandon (Hobo) 44. To Own (Fox people) :To Burn Down (flame man) 5D 45. To Grow (scarecrow) :To Rot (fungus creature) 46. To Live (dinosaur) :To Die (spectre) 47. To Heal (tree man) :To Infect (germ colony) 48. To Adapt (thread man) :To Protest (snake) 4D 49. To Establish (3eyed giants) :To Undermine (3eyed robot) 50. To Share (dolphins) :To Possess (sea monster) 51. To Control (frog king) :To Rebel (gargoyle) 52. To Unite (dog soldiers) :To Conquer (war eagles) 3D 53. To Organize (human clerk) :To Disorganize (fu manchu) 54. To Co-operate (robots) :To Individuate (iron horse) 55. To Participate (mermaid) :To Debase (elephant girl) 56. To Expand (mouse RR engr) :To Contract (maniac) 2D 57. To Join (cat people) :To Separate (black cat) 58. To Reproduce (insect invader) :To Infest (Insects) 59. To Satisfy (cavemen) :To Ridicule (moron) 60. To Care For (bird girl) :To Torture (pincer devil) 1D 61. To Experience(Bear) :To Deaden (Kali) 62. To Replenish (old Arab) :To Age (father time) *might be TO SURVIVE 63. To Consume <eat> (Tiger) :To Poison (spider) 64. To Endure (pyramid) :To Dissipate (mummy)
10 June 1990.
Also see "The Treadmill: Crossover Platen" in the following section.
The treadmill was built in the Games universe for use as a punishment for troublemakers. I believe that it was used as part of the procedure for sentencing people to the Motion universe, but this is still under investigation (it might simply have been used on people in the Games universe).
A simplified mockup of each of the 64 penalty universes was used. A universe dramatizing a negative goal was appended to each of the 64 positive penalty universe mockups. The penalty universe crashed the positive goal down to zero which is a point of complete overwhelm and solidity. Then the negative goal is dramatized to unmock everything until you go out the bottom. At the end, you've destroyed everything so that there is no universe left and you get a false native state. This is then made to equal the native state at the top of the next positive goal.
The bottom of the final negative goal was connected to the top of the first positive goal (To Create) so that you just keep going round and round through the cycle of 128 goals. Getting this keyed in seems to give one a spinning sensation.
In the treadmill, the positive goal begins with Platen 1 (just like the original penalty universe). But the symbols etc. are not used. Instead, the implant goes straight into "TO (goal) IS TO POSTULATE BEING THE (terminal)". Then a limited subset of items duplicating the penalty universe are done. But the positive goal ends differently. Once the terminal's body dies, you are allowed to exteriorize from the grave. Once your floating above the grave, then the items in the Crossover Platen are done. This has you abandon the goal and then swings you into the negative goal for the purpose of getting even with everyone etc.
See the crossover platen. Item 4 on this platen is the end of the positive goal. When running it, you should spot the top of the goal (Native State) because BTs and Clusters are sometimes hung up at this point trying to avoid the start of the negative goal.
Crossover item 11 is really many individual items and there may be other items such as wealth, revenge, satisfaction, etc. But you only need to glance at this portion lightly and then spot the negative terminal on item 12.
Originally, I had a lot of trouble spotting the top of the positive goal while handling the negative goal. The entire weight of the positive goal having been collapsed down to zero is sitting on top of the negative goal. But by itself, this was not enough. What really nailed this down was later implants that ran a short series of items on the positive goal and swung it around to the negative goal. This sort of implant was done often, it restimulates abandoning the positive goal (the point of crossover).
The original version of the Hellatrobous Implants, done around 2 to 3 quadrillion years ago during the theta-MEST wars is the heaviest of these later implants. It shows you a scene (in an old style Kansas like environment) with the positive terminal, runs a small number of items against the positive goal, and shifts to the negative goal (the terminal changes to the negative one). This is the "inversion scene" referred to in the crossover platen and described in the master list. Spotting it relieves considerable stress on the positive to negative inversion.
After spotting the inversion scene, you can spot the treadmill implant making you abandon the positive goal. Once you've done this, it should be possible to spot the top of the positive goal from the negative goal.
In the implant, following the crossover platen you become the negative terminal and go around unmocking everything one way or another (depending on the negative goal). Finally everything's gone. This creates a tremendous amount of unreality and loss of havingness. This makes you want to go on to the next goal so that you can have something.
The loss of mass and unreality in the negative goal is probably the reason for low TA. Note that a low TA represents a body that has less electrical resistance than a dead body (see E-meter essentials). This should be impossible. But it happens anyway. Apparently, the mass of the body is not-ised so heavily that it ceases to impede the flow of an electrical current. I have seen the TA drop below 1.0 briefly while going around the dial through 7.0 on an item, and that is such a low resistance level that I see no way of attributing it to some minor effect.
Low TA can come from out-lists. It would make sense for this to be due to restimulating the abandonment of a goal (wrong item given to PC means that the right one is invalidated and abandoned).
Heavy glare-fight level TRs and invalidation of the PC would also seem to be pushing the PC down into the zero point of abandonment and unreality. If a person is mishandled to the point where he wants to get even for real or imagined outrages, the TA probably crashes.
I have noticed the treadmill spinning sensation and feeling of unreality during those times when my TA was really low (generally due to the two reasons above). I did have the TA crash once on seriously mishandling a positive penalty universe goal due to errors in running it. Getting the TA back up required both fixing the errors and also running the crossover platen (because the treadmill had gone into heavy restim).
Note that most errors will not crash the TA even when mis- running a positive penalty universe goal. It probably only occurs on goals that are already heavily submerged and weighted down with later overts (I.E., your already stuck in the inversion on that goal). Even so, it takes mis-running on top of that before the TA will dive on you. Unfortunately, our platens and procedures are not yet perfect so that the materials themselves might occasionally cause an error (this level releases so much free theta that usually you just barrel through things).
With this new insight, we might eventually find some quick way to blow a low TA up into range the way we can handle a high TA most of the time. Past experience has been that once the TA goes low, it is slow to come back up even after the error has been fixed. This is because of the not-isness stemming from the inverted goal which makes it hard for the person to as-is the error and get back on target. There might even be low level techniques such as assessing for what dynamic has been abandoned (or "What has been abandoned" run in the same manner as "What has been overrun" can be used on a high TA). Of course, if it crashed on an error, you have to fix the error first. This is highly experimental since I don't generally have a low TA to try things like this on.
This goal inversion shows us something about society as well. At the top we have a free theta anarchy and positive chaos (i.e., lots of motion and randomity with plenty of as-isness and alter-isness). Sliding downscale, we have more and more rules and restrictions (to protect people etc. - i.e. all the 64 goals sliding down). At zero, we have maximum other determined activity (i.e., total rules with everyone being robots). Then people start sliding over the edge and going into the negative goals to get rid of the rigid controls etc. This is a fast downhill crash into a negative anarchy and chaos (i.e., lots of not-isness and destruction).
From this, we see that there is a both a positive chaos/anarchy and a negative one. The bottom of the scale mimics the top. We are against destructive anarchy. But the right direction is towards a constructive anarchy (creative free beings) rather than towards maximum rules and order. Our society has not yet gone over the brink into destruction. But by constantly legislating more laws, instead of stopping crime, we push more and more people over the edge. So always work in the direction of removing non- essential laws and restoring freedom to the people. You can't pull out all the laws at once (people are too low to reach the high scale anarchy and so will slide into the low scale one instead), but you can follow a gradient of increasing freedom and less barriers.
Early in researching this, I tried to run the native state item on these negative goals and got into trouble. It is at the very end of the negative goal run. As part of the research, I then put together an approximation of the entire end of the negative goal implant. This should not be run. But it can be examined (without fitting a goal into it) to blow charge on how the negative goal was made to swing around into the next positive goal. So I'm including the platen here.
Do Not Run This With A Negative Goal Item. It is at the very end of the negative goal run and will restimulate the weight of both the positive goal being caved in and the negative goal crashing downscale below that. Run the Crossover platen instead (that is the start of the negative goal).
This is only included here to show how the negative goal was swung around into the next positive goal in the series.
1. To (goal) is to withdraw
2. To (goal) is for there to be NO ....value, meaning, beauty, truth, love, communication, reality, space, mass,
time, energy, agreements, postulates (these are 13 separate items).
3. Before the beginning, now and forever, is the urge and the urge is to (goal)
4. To (goal) is for there to be no beginning.
5. To (goal) is the urge toward nothingness.
6. To (goal) is to be the static
7. To (goal) is Native State.
8. There is nothing.
9. There is no Time.
10. There is no Space.
11. There is no Energy.
12. There is no Matter.
13. To be nothing is native state.
14. To (next positive goal) is native state.
(and at this point comes platen 1 for the next lower positive goal)
10 June 1990
This platen covers the items used in the treadmill at the point where the positive goal is abandoned and the negative goal comes into action. For more information, see the write-up on the Treadmill. At this point in the incident, your floating up above the grave containing the dead body of the terminal.
1. TO (positive goal) IS TO REGRET EVER HAVING (pos. goal-ed)
2. TO (pos. goal) IS TO ABANDON THE GOAL OF (pos. goal).
3. TO ABANDON (pos. goal) IS TO SURVIVE.
4. TO ABANDON (pos. goal) IS TO FORGET EVER HAVING (pos goal-ed)
(* Spot the top (native state) of platen 1).
8. YOU CHOOSE TO (negative goal).
10. TO (negative goal) IS THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE.
12. TO (negative goal) IS TO BE THE (negative terminal). (at this point the negative terminal appears).
Then Spot the following:
a. The inversion scene (used in later implants)
b. The implant making you abandon the positive goal
c. The top of the positive goal (native state)
d. The action of the negative terminal in doing the goal.
e. The Incident 2 location
f. The Pyramid Location
g. The "This means and end to" statement said by the terminal.
h. The Survival statement said by the negative terminal.
i. Repeat steps a to c.. The action of the negative terminal in doing the goal.
After this comes the main section of the negative implant. You run around as the negative terminal, destroying and unmocking stuff until nothing is left, and then it ends with the reverse platen described earlier.
30 March 1990
This preliminary version is included here primarily as background information. There are probably a few errors or missing datums or other things that need to be run first that have not yet been identified. Sometimes I have run this with great gains, but other times it has gotten me into trouble. Try to delay running this as long as possible and be sure to get as much charge as you can off of the goal first (running the penalty universe, 10 way compel, overts of dramatizing the general goal against others, etc.). However, if one of these is really sitting there to be run and refuses to be bypassed, this is the best we have for now. I hope that we will come up with an improved platen eventually.
This occurs while going down a "tube" with rings on the way from the energy universe (thetan as an energy unit) to the conflicts universe (i.e. the MEST universe). Each ring installs a GPM. The date may be around 2.5 Quadrillion (I get 2468 trillion specifically for myself). This seems to be the implant (or part of the implant) used to exile people from the thought or energy universe to the conflicts universe.
The GPM goals derive from the penalty universes starting from To Create and running down to To Endure.
There are 5 valences. These are the Terminal, the opterm, the encouraging terminal (wants goal, enforces goal, acts as 3rd party), the inhibiting terminal (doesn't want goal, discourages goal, you constantly justify the goal and your overts to this terminal - it makes the overts stick), and the victim who suffers unjustly. Note that you don't mind committing the overt against the opterm. It seems appropriate. But then you do it to the victim as well and regret it deeply.
In the GPM, the goal will have an explicitly stated target (as in "to sing Christmas carols"), a desired effect (as in "and have everyone hum along"), and an overt to be done if the effect is not achieved (i.e. a goal modifier, "or else I'll stuff them all down the garbage disposal").
The GPM is only a short run of "This Means" symbols which explain the valences and what's supposed to happen followed by a few splitter items and an energy wave to enforce a 5 way split so that you become all 5 valences hidden from yourself. Your primed and all ready for the actual enactment of the sequence, but it doesn't happen. Instead your back in the tube and get the next GPM. In the end your dumped into the conflicts universe and begin enacting these goal dramas yourself. These are actual GPMs, you make them happen, you do the story itself based on these patterns. You choose the specific details of the drama and so its your own overts and mockup etc. Except that it isn't really your own idea because you're following this implanted pattern.
In the conflicts universe, your main activity is to run around out of sight in these 5 split identities and try to line up with 4 other people on the same goal. You try to be the terminal, but you end up as any of the 5 depending on circumstances. As you enact these, you have a sub-identity injected into each of the other 4 valences and you are infected by a sub-identity of each of the other 4 players which holds you in the specific valence and contributes to the motion. Early in the conflicts universe, this was very precise. Later, it gets all jumbled up and nothing lines up with anyone else, but you still have 5 hidden viewpoints per goal running around and making trouble and trying to restart these dramas. You do create your own opposition, and most of your theta horsepower is tied up in doing this right now in PT. However, nothing is aligned anymore and with hundreds of these all working at cross purposes, the end result is usually a balance of forces that keeps things solid and hard to change by postulate.
While running these, I have found a few occasions where one of these was dramatized (poorly and incompletely) in this and other recent lives. You can find yourself, before a bad incident, going around as one of these split valences and getting into somebody who lines up with the goal and you pushing them telepathically to take on a role.
Late in the conflicts universe, people who knew some of this stuff would try to finesse a situation. I was a prison ship guard once and had this pulled on me. One person mocked up the opterm valence for a goal they could see me reacting on and the other played the encouraging terminal. They got me into the terminal valence, let me beat up the "opterm" and then pushed me into selecting the ship's captain as the victim. When the mutiny was over, they were in good shape.
The "This Means" items are 3 dimensional pictures similar in nature to the ones at the top of the penalty universes (but the content is different). This stirred up the top of the penalty universes (unlike most implants which stir up the bottom) and left you at tone 40 ready to dive into a goal. The net result was to produce a super high toned powerful maniac who was very very abberated but also very dangerous. It was a big mistake on the part of the thetans remaining in the energy universe because the convicts eventually came back up and invaded, using bodies and dramatizing their GPMs and kicking everything to pieces.
Run the penalty universe (and maybe also the 10 way compulsion for the goal?) before running this. It is best to have a specific platen with the 5 valences and the meaningness items for the goal. If you don't, you can list for the target, desired effect, overt, terminal, inhibiting terminal, encouraging terminal, opterm, and victim and then construct the meaningness items (including the picture that goes with them).
I have had some problems with the pictures on these items. They all seem to be very European/American style human mockups. I doubted this and then found that I could find Arabic mockups if I thought of myself as an Arab or Bear people mockups if I thought of myself as one of those etc. I came up with a few theories on this and tried experiments but did not get good results. The pictures are there and need to be run (I tried skipping the pictures as being dub-in on a run and turned on a fantastic state of depression until I went back in session and ran them). They should be run as appearing in whatever mockups are most real to you. The mutability of these pictures means that you may have to list for a better representation of the valences (i.e. where I might get a prize fighter, you might get a kung-fu master etc.). Because of their mutablility, I suspect that these are not really pictures but something else. Maybe a 4th dimensional equivalent where the same scene shifts through different body types as you look along the 4th axis. But it seems to run well using any 3D slice.
The following platen is approximately correct, but may vary slightly from goal to goal and might also have some slight errors in the later items (often most or all of the charge blows by item 15)
5 Way Opposition GPM Platen - general items
1. To (goal) (target) and (desired effect on others) or I'll (overt).
2. This Means (to do goal)
3. This Means (desired effect)
4. This Means (overt) (picture shows it being done to the opterm)
5. This Means Encouragement (picture shows encouragement terminal)
6. This Means Discouragement (picture shows discouraging terminal)
7. This Means Opposition (picture of opterm)
8. This Means Regret (picture of you doing the overt to the victim).
9. This Means You (picture of the terminal)
(the following items, 10 to 14, are the key part of the implant and later I found I could handle the implant with these 5 items alone if I used "point to the being you divided from" after each of these items. That might solve all the problems I had when I was first running this - Aug 1996).
10. To (goal) is to be the (discourage term) and discourage myself from (overt) and never let myself know that I'm doing this.
11. To (goal) is to be the (encourage term) and encourage myself to (overt) and never let myself know that I'm doing this.
12. To (goal) is to be the (opterm) and oppose myself (goal-ing) and never let myself know that I'm doing this.
13. To (goal) is to be the (victim) and suffer unjustly and never let myself know that I'm doing this.
14. To (goal) is to be the (terminal) and (do goal) and never let myself know that I'm doing this.
The next set of items are each done in parallel in 5 locations, one for each valence. I.E., the thought hits you and occurs separately in each of 5 places at the same time. Rather than going immediately into item 15, I have gotten better results by doing a 5 way spotting drill at this point. The drill is to take each valence one at a time and spot each of the 4 other valences from that viewpoint. I.E., you conceive that you are the terminal and spot the opterm, spot the encouraging terminal, spot the discouraging terminal, and then spot the victim. Then you conceive that you are the opterm etc. A cloud of BTs might appear when you do one of these spotting steps. If so, just hold the valence and start acknowledging and blowing the BTs. You can run through the spotting steps a second time if a lot is coming off on it. After doing this, you should be able to spot item 15 in all 5 places simultaneously and this is usually enough to blow the GPM. After it blows, skip to the final step.
The 5 locations are like the blades of a 5 bladed fan surrounding a center location that you can't occupy.
15. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and hide from myself forever.
16. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and inspire myself forever.
17. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and compel myself to re-enact this forever.
18. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and go around unknown to myself and compel others to re-enact this drama with me. (this might be 2 items ?)
19. At this point you are hit by a mass containing the emotion of detestation and distrust concurrent with the following item: To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and as each one, detest being all of the others.
20. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and as each one, know that my viewpoint is the best (compared to the others).
21. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and deny responsibility for doing this, forever.
22. To (goal) is to be split into 5 parts and never let myself know what I'm doing (splitter energy impacts at this point - spot the impact).
23. To (goal) is to be divided 5 ways against myself and hide my actions from myself as I mock this all up.
24. To (goal) is to be divided 5 ways against myself and never really know what is happening.
25. (an energy implosion occurs at each of the 5 points and each collapses and disappears from view leaving a vacuum (hollow spot) in its place).
26. To (goal) is to forget that this ever happened.
After running this, find times you dramatized it and spot your overts on the others and also spot being in the other viewpoints and contributing to the motion. Check if there is a dramatization in this lifetime and find which valence and do this spotting action on it as well.
Since I've only run a small percentage of these, I'll only list the ones I've found without listing all of the penalty goals.
Note that the body type listed with the goal is the one from the penalty universes. It is not used in the 5 way GPM, but is included to help spot the original penalty universe which first used the same goal.
Dynamic 16 (Creation)
1. TO CREATE (Statue)
GPM: To create chaos and overwhelm others or I'll blow them all up; valences=God; Satan; Priest; Virgin; Soothsayer.
3. TO MOCK UP (Computer)
GPM: To mock up intricate ornamentations & have them praised or I'll cut out their guts. valences = Artisan(craftsman);scientist;fishmonger;policeman;
(Energy Cloud) GPM: To intensify passion and have everyone desire me or I'll corrode (burn) them (with acid) forever;
valences: sexy girl (lab assistant)/scientist/lover(reporter) /secretary/father.
4. TO IMAGINE (Cartoon Mouse)
GPM: To imagine fine stories and have them appreciated or I'll strangle everyone. valences: writer/cynical father/actor/critic/publisher.
Dynamic 15 Knowledge / Understanding
6. To Understand (chipmunk)
GPM: To understand secrets & make others tell (obey?) (? have others recognize my power?) or I'll stab them
all. valences: detective/criminal/police captain/ businessman/ prostitute.
8. TO LEARN (Gnome)
GPM: To learn the nature of the universe and be supported or I'll overwhelm them all. valences: Scientist/preacher/teacher/wife/stupid
Dynamic 14: Games
11. To Compete (Coach / team leader)
GPM: To compete at boxing & have the people cheer or I'll beat them all up. Valences: Boxer/Newspaperman/manager/lover/businessman.
Dynamic 13: CHANGE
15. TO CHANGE (Magician)
GPM: (5 way): To change peoples nature and have them all be happy about this or I"ll strike them all blind.
valences: term=poet / opterm = priest / encourage = prostitute /inhibit = politician / victim = scientist.
16. TO BRING ORDER (Gorilla People)
GPM: To bring order to society & be supported in this or I'll torture (burn?) their flesh. Valences: Lawmaker/
Criminal/ Merchant/ Priestess/ Nurse.
Dynamic 12: Reason
19. TO GUIDE (Pilot)
GPM: To guide settlers and have them respect me or I'll burn it all down; valences=scout; wagonleader; salesman(trader);
lover (frontier girl); little girl.
20. To Compute (toy bodies)
GPM: To compute reasons & have everyone be amazed or I'll enslave them all. valences: doll (little green man)/
stupid person/teacher/policeman? (guardian of people?)/?
Dynamic 11 (Construction)
GPM: To construct spiral staircases and have them admired or I'll trap them all. valences: carpenter/scornful person/salesman/art critic/sexy girl.
24. To Structure (Crystals)
GPM: To structure reality and be worshipped as a god or I'll destroy them all. valences: Savior/Priest/Prostitute/General/Temple
27. To Inspire (muses)
GPM: To inspire love and receive affinity and faithfulness or I'll whip them all. valences: ?
Dynamic 9 (Ethics)
Dynamic 8 (religion)
33. To Enlighten (or to preach) (rabbit preacher)
GPM: To preach goodness and keep them from sin or else I'll torture them. valences: ? / sinner/ruler/conqueror/?
34. To convert (reptile/fish person)
GPM: To convert unbelievers and make them honest(?) or I'll implant them to believe valences: priest/scoffer/messenger(of
Dynamic 7 (spirits)
40. To Embody (Pan - goat god)
GPM: To embody concepts ?
Dynamic 6 (physical)
42. To Energize (thought circle)
GPM: To energize physical universe processes and have everyone enjoy using them or I'll terrify everyone forever.
Dynamic 5 (life)
45. To grow (Genetic entity)
GPM: To grow flowers and have them make people feel good or I'll sacrifice them all. Valences: Priestess / Policeman
/ carpenter / mother / priest.
46. To discover (centaurs)
GPM: To discover truth.
47. To heal (Tree Man)
GPM: To heal illness and receive the peoples gratitude or I'll make their bodies rot away. Valences = healer /
Priest / Politician / Policeman / Priestess.
Dynamic 4 (society)
51. To Unite (dog soldiers)
GPM: To unite the workers in building wondrous projects or I'll t trick them all into slavery forever. Valences:
Engineer / ? / politician / ? / ?
Dynamic 3 (groups)
54. To Co-operate (robots)
GPM: To get people to co-operate in maintaining society & become famous for doing this or I'll betray everyone.
valences: Policeman/criminal/lawmaker/priest/prostitute.
55. To Participate (mermaid)
GPM: To participate in dancing and be admired for my beauty of form or else I'll cut their hearts out. valences
= dancer, critic, father, innocent girl, lover
56. To Expand (mouse people - railroad engineers) GPM: To expand knowledge and be admired for my genius or I'll blow them all up. Valences= scientist/priest/ psychiatrist /girl/ ruler.
Dynamic 2 (sex/family)
57. To Reproduce (insect people)
GPM: To reproduce fine books and have the quality admired or I'll inject them all with insanity (i.e. a crazy making
drug). valences: Scribe (scholar) / Peasant/ Scientist (professor)/ Wife(lover)/ Carpenter.
58. To Satisfy (cavemen)
GPM: To satisfy conventions & be respected or I'll poison them all. valences: girl/old woman/father/lover/publisher
59. To Join (cat people)
GPM: To join people together & have them be thankful for my help or I'll throw things at them. valences: Prophet/businessman/
priest/lawmaker/ inventor.
60. To care for (birdgirl)
GPM: To care for children & keep them safe & be loved for it or I'll claw everyone's eyes out.
Dynamic 1 (body)
61. To Feel (bear)
GPM: To feel alive and gain everyone's agreement or I'll drive them all crazy. Valences: Athlete/Lawmaker/Coach/Lawyer/Professor
62. To replenish (old Arab)
GPM: To replenish the wildlife & be praised for restoring the planet, or I'll take it all away from them. Valences:
ecologist/businessman /housewife /politician/ priest.
63. To Eat (tiger)
GPM: To eat people & gain strength from their souls or I'll rend their souls forever. valences: cannibal/enemies/lover/
64. To Endure (pyramid)
GPM: To endure existence & be left alone or I'll enslave them all. valences: carpenter/juvenile delinquent/wife/
After the positive goals, this continues with the negative goals in reverse order. I only ran a few of these.
Inv. 59. To Separate. (black cat)
GPM: To separate people from groups & be praised for helping them or I'll leave forever. valences Messiah/ruler/ruler's
mistress/ general/ slave girl.
Inv 58: To Ridicule (Moron)
IGPM: To ridicule social conventions & have everyone amused by this or I'll hide forever. Valences: Publisher
/ father/ lover/ girl/ old woman.
Inv. 54. To Individuate (Iron Horse)
IGPM: To get people to individuate from groups which exploit them & have them feel good that I did this or
I'll shoot myself. valences: Prostitute/priest/criminal/lawmaker/policeman.
Inv 48. To Rot (fungus creature)
Inv. GPM: To rot other's minds and make them suggestible or I'll dissipate myself. Valences = salesman /professor
/ politician / judge / girl.
Inv. 29. To Pervert (Satyr)
GPM: To pervert little children and have all the parents fear me or I'll hang myself forever. valences: pornographer/judge(moralist)/publisher/parents/little
Inv. 16. To Bring Chaos (black panther)
IGPM: To bring chaos & overwhelm everybody or I'll hide myself away forever. Valences: Black Priest/ Criminal?
Lawmaker? Prostitute? Temple virgin.
Inv 4: To Disillusion (vampire)
IGPM: To disillusion writers and force society to accept my judgment or I'll bash my head in. valences: critic/writer/father/publisher/actor
Inv. 3X. To Drain (Black Vortex):
IGPM: To drain emotion and make everyone apathetic or I'll dissipate myself/others forever.
Inv. 1: To Destroy (Devil Statue)
IGPM: To destroy all of creation and be worshipped or I'll uncreate myself/others forever. valences: Devil/God/Worshipers/Artisan/Virgin.
This is a maze of "pictures" that lead one to the next rather than a physical maze. These are a bit like the computer adventure games where you have to find your way from one room or scene to the next one. But these "pictures" are realities, and they are usually different realities from one to the next.
You might be in a jungle and there is a rock cliff with a cave, and if you go in it, you will be on a yacht, or there is a bullseye painted on a tree and if you dive into that, you will be on the roof of a tall building in a city. And if you do neither, a tiger comes out and eats you and that leads to a medieval dungeon.
These could be very interesting and distracting and you could get lost in one for years. Various exciting things happen in the scenes. Will'o'Whisp show up to lead you around or monsters chase you or whatever.
This was entertainment back in the home universe and games universe.
But later on the track, these things got nastier and eventually started being used like implants, to abberate someone who was tossed or lured into them. We could call these things "implant mazes".
An implant maze is characterized by being heavily restimulative and tricking you into making bad postulates. Usually you needed to make some negative postulate to get out, or you "learned" from the mechanics of the game that some sick and degrading idea was correct. The "Service Fac Maze" discussed elsewhere is an implant maze, but it is fairly straightforward and doesn't use a lot of force. Many of these were random in laying in various buttons (goals, items, symbols, significances, and whatever) and used heavy force and energy.
Often the implant maze was unsolvable and meant to drive you into apathy on problem solving and games. The maze would change at random. There would be various traps or things that would spin you around etc. Here might be the first use of amusement park mockups and falling and crashes type stuff, but not in any real pattern or sensible sequence. This early on the track, the impacts didn't bother you very much, but these kind of scenes happened fast and the scene keeps repeating over and over until you spot the way into the next scene, so you get anxious about it.
You might be falling off the edge of a cliff and smashing down on the rocks below and it keeps repeating over and over until you spot and grab the tree branch and swing into a cave in the cliff at which point you find yourself on a rollercoaster. And you keep going over the crest and down in this rollercoaster and smashing into a brick wall at the bottom until you notice a small cloud labeled exit which you pass by halfway down. So you reach out and push it on the next run through and the whole maze blows up and pictures and pieces of yourself fly all over the place and you get buttered all over the universe.
These often include mirrors and copies of yourself and misleading visions etc. Sometimes you lose a piece of yourself. This might be by a needle prick, or a wrath grabs part of you, or you must trade part of yourself for something, or you're pulled apart, etc.
Often there were also enjoyable scenes mixed in. Crowds cheering you or cities of gold or exciting sex or whatever. These were used to attract you in and to keep you in enough agreement so that you couldn't exteriorize out of the maze easily.
These implant mazes were used intensively in the motions universe and to some degree in the symbols universe as well. I think that there were a lot of different ones, just like there are many different implants that were used in this universe.
I haven't tried to map any of these or work out detailed platens (except for the service fac maze which is much more structured in its pattern).
Any handling of these is experimental at this time. But if you do dig one up or get it into restim, the following actions should get it to key out.
a) Spot the overt of designing and building these things.
b) Spot the over of tricking or forcing others to go into them.
c) Spot a scene in the maze that you found extremely desirable (if possible, get the scene that you desired most). You can even asses whether it was triumph, excitement, wealth, admiration, love, sex, joy, etc. that stuck you to the maze. Take this scene and copy the picture many times, changing its color, making it nicer or worse alternately, etc. until you can both have the picture or throw it away comfortably. You should feel something let go. If not, then find another even more desirable scene that was in the maze and handle.
d) Check for any pieces of yourself that were left in the maze. For each, have it point to the being it divided from.
Note that to some degree you tended to keep creating the maze after you left it. When you run one that is still charged, you will find that you still have it mocked up somewhere and that's where you're handling and releasing the pieces of yourself that were stuck in it.
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