Copyright 1996
All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.
September 20, 1990
This isn't really expected to work. After all, how would the mailmen feel if we started floating packages to each other cross country. It would put a lot of people out of their jobs and get everybody upset. So let's put aside, for awhile, our intentions of amazing the neighbors and making policemen wrong and drop the idea of actually moving MEST at a distance.
But levitation is a very, very interesting topic and there are a lot of hidden standards built up on it. This makes it a very attractive area for OT drilling because it generates a lot of enthusiasm. It's just the sort of thing to tease one into discarding some pet aberration and expand out a bit further. So the real target of this rundown is not really levitation, which is a minor skill, but rather, it is the restoration of the ability to operate as a being.
We shouldn't concentrate entirely upon case. You will find that in running the penalty universes deeply, sometimes so much blows that you need some sort of OT drills or havingness to expand out into the space that has been freed up. For this we have all the havingness processes, and Creation of Human Ability, and loads of other materials from the 1950s. We also have the levitation drills given here. You can use this rundown occasionally, but don't concentrate on it exclusively. Use other OT drills as well and concentrate on cleaning out the major incidents of the early track (penalty universes etc.) since those aberrations will have to go before you let yourself have very much horsepower.
This write-up contains many things which I believe have a bearing on the matter, but there's probably more yet to be discovered.
-- General Information --
It is expected that when you do levitate an object, it will be easy and effortless. In my few experiences with this, I never noticed any strain or drain of energy. So don't pound away at these drills and work a sweat up on your brow. It doesn't work that way.
What I did observe on a number of occasions, and what I've also heard from others is that it is usually done accidentally, without forethought or consideration. One just forgets for a moment that he's not suppose to and simply moves something. So it has to be primarily a matter of consideration.
Therefore, it would seem that we can skip the problem of having enough energy to levitate an object. But this doesn't mean that we can ignore the subject of energy, because considerations about using energy might still be an inhibiting factor. Note that lifting an ashtray into the air, even if you do it purely by postulate without mocking up any energy, does add potential energy to the Mest universe (the ashtray will fall with a bang if you let go of it).
As a preliminary step to putting together this rundown, I wrote up and examined my own early experiences with levitation in this lifetime. This write-up is included here as background information.
-- Background --
Most of my few early experiences with levitation were one of a kind miraculous happenings that could not be repeated or experimented with. However, there was an exception in the form of Table Tipping seances that my family used to do at home when I was in my teens. In this, a crowd sits around a table (usually a light card table) chanting "Table Up" for many many hours until the table floats up (either tilting or floating completely). This really does work. I even tried it once with two other kids to make sure the adults weren't fooling us. Note that we never had any professional mediums involved in this. It can be done consistently if you persist long enough (but it is a truly long time). We never knew if we were pulling in some spirit between bodies or just getting an unknowing group effect. We would ask the table questions (having it dip once for yes and twice for no), but there was little accuracy to the responses.
I don't particularly recommend this practice (you might be pulling in undesirable spirits, or messing with other undiscovered stuff, and it does little good for your case), but there are a couple things I observed from it.
First, there would not be a single twitch (nothing encouraging whatsoever) for most of the time spent chanting. In other words, we would be 90% there and nothing would be happening. Once we got the first true twitch, there would be only a few minutes of twitching and then the table would rise cleanly into the air in a very precise manner with no shaking or wavering at all. If anyone raised one finger off the table, it would drop like a stone. Sometimes one of us would be around but not in the seance. In that case, we would often have them go over and try to push down on the table. When I tried this, it felt like pushing down on a float in the water. It took considerable force to get it down by an inch or two.
Also, there was an oddness to the feel of the energy, and the feel of the table, and the way it moved. It did not seem at all like someone invisible was lifting it or like it was being moved by mechanical means. It also didn't have the snap of a strong magnetic field, but it did have some similarities to motions induced by light electrostatic charges in lab experiments I did in school. Since nobody's hair stood on end, it would not actually have been electrostatic, but the similarity implies an energy field of some sort. My impression is that a field permeated the table and moved it rather than some beam coming down and pulling it up. One could feel a faint energy flow through one's hands to the table and a bit of attraction between the table and the hands (you had to forcefully pull your hand off to break contact).
From this, I would conclude that although it might be possible to lift an ashtray with an energy beam, it might be easier to permeate the ashtray and move it upwards that way.
Another conclusion is that there will not be a twitch until your 90% of the way there. This is not good for auditing. Let's say that right now, you can grab an ashtray theta-wise and lift 5%. Then you do some drills and you come upscale to lifting 20%. But the ashtray doesn't even twitch, so you invalidate the gain and drop back down to 5% where you were before.
I think this happens constantly whenever anyone tries to levitate things. You could get up to an 80% level and still see no results and simply invalidate it all. It's very hard to drill things which are "impossible" because you don't get enough wins and because the universe is continually proving to you that your not getting anywhere.
I don't think that the weight or size of the object makes any difference unless you pick something bigger than you can move with your hands (which brings in additional considerations of inability). I think that when your at the 20% level, you become cause over 20% of the is-ness of a match or an ashtray or a 20 pound weight. Therefore, it doesn't help to use a lighter object. It might actually be harder if the object is too light because it might lower your havingness. So work with objects that have some weight to them rather than with scraps of paper etc.
Also, I don't think you'll see any effects on a weighing scale until your up at the 90% level because the object is in a MEST frame of reference and agreeing with that and behaving properly until you get so much cause over it that you can override that.
TR8 uses a nice trick to get around this. By having you move the ashtray, you get wins and increase your causation. My experience is that when this is done well, you begin to feel like your moving the ashtray by postulate and only keeping in a physical comm line with your hand rather than moving it via the body. All by itself, this might be a 40 or 50% level of causation. You should have enough sense not to invalidate this kind of win even though it doesn't quite go far enough to actually get the object into the air.
The other Scientology process in this area is the levitation drill given in the Doctorate Course. In this drill, you exteriorize and put a beam on your finger and lift the finger with it. Occasionally you vary this by doing mockups of levitating. Once this is working well, you go on to moving the hand and the arm etc. See the tapes on this.
My experience with the PDC levitation drill is that the body's muscles conveniently offset the normal drag of gravity even when relaxed. In other words, if you physically keep the finger totally relaxed (and don't use your muscles to move it or hold it still), it is almost weightless as far as levitating it is concerned. As long as you only try natural motions (which are possible to the body), this condition is present and you can work a beam on the body and move it quite easily.
By itself, this will not get you to the point of floating the body into the air. In this drill, the body is still carrying it's own weight for the most part. But you can very distinctly move a body part with what seems to be only about the 20% level of causation. This gives you some wins and lets you observe how to use a beam and gives you a chance to orient the beam in the right way (rather than reverse vector) etc. Also, you will find that you can feel a comfortable flow of energy in the body part when you do this, it helps with healing etc. It actually makes the body feel quite good, possibly because it is reducing slightly the constant 100% struggle against gravity.
At one time I drilled this extensively and got quite good at it. Then I played around with other people, putting beams on their hands and having them put beams on mine. This works if the person will relax their hand completely and let the other person be in control. When someone put a beam on my hand, it felt quite pleasant and the pull was very slight. I could let my hand go along with it and be moved around, but I was still carrying most of the weight of the hand. If two people take turns moving each others hands around this way, they can see that the other person's hand does go where they want it to without their telling the other person. This validates the fact that they are having some effect even though they are far from the point where they could move it against the other person's will or carry a dead weight against the force of gravity.
Another observation concerns two instances where I did move an object without thinking about it. In one case I pushed a pack of cigarettes and in the other I turned off a burner on the stove. In both cases I was not looking at the object when my attention jumped to it and I got a very clear, very close (within a few inches) exterior view (full color, very real) of the object and just gave it a push without thinking. One of these incidents occurred on a session break while running old OT6, the other one occurred a few weeks after getting power processing.
It would seem that the most important targets would be factors which raise the PC's willingness to levitate, and which improve his reach and responsibility, and the removal of stops which might prevent his doing this. These would be more important than trying to increase the horsepower of his energy beams or something like that. These rare occurrences of moving an object tend to indicate that one is already strong enough energy wise to handle small objects so that lack of horsepower would not be the right why.
Additional theory will be included with the processes in the rundown below.
-- Levitation Rundown - Instructions --
The entire rundown should be repeated many times, but not in quick succession. Do a single run from the preliminary step down to the end (including a number of passes through the later steps as indicated) as a major action. Later, when it seems appropriate, repeat the entire rundown.
The general idea is to do these processes lightly, validate the first win that occurs on a process, and go on to the next step. Don't Q & A with the physical universe or worry about physical objects not moving. Don't keep testing whether you can levitate, using it as a hidden standard to evaluate your gains. You will need to make lots and lots of earth shattering gains and wins on this before something will even twitch. If you decide that you are cause over the object, then you are, even if it doesn't move. Don't believe what the universe says, believe yourself instead. The universe is out to fool you and keep everything in its place.
If you get invalidated or start feeling that it's all impossible, look for an entity (BT, PME, CE, etc.) who is invalidating and handle with the appropriate technique.
In general, letters are used to designate individual commands which are run alternately within a single process whereas numbers are used to designate processes.
This rundown is meant to be done solo only. An auditor can't say verbal commands fast enough to get good results on most OT drills or mockup processes. Also, these techniques are experimental and might well be out gradient or dangerous if pushed too hard at the PC by an auditor. Running solo adds the extra protection factor of working fully under your own causation.
It is expected that you can exteriorize easily and do mockup processing without trouble. If not, SOP 8C or similar rundowns would be a better starting point. Note that all references to SOP 8C refer to the OT rundown (formulas 1 to 8) rather than the opening procedure (see Creation of Human Ability).
2. Levitation Rundown - Preliminary Step
This section primarily contains subjective processes. Some of them may go to major EPs which might have to be rehabbed rather than run some more on a subsequent pass.
In theory, these should generally be 4 flow (quad) processes, but in many cases it did not seem appropriate. The processes of the mid-1950s used brackets (multiple flows) often but not always, so I have used that kind of approach here, adding flows anytime it seemed right but not being rigorous about it. If you feel that an additional flow needs to be run for a particular process, or you get some BPC on a missing flow, feel free to add another flow to the process.
For this preliminary step, get an FN before starting (fly a rud or whatever).
2.1 Ruds on Levitation
Fly the ARCX, PTP, MWH, Eval, and Inval ruds on levitation.
Also check for any entities (BTs, etc.) with an ARCX, PTP, or MWH on levitation and handle with the appropriate techniques. Note, don't work this to death, just get the easy ones. There are plenty of processes in this rundown that will clean up these areas more thoroughly.
2.2 Levitation Straightwire
Each of these commands should be run a number of times to an FN or a win as you would do with self analysis questions. You can work over the list a second time if necessary. The whole thing should go to a nice EP. If you do get in trouble, use the next to the last list of self analysis.
a1) Recall a time when you enjoyed levitating something
a2) Recall a time you enjoyed someone else levitating something.
a3) Recall a time another enjoyed others levitating things
b1) Recall a time when you disliked levitating something
b2) Recall a time you disliked it when another levitated something
b3) Recall a time another disliked it when others levitated
c1) Recall a time you levitated something because it was important to do so
c2) Recall a time you felt it was important for another to levitate
c3) Recall a time another felt it was important for others to levitate
d1) Recall a time you levitated something to create a good effect
d2) Recall a time you felt it created a good effect for another to levitate
d3) Recall a time another felt it created a good effect for others to levitate
e1) Recall a time you could levitate something and choose not to.
e2) Recall a time another could levitate something and choose not to.
e3) Recall a time others could levitate something and choose not to.
f1) Recall a time you levitated something and it improved communication.
f2) Recall a time another levitated something and it improved communication.
f3) Recall a time others levitated something and it improved communication.
g1) Recall a time you levitated something and it increased affinity.
g2) Recall a time another levitated something and it increased affinity.
g3) Recall a time others levitated something and it increased affinity.
h1) Recall a time you levitated something and it was really real.
h2) Recall a time another levitated something and it was really real.
h3) Recall a time others levitated something and it was really real.
2.3 Decisions
Now lets get off some more considerations and decisions on the area.
2.2.1 Recall some decisions you've made about levitating.
2.2.2 Recall some decisions another has made about levitating.
2.2.3 Recall some decisions others have made about levitating.
2.2.4 Write down some bad effects you could create by levitating.
2.2.5 Write down some good effects you could create by levitating.
2.2.6 Write down some games it would spoil if you levitated.
2.2.7 Write down some new games you could have if you levitated.
2.4 Havingness
Walk around and physically touch and let go of objects in the room.
2.5 Help
He's probably restraining himself from levitating because he's been convinced that not doing it is a way to help out other people. We need to run off the considerations of helping by not doing it and then run the earlier part which would be helping by doing it.
2.5.1 How could you help another by not levitating.
2.5.2 How could another help you by not levitating
2.5.3 How could another help others by not levitating.
2.5.4 How could another help themselves by not levitating.
2.5.5 How could you help yourself by not levitating.
2.5.6 How could you help another by levitating.
2.5.7 How could another help you by levitating
2.5.8 How could another help others by levitating.
2.5.9 How could another help themselves by levitating.
2.5.10 How could you help yourself by levitating.
2.6 Problems and Solutions
2.6.1 a) Spot a problem that not levitating would solve.
b) how would that be a solution?
2.6.2 a) Spot a problem that another or others might solve by not levitating.
b) How would that be a solution?
2.6.3 a) Spot a problem that you might solve by preventing others from levitating.
b) How would that be a solution?
2.6.4 Spot a problem that you might solve for others by not levitating.
b) how would that be a solution?
2.7 Problems and Resistance
Theory: To have a PTP, the PC must be resisting the other side and feeding it energy by doing so. I worked this into a command that works like dynamite. It can be applied to other areas besides levitation.
Run command b) a number of times for each answer to command a).
a) Spot a problem that you could have with levitation.
b) What would you have to resist to make that a problem.
a) Spot a problem that another could have with levitation.
b) What would he or she have to resist to make that a problem.
a) Spot a problem that others could have with levitation.
b) What would they have to resist to make that a problem.
2.8 Problems of comparable magnitude
Since levitating might handle too many of your existing problems for you to tolerate, run the following:
2.8.1 Spot some problems of comparable magnitude to being unable to levitate.
2.8.2 Spot some problems that others would consider to be of comparable magnitude to being unable to levitate.
2.9 Connectedness
2.9.1 Spot objects in the room that you would be willing to connect with.
2.9.2 Spot objects in the room that you would be willing to make connect with you.
2.10 Invalidation
This is simply the inval rudiment done on the subject of levitation. However, the area is prone to self-invalidation, so we'll extend it out to 6 flows. Run these with ITSA, earlier similar ITSA just like a general inval rud.
2.10.1 On levitation, have you invalidated yourself.
2.10.2 On levitation, has another or others invalidated themselves.
2.10.3 On Levitation, have you been invalidated by another.
2.10.4 On levitation, have you invalidated another.
2.10.5 On levitation, has another invalidated others.
2.10.6 On levitation, have you gotten another or others to invalidate themselves.
2.11 Resistance
2.11.1 Spot objects in the room and into each one put a resistance to being levitated.
2.11.2 Spot objects in the room and into each one put a willingness to be levitated.
2.12 Prepcheck
This stirs up too much charge without providing enough of an ITSA line. Of all the processes in this rundown, this is the only one that bogged down when I tried it (I wrote up the entire rundown as a sort of CSing action for myself before I ran it, although I had come up with and tried some of the individual processes earlier). I could probably run it now easily (after doing the entire rundown once), so maybe it belongs here for a second pass. Or if you have an auditor available, you might have him run it on you. Just skip it if you're running solo.
Run the prepcheck buttons "On Levitation". Take each reading E/S to an FN. As was done with the ruds, we're just going for the easy stuff and expecting the other processes to pick up more rather than running these buttons endlessly.
The buttons are: Suppressed, Careful of, Didn't reveal, Not-ised, Suggested, Mistake been made, protested, anxious about, decided, Withdrawn from, Reached, Ignored, Stated, Helped, Altered, Revealed, Asserted, and Agreed (with).
2.13 Cause and Blame.
This is from the 3rd ACC. Run a few commands of a), then a few commands of b), then back to a) etc.
a) Spot objects in the room and have each one look up and grant you cause.
b) Spot objects in the room and have each one look up and blame you.
2.14 Overts
Overts are a big reason for restraining oneself.
On each of these processes, spot an overt, then clear it using the appropriate buttons (as in an overt rudiment) including going earlier similar if necessary, then go back to the main question and spot another overt etc. Take the main question to a big cog, FN, VGIs. (this is a modernized version of prepchecking by the withhold system).
2.14.1 Spot an overt of harming something by levitating.
2.14.2 Spot overts of preventing others from levitating.
2.14.3 Spot times when you regretted having levitated something. If necessary, scan the incident backwards. Spot the overt and handle.
2.14.4 Spot times that you were justified in stopping others from levitating. Write down the justifiers. Check for an earlier overt and handle (either an overt against the terminal you stopped, or a similar overt of your own, especially if you think you were really justified in stopping them).
2.15 Validating Inability
If the PC is not levitating, he's probably getting paid not to.
2.15.1 How could you validate someone for not levitating?
2.15.2 How could another validate you for not levitating?
2.15.3 How could others validate others for not levitating?
2.16 Overts and solutions
People levitating causes so much trouble that we have worked very hard to prevent it. After getting some charge off of the declining spiral that results from the positive-negative goal inversion in the treadmill, it occurred to me that we're doing ourselves in by trying to solve the problem of others committing overts. Hence, this process. It should also be workable for other areas besides levitation.
2.16.1 flow 1
a) Write down an overt you could commit against another or others by levitating.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.
2.16.2 flow 2
a) Write down an overt another could commit against you by levitating.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.
2.16.3 flow 3
a) Write down an overt another could commit against others by levitating.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.
2.16.4 flow 0.
a) Write down an overt you could commit against yourself by levitating.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.
2.17 Reach and withdraw
2.17.1 Spot objects in the room. For each one, mentally reach and let go of it 3 times.
2.18 Postulates
2.18.1 Recall some postulates you have made about levitation.
2.18.2 Recall some postulates another has made about levitating.
2.18.3 Recall some postulates others have made about levitating.
2.18.4 Recall some postulates you have made about another or others doing levitation.
2.19 Valences
There are probably one or more valences which you consider are capable of levitating but which you are unwilling to be. We'll clean this up with the SOP8D "safe" command (see Creation of Human Ability).
2.19.1 a) Spot someone who should be prevented from levitating
This is not intended as a listing question. Whenever you get an answer that reads well, generalize the terminal (if not already in a general form) and run the following repetitively:
b) Spot some places where (terminal) would be safe.
2.20 Right/Wrong
There might be some old service facs. connected with the area. I don't know of a good way to list for these, but we can try some possibilities and see if they read.
Test each of the following pairs of questions for a read. If you get a read on one of the questions in a pair, then run it (alternating), otherwise don't.
a) How could you make yourself right by not levitating.
b) How could you make others wrong by not levitating.
a) How could you make yourself right by preventing levitation.
b) How could you make others wrong by preventing levitation.
2.21 Willingness Processing
One of the reasons you stop yourself from levitating is because you don't want others to do it and also because your afraid of things flying around out of control etc.
Your not going to be willing to levitate unless your willing to have others do it as well. So we're going to improve your willingness in this area. To avoid running in the direction of a no games condition, this has to be alternated with a "willingness for self" type command.
a) Look around and find an object you'd be willing to move.
b) look around and find an object you'd be willing for another to move.
a) Look around and find an object you'd be willing to move.
b) look around and find an object you'd be willing for a spirit to move.
a) Look around and find an object you'd be willing to move.
b) look around and find an object you'd be willing for a BT to move.
a) Look around and find an object you'd be willing to move.
b) look around and find an object you'd be willing to have move by itself.
3. Advanced Processes (Space etc.)
3.1 Exteriorization
This is the great exteriorization process of 1953. It is especially good in that it raises perception (especially when run while already exterior) and can be used many times.
3.1.1 Spot some places where you are not.
3.2 Negative Locational
Everyone probably has loads of automatic machinery all over the place that's moving things and holding them still etc. See the general theory of SOP 8C and additional data in the 2nd and 3rd ACCs.
3.2.1 Spot some places where you don't have to levitate
3.2.2 Spot some places where another doesn't have to levitate
3.2.3 Spot some objects you don't have to levitate.
3.2.4 Spot some objects another doesn't have to levitate.
3.2.5 Spot some people you don't have to stop from levitating things.
3.2.6 Spot some people another doesn't have to stop from levitating things.
3.2.7 Spot some objects you don't have to hold still.
3.2.8 Spot some objects another doesn't have to hold still.
3.3 Must Not Touch
3.3.1 Spot objects in the room and as you spot them, have each one say "Mustn't Touch".
3.3.2 Spot objects in the room and as you spot them, you say to them "Mustn't Touch".
3.3.3 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and as you do so, have the walls yell "Mustn't Touch" at you.
3.3.4 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and as you do so, you yell "Mustn't Touch" at the walls.
3.4 Overts on Mest
Agreed upon universes are shared by other people. Although you might say that Mest feels no pain and can't be hurt, you can still commit an overt by running the stuff. Think of a nice lake with children and ducks and plants and things, maybe even a sailing club and some guardian spirits etc. In other words, this lake, which is basically part of the 6th dynamic, is pro-survival to a whole load of other dynamics. Now you come along and commit an overt against the water, fouling it up or something. Its basically an overt of messing up the playing field. This sort of thing makes you restrain yourself from reaching and controlling Mest.
One of the earliest overts, perhaps the basic overt, in the home universe era was messing up the environment of a shared universe. Maybe you didn't like something in it and zapped it just as if it was your own private universe. This gets the other users, who might have liked the mockup you zapped, a bit upset. The penalty universes were built to solve this sort of behavior (obviously, it didn't work).
So we'll need to clean up overts against the 6th dynamic to free up our ability to reach and handle it.
The first group of processes is based on R2-61 in C of HA.
a) Spot a spot where you decided to protect Mest.
b) Spot a spot in the room.
a) Spot a spot where you decide that you'd messed up the space.
b) Spot a spot in the room.
a) Spot a spot where you decided that you'd ruined some object.
b) Spot a spot in the room.
a) Spot a spot where you decided that you'd misused some energy.
b) spot a spot in the room.
a) Spot a spot where you decided that you'd messed up the future of an area.
b) spot a spot in the room.
3.5 O/W on Mest
Same theory as 3.12 above.
a) What have you done to an environment
b) What have you withheld from an environment
a) What has another done to an environment
b) What has another withheld from an environment
a) What have others done to an environment
b) What have others withheld from an environment
3.6 O/J on Mest
Same theory as 3.12 above.
a) What have you done to objects
b) how have you justified that
a) What have you done to energies
b) how have you justified that
a) What have you done to spaces
b) how have you justified that
a) What have you done to the future of an environment
b) how have you justified that.
3.7 Cause O/W on Mest
a) what could you cause to happen to an object.
b) What could you hold back from doing to an object.
a) What could another cause to happen to an object
b) What could another hold back from doing to an object
a) What could you cause to happen to an energy
b) What could you hold back from doing to an energy.
a) What could another cause to happen to an energy
b) What could another hold back from doing to an energy.
a) What could you cause to happen to a space
b) What could you hold back from doing to a space.
a) What could another cause to happen to a space
b) What could another hold back from doing to a space.
a) What could you postulate into an object's future
b) What could you withhold from postulating into an object's future.
a) What could another postulate into an object's future
b) What could another hold back from postulating into an object's future.
3.8 Consequences
Levitating things might have some consequences.
3.8.1 Write down some ways in which it might affect society if people could levitate.
3.8.2 Mockup nonsense type consequences that could result from people levitating (i.e. it might make everyone turn blue etc.). Roll each mockup into a ball and shove it into the walls.
3.9 Objects
Based on SOP 8C formula 5 and 3rd ACC lecture 57 of 2/5/54.
First, Exteriorize if you can.
3.9.1 Spot some objects which are not shooting at you.
3.9.2 Spot some objects which are not coming in at you
3.9.3 Spot some objects which you're not trying to keep away from other objects.
3.9.4 Spot some objects which you're not trying to get to leave the universe.
3.9.5 Spot some objects which you're not trying to get to appear in the universe.
3.9.6 Spot some objects which you don't need a deed of title to.
3.9.7 Spot some objects which you wouldn't mind looking at if they appeared suddenly.
3.9.8 Spot some objects which, if they appeared suddenly, wouldn't immediately drive you away.
3.9.9 Spot some objects which you wouldn't mind having disappear.
3.9.10 Spot some objects which you wouldn't mind having remain in your space.
3.10 Horrible Consequences
If you really did move an object, something dreadful would probably happen and you'd be sorry you did it. So, deep down, you make sure that you don't break the rules and get in trouble. After all, alarm bells might go off or the universe might unravel etc. So let's run out these horrible consequences that your anticipating.
3.10.1 a) What horrible thing might happen if you levitated an object?
Note down the answers. If an answer reads well, run the following on it, when flat, return to the first question.
b) Put a mock up of the horrible thing happening out in front of you.
c) Make it more solid d) Copy it many times and make the copies more solid.
e) mock up more copies, this time changing the colors and moving things around in the mockup etc.
f) Start shoving some of these mockups into the body and throwing some away etc. Keep mocking up more and pushing
them around (into the body or throwing away or whatever you want to do with them).
g) continue until you feel great relief or a sudden certainty of causation or total knowingness about the situation.
Then go back to question a.
By the way, the above process works anytime you get the idea that something horrible is going to happen. It let's you blow the silly restimulations that scare you and also runs out real incidents that are getting ready to happen (sitting out there on postulated future track) so that they don't occur. In the rare cases where an upcoming incident refuses to unmock, the process gives you enough certainty and knowingness to sidestep the undesirable event.
3.11 Mockups of Flinching
3.11.1 Spot an object in the room. Mock yourself up as deciding that your going to levitate the object. Mock yourself up as putting a beam on it and then flinching and saying "no way" and unmocking the beam without moving the object. (repeat with many different objects).
3.11.2 Spot an object in the room. Mock someone else up and have them decide that their going to levitate the object. Mock them up as putting a beam on it and then flinching and saying "no way" and unmocking the beam without moving the object. (repeat with many different objects).
Sometimes objects were rigged to explode when you touched them, either as a trap, or as part of an implant to cut your power down.
3.11.3 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and mock it up as exploding.
3.11.4 Spot objects in the room. For each one, mock up somebody else putting a beam on it and having it explode in their face.
3.11.5 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and mock it up as imploding.
3.11.6 Spot objects in the room. For each one, mock up somebody else putting a beam on it and having it implode in their face (the vacuum pulls at them).
3.12 Locational
3.12.1 From where could you levitate an object.
3.12.2 From where could another levitate an object.
3.13 Wasting
3.13.1 Mock up a way to waste the ability to levitate.
3.14 Some more stops
Check each of these for a read. If it does, then do ITSA earlier similar ITSA to FN.
3.14.1 Getting someone to stop levitating your stuff by convincing him that you can only levitate the things that you have created.
3.14.2 Deciding that since you can't levitate, your going to make sure that nobody else can either.
3.14.3 Being ordered to levitate something that you don't want to and getting out of it by proving that you really can't do it.
3.14.4 Being convinced that you shouldn't do it because it sets a bad example for others who would try to do it with poor control and mess things up.
3.15 Remedy of Havingness
Run this on big rectangular blocks of:
1) Glass 2) Wood 3) plastic 4) Steel.
Mockup a copy of the object. Make it as large and massive as possible. Make the copy more and more discreditable until it snaps in. Now mock up lots and lots of copies of this mockup in all directions and have them keep snapping in as long as possible.
Once they wouldn't snap in anymore, then mock up lots more in all directions around the body and push them in. Keep doing it until it feels really good and your havingness is high. Also throw some away. If you can, get big avalanches of lots of copies of the object flowing both into and away from the body. Change the colors occasionally and make the mockups more solid.
Then pick a point to operate from way out in space somewhere. Move to the point and look around. See some stars off in the distance. Now mock up lots more of these discreditable copies of the object and keep pushing them into this operating point from all directions. Be both in the point receiving the mass and pushing the mass in from outside. Occasionally throw some copies away as well.
When you don't give a damn about the mass of the object anymore, make the copy nicer until it either snaps in again or it seems very interesting and worth having. Then go on with the process.
Keep this up until you can easily have or not have extremely beautiful, wonderful, aesthetic copies of the Object.
4. Energy
A bit of cleanup on the subject of energy will also be needed. This is not intended as a complete handling, that would be a full rundown all by itself.
4.1 Ruds
Fly the ARCX, PTP, and MWH Rud "On Using Energy"
4.2 Straightwire
4.2.1 Recall controlling Energy
4.2.2 Recall another controlling energy
4.2.3 Recall others controlling energy
4.3 Prepcheck
Skip this step if you're running solo (see my earlier discussion).
Run the prepcheck buttons "On Energy". Take each reading E/S to FN.
4.4 Starting and stopping energy
Go around the house and start and stop energy flows by turning things on and off. Notice the flow when you turn something on and the no flow when you turn something off. Start with a water faucet where the flow is visible and then do light switches etc. until you feel good about starting and stopping energy flows.
4.5 Overts
Overts are a big reason for restraining oneself.
On each of these processes, spot an overt, then clear it using the appropriate buttons (as in an overt rudiment) including going earlier similar if necessary, then go back to the main question and spot another overt etc. Take the main question to a big cog, FN, VGIs. (this is a modernized version of prepchecking by the withhold system).
4.5.1 Spot an overt of harming something by creating energy.
4.5.2 Spot overts of preventing others from creating energy.
4.5.3 Spot times when you regretted having created some energy. If necessary, scan the incident backwards. Spot the overt and handle.
4.5.4 Spot times that you were justified in stopping others from creating energy. Write down the justifiers. Check for an earlier overt and handle (either an overt against the terminal you stopped, or a similar overt of your own, especially if you think you were really justified in stopping them).
4.6 Locational
4.6.1 Spot some places where energy is not.
4.7 Validating Inability
If the PC is not creating energy, he's probably getting paid not to.
4.7.1 How could you validate someone for not creating energy?
4.7.2 How could another validate you for not creating energy?
4.7.3 How could others validate others for not creating energy?
4.8 Overts and solutions
People creating energy causes so much trouble that we have worked very hard to prevent it.
4.8.1 flow 1
a) Write down an overt you could commit against another or others by creating energy.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.
4.8.2 flow 2
a) Write down an overt another could commit against you by creating energy.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.
4.8.3 flow 3
a) Write down an overt another could commit against others by creating energy.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.
4.8.4 flow 0.
a) Write down an overt you could commit against yourself by creating energy.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.
4.9 Havingness
The two commands are run alternately.
a) Spot some energy in the room.
b) spot some energy outside of the room.
4.10 Valences
There are probably one or more valences which you consider are capable of creating energy but which you are unwilling to be. We'll clean this up with the SOP8D "safe" command (see Creation of Human Ability).
4.10.1 a) Spot someone who should be prevented from creating energy
This is not intended as a listing question. Whenever you get an answer that reads well, generalize the terminal (if not already in a general form) and run the following repetitively:
b) Spot some places where (terminal) would be safe.
4.11 Wasting Energy
The PC probably can't put out a beam because he can't waste or let go of any energy, he needs to hang on to every drop. The following command is based on the Money Process.
4.11.1 Mock up a way to waste energy.
4.12 Some more energy processes
Loosely based on SOP 8C theory.
4.12.1 Spot some places where energy is not.
4.12.2 Spot some energy that is not hitting you right now.
4.12.3 Spot some places where you are not putting energy.
4.12.4 Spot some energy that you could have.
4.12.5 Spot some energy that you could permit to remain where it is.
4.12.6 Spot some energy that you could permit to vanish.
4.12.7 Spot some energy that you could disagree with.
4.12.8 Spot some energy which, if it appeared suddenly, wouldn't immediately drive you away.
4.13 Remedy of Havingness
Run remedy of havingness as given in the last process of section 3 above on large masses of energy (big globules of force) and energy sources like suns.
---- More energy processes ----
(Aug 1996, since doing this rundown, I came up with some more processes on energy and tried them. I have dug them out of my notes and added them here. The best one was the energy beam drill which I have already included in an earlier section of this write-up).
4.14 Ownership
Energy seems to respond better to ownership processing than to havingness because the idea that all the energy belongs to the MEST universe is very deeply ingrained.
a) Spot some energies that you could own
b) Spot some energies that you would be willing for another to own
c) Spot some energies that you would be willing to give to another
d) Spot some energies that you would be willing for another to give to you
e) Spot some energies that you would be willing for another to give to others
Run alternately.
4.15 Putting energy in the walls.
Just putting the idea of heat or cold or electricity or radiation into the walls doesn't work well because these things are really manifestations of particle motion in this universe. So when you do this, ALWAYS mockup the idea of particles in motion in addition to the concept of the energy itself. Until I hit this trick, trying to postulate heat or whatever into the walls had a strong tendency to make me anaten. If you just put the idea of heat in the walls, it causes automatic machinery to mockup the motion for you and that is undesirable in this process.
Push waves of various kinds of energy into walls and objects in all directions, paying special attention to postulating particles in motion which will create these effects. Run this both in the room, and exterior over the city.
Do this for the following types of energy (more can be added):
a) particles in motion
b) heat
c) cold
d) electrical
e) explosive vibrations (lots of tiny explosions making a heavy vibration including sound and shaking)
f) radiation (start with light, then do nuclear as well)
g) gravity (as lots of tiny implosions making a sucking vacuum wave)
4.16 Trio
a) spot some energy you could like
b) spot some energy you would permit to continue
c) spot some energy you would permit to vanish
Run alternately.
4.17 Command Value
Energy waves have been used extensively in implanting, which is one reason we want nothing more to do with it. So lets separate the thoughts from the abberated force.
Spot various energies in the physical universe and mock it up as saying various nonsensical things.
4.18 Positive value
We mistakenly think of energy as destructive.
Look around and find useful or constructive energies. Do this using the body until you feel happy about the existence of energy. Then do it again, exterior, floating over the city and countryside.
---- end of insert -----
This rundown continues in Super Scio #7C
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