Copyright 1996
All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.
2 Dec 90
Thought Pool: A location containing thoughts and ideas and sometimes pictures into which a being may extend his awareness to experience what has been placed therein.
A pool might be created by an individual or a group. It is then made to persist so that it can be viewed. In some cases, the pool is meant to be contributed to (with additional creations) by subsequent viewers.
Thought pools were very popular in the home universe era. There were entertaining ones which were like combination of a museum and a poem and ideas all at once in a structure perceived by permeation. Often they were non-linear and you would slide around between pictures/mockups (in contrast with a story universe where the sequence is meant to be linear).
There is also a special kind of thought pool which is dynamic in nature. These act as communication relay points or cross copy relays which are used to enable a group of beings who are playing together to stay aligned to the same mockups. In this case, the beings generally leave a portion of themselves within the pool. For example, 5 thetans want to play basketball. They need to agree on the court and the ball and their bodies (so they don't accidentally slide through each other) etc. Now if one player throws the ball, all the others have to know that and keep their mockups in the same position or else there might be 5 different balls each going their own way. So they setup a pool and each places a portion of themselves into it while playing. These portions are in physical telepathic contact and cross copy the ball's location etc. so that all will agree on it. In this case, the beings playing would choose to not-know the data that they know within the pool (in the pool they have to know where every molecule is to keep the playing field mocked up) to make the game more interesting (i.e., they might not see where the ball is etc.).
In the home universe matrix, one would push into or pull out of these dynamic pools very freely. among other things, these would be part of the entry point to the various individual universes and one would push a bit of oneself in to them to pick up the cross-copy that kept the universe mocked up. Later on the track, pools that are used to keep universes mocked up became much more compulsive. The central hubs of the universe machines that keep this universe in place (through a perpetual cross-copy) are dynamic thought pools, but they are enmeshed in a much more complicated structure to keep them protected etc. so that people don't fool with them or just pull out of this universe very easily.
Pools which hold one in agreement and cross-copy are not inherently abberative, but they become so when one is in them compulsively.
The really troublesome pools are somatic pools which include pains, sensations, emotions, and attitudes. At basic, this is where somatics come from. Let's say that you bang your fist on the wall. You are just moving a mockup against another mockup. The body mockup is generated by machinery (generally PMEs although you can also put a body there with purely mocked up machinery or even just mock up a body directly). The machinery is programmed to reach back to the appropriate pool to bring up the feeling of banging on the wall.
If the body machinery or template is based on PMEs or is at all infested with BTs, then you have beings present who can go out of PT and remain connected to the pool even after you stop banging the wall. Or they can be restimulated into thinking that you are banging on the wall when your not, as is specified in the Dianetic A=A logic. This results in the psychosomatic pains (as opposed to the PT somatic of feeling it when it really is happening). Running an incident Dianetically pulls them up to PT and causes them to disconnect from the pool. Blowing the BT or PME (or whatever) can also turn off the somatic by removing the being who is holding the connection. Note that you can't get sensations from these pools unless you also have a piece of yourself in them because at basic its always you mocking it up.
You can also knock out a somatic by disconnecting the line to the pool. But note that once the entities in the body connect to the pool, then entities in the pool also connect back to the body, so these connections are not easy to dissolve. Furthermore, at a deep level, you do not want to lose out on feeling things, so you wouldn't completely unmock your connections to these things. But you can temporarily suspend the connections at will when the sensations are not desired. Removing the pool connection is senior to most other handlings in that it can undo PT somatics as well as psychosomatic.
The emotional basic incident set up emotional clouds which are basically pools for each emotion.
There are "reality mirrors" which are basically cross copy pools. They are generally formed by implants. There are some that were setup before incident 2 that use items like "it is not safe to look" and "everything is in you and you cannot look at yourself so you must see yourself in a mirror". These reality mirrors are things you look into instead of looking directly at reality. It is pretty hard to manipulate MEST universe stuff if your seeing a reflection of it and trying to levitate the reflection (like trying to levitate something that is on a TV screen image rather than the object itself, if you could get a beam on it, you would only move the entire TV set).
There are abberative pools such as the Pools of suffering used in the Magic and Motions universes. These were build based on some absurd ideas that everyone had to suffer but you could have someone else suffer for you. The "Gods" that were around in those days were pretty abberated and miserable but still had considerable power. Magicians would hook up with these "gods" and would get favors in exchange for doing some suffering for the god (who would think that this would make him feel better). Each magician would have a quota. Instead of doing it themselves, they in turn would gather apprentices and have them do the suffering for the god (and a bit for the magicians too since they also believed this garbage). They would set up a pool of suffering and each apprentice would have to put a piece of himself in it to suffer on behalf of the god etc.
There are many other abberative pools as well. There are also implants which make beings serve in these pools or put pieces of themselves in these pools. You'll probably find that you have quite a few pieces of yourself stuck in various pools as well as having impingement of various sorts come in from connections to pools. You'll want to run all this out as well as become causative about your connections to universe cross-copy pools and somatic pools.
Techniques for handling pools:
1. Spot the formation of the pool. If needed, you can spot which universe it was formed in. Also spot the common somatic of the pool (if there is one) or what the pool does.
2. If a somatic turns on, then check for defenders who are protecting the pool and handle (see below).
3. Handle the entities (generally PMEs) who are holding the pool together (see below). Note that often they will only loosen up on being handled and wouldn't blow until the pool comes apart.
4. Then check if there is a more basic pool underlying the current one and handle the same way.
If necessary, you can handle other beings in the pool as well, but usually it will all come apart once you've handled all the ones that are holding the basic pool together.
Pool entities can be handled as follows (other PME techniques sometimes also work and might even be needed occasionally. Sometimes defenders might need to be handled with CE techniques).
a) Spot being put into the pool.
b) Spot the first time you were made to serve in a pool. (remaining steps only if necessary)
c) spot making others serve in a pool.
d) Spot others making others serve in a pool.
e) point to the being you divided from.
f) If not yet blow, then ask who are you. (if necessary, spot To Create is Native State or spot building the agreements
I ran this without step e above because I hadn't figured out the point to process at that time. This improved version should be faster and easier.
Note, often the first time they served in a pool was in the games universe. Often, this first pool is a sort of universe machine with "To create effects ..." type items. Although there are earlier pools (including the group postulation of the penalty universes), this is the first time that beings were implanted to fully split and have the split pieces pushed into the pools (rather than simply extending a bit of your beingness into a pool temporarily).
Once the pool comes apart, you may see lots of beings zipping around. Give them a little time to blow before running something else. Also, you can give them acknowledgments. If any beings hang, use "who are you" on them. Also check for copies.
Often you handle a pool and it comes apart even though there is a more basic pool. In this case, the more basic one might start sending in replacements. So if the pool seems to show up again or somatics persist etc., check if the is a more basic pool replacing the one that blew.
Historical note: In the HCL lectures, Ron mentions that there were nice thought pools around in Home Universe. Aside from this, I know of no references or definitions in his materials.
In History of Man and the tapes of 1952, Ron discusses the thetan living in "spirals", going through stages of being a "young" and then an "old" thetan and then dying and then beginning a new spiral. This usage of "spiral" came from the idea that the thetan was on a declining spiral and each of these young to old periods represented one turn around the spiral.
These turns around the spiral appear to be the lifespan of a theta body which the thetan has his energy, machinery, pictures, etc. wrapped up in. To the best that I can determine, there are a number of layers of these things and they to some degree mimic the later series of universes that we have come through. In metaphysics they also have some idea of levels of spiritual bodies with the astral body being the lowest.
Of special significance is the "energy" or "theta" body which goes back to what I refer to as the "thought" or "theta" universe which is 3 universes back. This is where the person thought that he was an energy production unit and this theta body is a simple cloud or sphere characterized by having an energy level and an energy production capability. At that time, the thetan believed himself to be one of the "thought" people in conflict with the meat body people who were breaking out of the conflicts universe and invading. This body type has much of his identity and also his energy production capability tied up with it. And because it is in agreement with energy, it slowly decays (grows old).
But it was not actually a pure energy body because energy (at least on the later track) requires particles in motion. The actual structure was more like a cloud of golden specs constantly dancing around, and as it ages, these specs slow down and eventually collapse into a condensed point of mass. The thetan's idea when this happens is that he is dead and it ends up as some sort of theta gravesite, usually out in deep space somewhere or at the bottom of a trap. Of course its boring being dead, so he projects out a bit of himself which picks up another theta body, but deep down, he still thinks he's dead and just dreaming about a new life until the new one gets so distracting that he forgets about being dead. But even with this, only his awareness has moved on, he still leaves part of himself and a good bit of his stuff behind in the dead theta body.
Now most of this is pretty speculative, and there's lots of work yet to be done on the subject of processing these theta bodies, but I have found one thing that I am quite confident of, and which is extremely beneficial and workable. And that is to find these points of spiral death and blow entities and split pieces of yourself out of those locations.
And that is actually a good technique for any level of dead body including the meat body. Blowing BTs out of the grave in France where I was buried last lifetime significantly opened up my recall of that lifetime
3 June 1991
Arslycus was a vast and troublesome city in space. Almost anyone who was in this galaxy a few hundred million years ago has had some involvement with it.
LRH References: HCL-22 5203Cxx How to audit a theta line HCL-27 5203Cxx How to search for incidents on the track PDC-(one of the early lectures, I forget which one) Individual Track Map ( old tech Vol 1 p 238) uses arslycus as an example.
There is only a small amount of LRH data on this. I believe that the date of 1 trillion years ago + given in the track map example is incorrect.
Arslycus implanted people to make slaves. They used false track implants, between lives implants, and body in pawn mechanisms.
They stripped the entire population from both this and the next inward spiral arm of the galaxy. That's probably around 500,000 inhabited planets. Eventually they bumped into the borders of the Galactic Empire which is in towards the central core of the Galaxy and were finally destroyed.
(Note: at some point, the Galactic Empire was subverted or converted by Hellatrobus, at least for awhile, and might then be termed the Hellatrobian Galactic Empire. Their symbol was the cross. I'm still having trouble sorting all this out. It might have been the war with Arslycus that allowed Hellatrobus to gain power in the Galactic Empire, because Arslycus and Hellatrobus were long term enemies. Hellatrobus used implants to make people good. Arslycus used implants to make slaves. The early Galactic Empire was against using implants until Hellatrobus got their claws into them).
Normal planets are inhabited only on their surface. This is really a 2 dimensional area with only slight use of height etc. A space city with total artificial control of gravity and energies is capable of building in 3 dimensions.
If you imagine the Earth spread out flat, and then additional earths each supported a few hundred feet apart to a height of 8000 miles (the diameter of the earth), you will see that a space city hardly larger than the earth could have almost a quarter of a million times the surface area of our planet.
Arslycus was actually much larger than this, being closer to the size of the sun rather than the Earth. These tiny space empires of a few hundred planets like Marcab or Espinol or the old Galactic Confederacy could have their entire populations placed in a corner of a single level of Arslycus. And Arslycus had many thousands of levels.
There was a great deal of space within the city. There were endless little flat planes covered with blocks of suburban homes and skyscrapers hanging at various angles in the air and roads in the sky tying these all together. Light came from some sort of energized glowing white clouds and the sky was blue with air everywhere. They had full control of artificial gravity. You might look across at another building hanging in the air and the people in it might be upside-down relative to you. If you got a short distance away from any of the buildings or surfaces (parks etc.), you were weightless and could swim in the air (or rent wings to flap with etc.).
At the time it was started, around 626 million years ago, it was probably a nice place, but it became very degraded.
At the center, they had a captive black hole, probably formed by imploding a large star, which provided the power to run all of this.
The society eventually became an oppressive cast system, like India. They were crazy on the subject of expansion because that let the older low cast workers move up as new people were brought into the system. Early on you will find planets invited to join and big time politicians making deals to get high ranking positions for themselves from bringing people in. Later on it wasn't so easy to get recruits and Arslycus began sending space fleets against planets to capture their entire populations and make slaves of them.
Arslycus was located in the gap between our spiral arm and the next spiral arm inward towards the center of the galaxy. Astronomy books call these the Orion arm and the Sagittarius arm respectively since your looking down the length of the arm that we are in when you look towards Orion and you are looking towards the next arm inward (and galactic center beyond it) when you look towards Sagittarius.
Since everyone in Arslycus was on a conscious and controlled reincarnation (picking up adult vat grown bodies whenever they were reborn), there were no new souls being born into the system. They tried handling this by levying a slave tax and making people divide themselves to produce a slave being (as was done in the magic kingdom of Giliad which is an earlier similar on this kind of society) but this was not successful and led to a revolt and the practice was stopped. So the population could increase only by bringing in thetans from outside.
Over the course of many millions of years, Arslycus raided both the Orion and Sagittarius spiral arms for slaves. Eventually they captured everybody from the edge of the galaxy inward to the edge of the Galactic core in this quadrant of the galaxy (it was impractical to take over the opposite side of the galaxy although some expeditions were probably made in that area).
At the core, they ran into the Galactic Empire. This is an ancient civilization with vast numbers of planets (hundreds of thousands). Stars are much closer together in the hub of the galaxy and so the comm lines are short enough to allow for a very big society. This is also referred to as the Galactic Confederation (not the same as the Galactic confederacy of Incident 2) since it protects a large number of backwater planets and small empires that are not really part of the empire but are its allies (forming a sort of confederation, much like the British Commonwealth).
Unlike the small Galactic rim empires, the Galactic Empire was large enough to match the population and resources of Arslycus. Although Arslycus had immensely shorter internal comm lines and a tiny defensive perimeter, its population was too heavily implanted and apathetic to fight an evenly matched war so that after a few major battles, Arslycus gave up on any direct attempts to raid the Empire.
So Arslycus became covert. One practice was to launch slave raids against backwater planets that could not defend themselves. They would snatch all the people they could and then flee from empire fleets which would arrive and chase them back to the heavily defended outer perimeter of Arslycus.
Another ploy was to setup traps to capture empire ships. These were like black rifts in space. Ships would disappear into them, be vaporized, and the thetans shipped off to Arslycus. For a long time, the empire thought that this was some natural phenomena and was all concerned about what they thought were some kind of space warps that were appearing and grabbing ships. Yet another practice was to seed between lives pickup mechanisms into the skies above empire planets. These were telepathic projections of things like heavenly gates etc. They were a sort of shallow imitation of the Helatrobus operation. Between lives souls would get suckered into these and be whisked away to Arslycus.
Arslycus put vast amounts of effort into researching earlier track implants for the purposes of getting more and more slaves. It was the true home of the Brainwashing Psychs by which I mean the people who research the mind for the purpose of control rather than freedom. It was a very respected high cast position there.
Eventually the empire got so fed up that it committed all of its resources to the destruction of Arslycus. Even so, it could not wipe out the Arslycian space fleet or do more than minor damage to the city. Among other defenses, there were endless robot controlled "space ships" that were just big frames of girders (like a skyscraper under construction) that could project rays and energy fields and protect the city.
But the black hole was a weak spot. Dead planets were collected in quantity and empire OTs (this is the society that operated on a limited OT basis) drove planet after planet into the hole so that it gained too much mass too quickly. This made the black hold unstable and the Arslycian technicians lost control of it.
The city's power sources blew and the artificial gravity went wild. It all pulled apart and everyone there fell through the sky.
The city might have fallen about 226 million years ago (?).
This incident is used on people when they are first captured by Arslycus and to subdue them again when necessary (i.e., if someone is caught escaping). You can assess for the number of times it was done (I got 43 times). Spot and date the first time.
This incident is a combination of false track and misdating of your own pictures. They badger you for overts and get you to put a picture of one of your overts up on a thought sensitive screen. This is supposed to be a therapy. Later they show you the picture with a wrong date and make you wrong for having done the overt.
This interrogation of the individual to get his overts and put them up on a screen seems to be chronic in the later days of Arslycus. They kept the pictures on file and used them against you later. There are many minor incidents of this sort but the big one is the Guilt implant with its huge dose of false track.
As is usual with false track incidents, they give you lots of pictures of your arriving for the implant and departing from it to make it hard to spot the beginning and the end.
They say that they are going to show you a history of the universe. They show you arriving in the Mest universe in a doll body in a reception room full of angels. There is a big window or picture on the wall which shows the galaxy. They tell you this is what happened in the year zero and that it is 76 Trillion years ago (the correct date for the start of this universe is 86 trillion and the picture is pure fabrication).
These pictures are appearing on a screen with dates running along side of them. As you look at them, you are hit with energy waves and Items come booming out from the walls with sharp electric shocks.
The picture sequence showing you your "existence" in this universe follows the penalty universe goals.
They say that these are your postulates.
The first one is "To Create". The picture is some vague attempt to approximate the 1st penalty universe using doll body forms in this universe.
Note that arslycus didn't like doll bodies. They were a pure meat body culture. So all this false early track shows you as a doll body.
They say that then you failed to create and decided to destroy.
Now they badger you about "what did you destroy". They make you find an incident and put the picture up on the screen. They have some sort of electrical field which gives them the equivalent of a meter read and they use this to make sure that the incident is real. Then they put a wrong date on this incident (to fit their false history of when you postulated "to destroy").
They go on to the next penalty universe goal (to mock up) and do the same thing with it.
All 64 penalty universe goals are done, with false pictures for the positive side, and the overts you dredged up given to you with a wrong date as the negative side of the goal.
Then they tell you what a louse you are and run through the misdated overt pictures again. They tell you how you have to repent and make amends. They tell you that you must agree to do penance for this by working almost as a slave for millions of years.
If you give up a small overt, they ridicule you and make fun of you as well as hitting you with beams until you give up a big overt.
This implant makes you feel guilty, propitiative, and teaches you that its safer to withhold your overts. Badgering sec checks and any kind of ethics action on overts given up in session can key this implant in heavily. And that really bars the road out because you do need to confront your overts to make it, it just doesn't work if its unsafe to do so. Another liability of this implant is that if you spot it halfway, you can get the idea that all of these overts are false track, and they're not, they're just misdated and made solid by the implant.
After this implant, you're put to work.
They get you attached to a segment of brain tissue or something like that which is kept in a jar. This might be the brain of the first body you're given after the guilt implant above. This is used to give you orders and call you back whenever you die. Your regular bodies are vat grown to adulthood and you get one by going through this between lives area.
It's very much like Christian or Buddhist mythology. You die and appear in the judgment hall. There you are badgered for the overts you committed in your last life. Again these are put up on a screen.
Their idea of overts consists of having done a sloppy job one day or of thinking bad thoughts about the government. Almost anything a free being would want to do is an overt. They pile a big ledger of these up against you.
Depending on your attitude etc. the Judge often just sentences you to another lifetime of work and tells you to be good.
If you were really bad (ran away from your job for a week or something like that), they send you to hell. Hell is mostly a false track implant showing you being tortured up on a screen with a false duration of many years. But they end it in a real mockup of hell where you stand around for a few hours breathing in sulfur fumes and feeling thankful that your waiting to be released after all those years.
In the rare cases where your very good, they reward you with some time in heaven and give you a similar false track implant with pictures of you being in paradise followed by a few pleasant hours in the "exit depot" from heaven waiting to be reincarnated.
This between lives experience is actually fairly short so that they could process lots of people through it without using too many administrators and technicians.
This incident also includes lots of duplicate pictures of your arriving and departing and lots of orders to forget this etc. But they didn't want you to forget it completely. They just want it obscured so that you remember it very vaguely (to take the rough edges off of the false track pictures) and feel very respectful about your duties.
This whole thing tends to fall apart as you spot all the false data they used against you.
March 31, 1990
I continued long past EP on Solo Nots. I probably audited as many hours after the EP as I did before it occurred. During this auditing, I ran into quite a few areas that did resolve using Nots techniques. I also ran into a number of areas that did not resolve. For these other areas such as actual GPMs and implant universes, Nots is not the why. These need to be handled with their own rundowns.
Since the areas that did resolve with Nots techniques might be prerequisites to running the new levels, this write-up will describe these so that they can be handled if needed.
The EP of S/NOTS is cause over life. This is simply ceasing to be the effect of BT (Body Thetan) think and being able to do what you want to with BTs. I.E., your just so much bigger than they are and no longer mis-owning pictures, thoughts, etc. and know it with certainty. This includes the ability to blow anything by inspection (not that you don't do this before, but at this point it became THE technique). Also, at this moment, BTs ceased to be the why on the case.
After experiencing this, I went along for about a week knocking out everything still lying around using blow by inspection. This lead to a second much bigger EP. I realized with reality that location was a lie (of course we've all read the axiom, but this is really knowing and seeing it with reality). I went exterior to this universe - like being exterior to the body and reaching in but instead I was out of this (and any other universe) and reaching in to play the game. I don't know if this happens standardly at the end of solo Nots or if it is a wild variable like the way that some people hit theta clear while running Power processing.
This location cog has a strange effect on BT handling. You see, they aren't really located anywhere. Its only that they think they are and it can vary depending on how much they think they're in one place Vs another. They can be in your body or on Acturas or in the space and time of INC 1 depending on what they think, and although they are not cause over this, they move around depending on restimulation. All you have to do is decide that a bunch are in your body and they can be there. Or you can mock up a slight agreement with the middle of Jupiter, and find a whole bunch there.
Once you've had the location cog, it is generally enough to just touch one and he realizes that he's not located, nor was he ever located in the first place and he frees up. One thing that messes this up is to run NOTS processes "locating" BTs. You can still spot where one happens to think he is, but if you push it, or search for one somewhere, you frequently find yourself forcing a BT to occupy that location.
Let's say that one is in a table. You touch him and he realizes he's not there (and never was except by a foolish consideration) and ceases to be there. This happens so fast that you keep trying to locate him. Since you can reach anywhere in space or time in any universe, you can still reach him and the effect is to put him back. This not only lays in a false location but it also invalidates a big cog for the BT. It only takes about 5 minutes of S/NOTS review after the location EP to get you into this mess. With this data, it should only take you a moment to spot enforcing a location and to dust the BT off and send him on his way. Without this data, you could have trouble for years.
Since they do shift around based on consideration, its very easy to shift BTs into the body to have something to run if you continue past EP. This can get really awful if you get run on an audited Nots rundown (e.g. audited on you by someone else) after completing. Between the auditor's intention to find something and your intention to obey his commands and the basic wrong indication of doing more after EP, you end up dragging them into the body from all over the universe. And because this is slightly invalidative, your ability to blow them by inspection gradually deteriorates. The appropriate correction list item would be "Putting them there to run?".
Another thing that happens on continuing past EP is that you can start mocking up BTs that aren't there. You get into doing this by blaming things on them when it is not the correct reason. Then you think there really should be something there when there isn't, so you mock up something. Then, because you are saying that this mockup of yours is somebody else, you have one hell of a time blowing it. So you also need "Mocking up BTs that aren't there?" on the correction lists.
One very interesting effect which might occur is that some BTs copy the cause over life cog and start evangelistically going around freeing others out of trees and flowers and old theta traps etc. This is fine. Sometimes they come back for advice. Unfortunately, if you go long past EP, you begin to invalidate the state yourself. Occasionally, these guys pick that up and also cave in on the inval and frequently collapse back into you in a state of misery that's impossible to resolve unless you spot that this is what happened and rehab their EP.
After EP, there are two other things that fool you and make you think you're not done. The first of these is hidden standards. It is true that the BT cross copy is one of the reasons you can't walk through walls, but it is not the only reason. You also have your own whys for not doing this. Once your no longer the effect of BT considerations, it is foolish to blame your inability in some area on BTs. It is your own responsibility and considerations. To say that the stop is due to a BT is a wrong why. After EP, if you could walk through walls, you would even if a BT is saying no you can't. After all, you can open a door over a BTs protest without a second thought about the matter.
Any inability, physical problem, aberration, or out point can be made worse by BTs. But there is nothing for which the why is always BTs. Anything can also be due to your own postulates and considerations etc. There are other OT levels.
The other thing that fools you is that BTs can be masked by your own aberrations. Lets say you have horrible overts with carving knives (or these knives play a big part in an actual GPM that you can't confront). You might not spot a BT being a carving knife or hiding in a carving knife. It is not that the BT keeps you from perceiving him or is creating a non confront on carving knives. It is your own non-confront. So as you do things that raise your confront, BTs do show up and blow. After EP, they generally blow by inspection unless you have a why that is keeping you from inspecting. After EP, you don't have any non-confront of BTs and can't be fooled by their attempts to hide, block, or obscure things. However, you are still at liberty to non-confront something on your own that happens to contain a BT.
After EP, you can and should continue to handle BTs. Because of the non-confront factor, you can find and blow considerable numbers of them while running other materials that address your own case.
If you have overrun the EP, the above discussion should help you rehab it. You need to dust off your ability and certainty on handling BTs and get rid of any invalidation on it so that you can blow them easily by inspection when they show up on more advanced processing. The blow by inspection ability deteriorates quickly on inval so don't let anything shake your confidence in this area. Clean up the skill and use it and don't let anybody or anything put you into a Q & A about it.
There are a few NOTS phenomena that you should know about just in case you didn't hit these already. For me they turned up on audited NOTs but I had heard about these kinds of things in the HCL lectures. By the way, you should listen to these lectures (The Hubbard College Lectures of early 1952), especially the later ones (History of Man, Theta Bodies, How to audit a Theta line, etc.) for additional information. They contain a great deal of data about entities and "idle spirits" and what they do and how to get them to blow.
During heavy overts, motivators, ARCXs, and other things which cause valence shifts, it often happens that a BT crosses over from one individual to another. This is probably one of the big reasons for a valence shift. The BT winds up connected both to you and to the other terminal and you may spot him in either body (or in the location of the incident or anywhere).
You can also have a BT who's going around influencing others against you. This is one of the mechanisms of pulling things in (but there are others as well - its not all due to BTs).
Probably the phone call business in the Suppressed person rundown works because there is a mutual exchange of BTs during heavy suppression.
There are some things you can do to increase your horsepower in handling BTs. These are beneficial even after EP. These might even be runable by someone on OT3 once Incident 2 has cooled down but perhaps I'm being overly optimistic.
First, if you can run PDC mockup techniques successfully, try mocking up bodies and mocking up BTs in them and then mockup someone blowing them all out by inspection.
Second, run overts connected with the area. This includes implanting and also simply using BTs (or other enslaved beings). for your own gain. This is especially common in magic track. You would throw a BT at someone to compel them to do something or talk to someone's BTs (as in hypnosis) to have a hidden effect on them. Often the magic spells contained items out of implants said in older whole track languages that were no longer understood by the average person which were meant to wake up and command someone's BTs. Real voodoo worked by getting some of the target person's BTs to move into the doll and create a cross-copy between the voodoo doll and the individual's body. It's actually a mild version of bodies in pawn.
There are times when you thought of captive souls as wealth. The old wizards had a motto. It was "Beings are the coin of the universe". It was a very deadly coin and you still bear the scars. Run out the overts and be free.
Implanting somebody with BTs was actually totally ineffective as a control mechanism. They cannot actually create very much of an effect on the person. In this regard, we're quite thick skinned.
Any time you see a really major gain occur from blowing a BT, realize that the BT was restimulating rather than creating the condition. If you look deeper, you will find that the person himself mocked up the aberration or somatic originally and the BT was simply keeping it irritated.
You need to alternate BT handling with handling the PC's own case or else you will get a deterioration of responsibility because the PC will start mocking the BTs up as being cause. In actual fact, the BTs are generally being heavily affected by the PC, he just doesn't realize how much he is kicking them around.
On NOTS one finds out that there are a tremendous number of dormant BTs (in comparison with a very small quantity of active ones). The impression one gets is that there are so many dormant ones because they were overwhelmed by the implants. This is wrong. These guys were overwhelmed by the thetan (e.g. the PC). He keeps them dormant and knocked out.
The person wakes up in the morning and he feels a little sluggish because some BTs started waking up while he was off dreaming, and they are now having a field day messing up the body. The PC just feels a little tired, but he projects some intention and pushes himself out of bed anyway. This tiny push is enough to swamp out hundreds of BTs and knock them back into unconsciousness. Its that easy.
If BTs seem to be making the body sick, you can just bet, dollars to donuts, that the PC has some postulate to be sick buried out of sight somewhere. They just can't do it otherwise.
Most BTs are just fragments of beings. And even when you do get a complete individual operating as a BT, they have zero havingness and almost no awareness. They just can't stand up to the level of intention that a fully aware and alive thetan can project.
The only thing that you can do which can get you in real trouble with BTs is to postulate that they are cause and say that they are responsible for the condition that you are in. Its like finding a moron and handing him a knife and then spending a few hours coaxing him into stabbing you with it.
You will find that there are BTs stuck back in the time and place of major implants. These are not actually located in the body, they really stayed back there (which is different from BTs who came forward in the body and only have the old implant in restim). You will find that they have lines reaching out from the old implant down to the body. Usually they will be stuck up near the top of the incident. Generally they wound up that way because they hit a point in the implant where they were unwilling to continue on and tried to reverse time and go backwards. That got them stuck. They stayed located in that spot and refused to agree with any subsequent forward progress in time (i.e., not-is-ness) and kept the early part of the implant mocked up. But they had earlier implants to stay attached to the Theta being who was going through the implant, so they still have a line attached to him.
I originally found these by tracing down lines connected to the body (there are many reasons for these lines). However, its easier to run these simply by checking over an old implant and scanning it for BTs. If you do it that way, you don't have the problem of tracing the line or figuring out which implant it is. Generally these will blow easily by having them spot the first item of the implant or the first moment of impact or by spotting being pushed into the implant. Often they will simply leave on being spotted or acknowledged or on being granted a little beingness.
For implants done in this universe, Incident 1 is an undercut. The platens of OT2 cover a large number of the heavy electronic implants of this universe. You will find that the dates in the OT2 materials are also correct in addition to the combined use of all of these in Incident 2. These implants are recorded on memory crystals and sold by Implant dealers for use on unruly populations. Often you will find that the Implant dealers will first go around acting as third parties and agent provocateurs to create civil unrest and then will make a big profit on the sale of the devices to a paranoid king or emperor. In the case of Incident 2, the Confederacy simply bought everything in the catalogue. So you can find each implant individually at many different dates and in many different societies in addition to finding all of them in the R6 portion of Incident 2. By the way, don't be afraid of memory crystals in general. They are simply the space opera equivalent of computer chips and recording tape.
You can also find some stuck in the clearing course materials. These predate Incident 1 (they occur in an earlier universe). If they don't blow on inspection, acknowledgment, or granting of beingness, have them spot the first item of the CC or have them spot being at the top of the spiral staircase immediately prior to the first run of CC (each spiral contained a run).
This technique applies in general when dealing with BTs stuck in implants of whatever sort. Normally you blow by inspection. If that doesn't handle, then blow by having them spot the first moment of the incident. Your knowledge of the anatomy of the track can help here, but if you don't know, just have them spot the beginning and earlier beginnings or the beginnings of an earlier similar incident. The solo NOTs "what are you" technique also works but they are often being an item in the implant and this makes for difficult listing and should be avoided (wrong wording of an implant item can kick other things into restim). You can use "Who are you" with good results if they have been loosened up enough to give a "Me" answer without listing valences. Use your judgment on this. Always use "Who are you" on partial blows.
You can also find a pile of BTs and Clusters back at each point of "Spiral Death". These are times when you "died" as a thetan. They are the bottoms of the "spirals" mentioned in History of Man. There will be some moment when you were in really bad shape and then you were really smashed badly by something and just plain gave up as a being. The whole "theta body" (really an energy body) that you were using at the time collapses in on itself and "dies" and your consideration is that you have died as a being. Generally you leave a piece of yourself behind at this point along with a mass of energy and facsimiles and mental machinery. Some of the BTs and clusters that were stuck to you at that time will stay there as well but will continue to keep a line connecting them to you. You are also connected by the piece of yourself that you leave there and also by your own considerations (you will have some idea that you never left). Generally you only have to blow off the BTs and Clusters. The Nots techniques work well here or you can run them back to the joiner or cluster forming incident. After these are gone, the split off portion of yourself generally rejoins naturally and you feel a bit bigger. If this doesn't happen and if (and only if) you get a feeling of still being stuck there, then first try for BTs/Clusters. If that's not it, run a little regret off of the death and look for overts prior to it. These splits are easier to run than most splitter incidents because they were formed by simple force (which is easy to confront after Clear). (if you do have any trouble, use "point to the being you divided from - Aug 1996).
Bodies in Pawn are more difficult to handle. Again there will be lines running from the current body to the one in Pawn. There will be a large number of BTs and Clusters holding these lines both in the current body holding the one in pawn and in the pawned body holding the current body. Often they are mixed up as to exactly which body they are in. After you've blown them all, you'll find that you also left a piece of yourself in the other body. Generally there will be an implant where you were made to divide yourself and be in 2 positions. In each position (you are usually standing beside yourself) they implant you with opposing goals so that you detest yourself in the other position. This keeps you from recombining the viewpoints even though your running both sides. One side goes into the body in pawn and holds you connected. Usually there is a phrase about leaving your real self behind when you are sent from there to Earth (or where ever). Try to blow this simply by spotting the lie. Also, try spotting the earlier beginning (see Before Earth in History of Man) and try spotting earlier overts you did do and overts you were falsely accused of just prior to the incident. Also check for the overt of doing this to somebody else. If all else fails and if you are still troubled by the body in pawn, you can list out the opposing goals, but this can be difficult and should be avoided if possible.
Bodies in pawn are not limited to space opera track in this universe. It was quite common to keep a piece of someone's body in a jar and give it orders on the magic track. Earlier universes also had similar control techniques, not necessarily dependent on having a piece of someone's body since bodies were not as important early on. The trick can be worked using anything that will get a being to leave a bit of his beingness in a spot where you can give it orders.
You will also find that there are monitor, suppresser, and control BTs focused down at you from a distance. These may be in invader installations or whatever. They also have lines running down into your space and they try to block OT abilities. Often they get active when you try to do the drills in Creation of Human Ability Route 1 or the drills on the old OT 5 and 6. If you've done these, you should check back and discover release points where you did gain an ability and had it immediately blocked by a suppresser BT. Often these BTs are in some sort of implant station that has long since been destroyed. For example, in the distant past there was a large orbital station around Venus. Its long gone, but the BTs are still there going around in orbit and keeping a vague mockup of the station in place. An unsuspecting being can wander in there and get hit with an implant right now in PT. Implant machines are partially made of MEST (computer circuitry and energy waves etc.) and partially made of implanted beings who intend the items telepathically. These unfortunate beings are "manufactured" into the machines by implant salesmen (after they have gotten a civilization to smash its citizens, the salesmen will kindly help clean up and take the ruined remnants of beings off to their factories).
You can go quite far with these techniques, but once you start getting into earlier universes, eventually you'll run into entire universes built as implants. Although these same principles will continue to apply, the implant universes are much more complex. You shouldn't be afraid of bumping into them and you can knock a few BTs out of them without getting into trouble. But don't fool with them too much until you get all the data.
The above information on handing bodies in pawn and suppresser BTs focused on you from a distance etc. explains the occasional big cave in that some people have following a manifestation of OT abilities. They begin to wake up as a being and manipulate the universe and then they're sick and they feel that the space invaders or magicians or whatever are after them. And to some degree, it's true. It is beside the point whether or not the MEST of some old body in pawn or implant station or whatever is still around or not. There is a theta remnant in these things that can activate in PT and give the guy trouble unless he knows enough to handle it. Just blow the BTs and clean up any pieces of yourself that you left behind and the trouble will turn off.
This section is only intended as an entertaining interlude.
There are 3 famous science fiction stories about BT-like entities who control us and feed on our emotions. These stories all have the idea that the entities themselves block our ability to see them (which has some truth to it, I didn't see active BTs as sparks until I had done a good bit of Nots, and these sparks are visible to the naked eye and you will see one entering or leaving somebody occasionally). They also include the idea that if you find out about them while you're still under their control, they will make you kill yourself (which does not seem to be the case). Furthermore, they include the idea that if somebody were to get rid of these entities, other people who still had them would be influenced to hate the person who had gotten rid of them.
Except for the bit about them blocking perception, all these ideas seem to be false. But they make for very interesting reading.
The ideas trace back to Charles Fort, who came to the conclusion that we are cattle, owned and milked (for emotion or energy) by hidden beings.
The first and most famous of these stories is "Sinister Barrier" by Eric Frank Russell. If I remember correctly, it was written in the late 1930s during Russell's Fortean period (he also did a short story about continents in the sky, and a powerful but outdated novel about Earth the prison planet called "Dreadful Sanctuary"). Russell calls them Vitrons and has them hovering over the person's head. The book opens with people who discover this being forced to commit suicide.
This novel was well known to Ron and may partially explain why he put such fantastic cautions on dealing with these things. Its amusing to note that at the end of the original version of "Dianetics the Evolution of a Science" which appeared in the May 1950 Astounding Science Fiction, there were an extra few paragraphs where he mentions Russell's book. It was something to the effect that Russell was right in saying that there was a sinister barrier, but the barrier was not from some outside agency, it was in men's own minds.
The next of the famous ones (there are certainly other stories in this vein) is Colin Wilson's "The Mind Parasites". Again the story opens with suicides, and the hero manages to overcome the impulse when he realizes it is coming from an outside source. Eventually a team of people who managed to free themselves from this influence discover that these entities were blocking OT abilities and begin mastering telekinesis etc. The same author is also famous for his writings in the field of metaphysics. The science fiction movie "Lifeforce" was based on one of his stories.
The third one is "Noplegarth" by Jack Vance. His entities are called "Noples" and anyone who doesn't have a Nople can see them riding on other people's shoulders. The interesting twist in his story is that when people finally become free of their Noples, they can now be grabbed and taken over telepathically by an even worse being who lives on a far planet.
All of these are well written and quite entertaining. And reading stories is a good way to try out ideas and consider them in the abstract without getting your own fears and personal considerations mixed up into it.
(I wrote this long before I found the "point to the being you divided from" process which makes handling split pieces easy. The techniques given here are the earlier ones which only worked sporadically. The later write-up on "divide and conquer" takes precedence over this one. This write-up is included here to provide more background information and as a record of research. - August 1996).
Aug 15, 1990
In earlier technology, we only addressed one side of the mechanism whereby a thetan infests and abberates another. The concern has been completely aimed at clearing the thetan of the influences of other theta units such as the BTs and Clusters discovered on OT3 and the PMEs, CEs, and other entities covered in these writings. But in truth, there are 2 sides to every coin and the thetan himself is actually fragmented and secretly running split off pieces of himself which are busily abberating other people. In other words, he can find that he is being a BT on many other human beings walking around here on Earth and elsewhere. We will call these fragments Split Viewpoints (SVs).
Before we talk further about SVs, let's take a look at the sane behavior underlying this phenomena.
There are 3 ways to endow something with life. First, you can animate it with unaware thought, second, you can go over and animate it yourself, or third, you can divide into two individuals and have one of you animate it.
It is easy to place a thought in something. You can actually build quite complex constructions of programmed thought which will do all sorts of interesting things even to the degree where someone else is fooled into believing that they are looking at a real thetan. A good example of this is a computer. The programmer's labor long and hard postulating a complex pattern of thought which often appears to act in an intelligent and independent manner, but this thought is not aware of being aware and is not creative in the fullest sense of the word. Look inside a computer sometime, there's lots of thought but no thetan unless someone has shoved in a BT to screw up the works.
You are also capable of being in two places at once. Really, your not located anyway, so you could operate from all positions in this universe simultaneously. You can put little bits of your intention/attention units in all sorts of places and do lots of things from these positions and have quite a good time doing this. Sometimes you do this and hide it from yourself to have interesting game conditions and surprises etc. In its pure form, there's nothing very abberated about this.
A thetan can also divide into two individuals. In this case, both have the same earlier track, but they each go their own way thereafter. Ron mentions this very briefly in the HCL lectures and in the 5th ACC. My own research finds that there were only a small number of individuals (10,000 or so) present at the beginning of the Home Universe era. The trillions who are here now all trace back to those few early beings.
If this all begins with a "Static" which can duplicate itself, then it makes sense that the individuals later on the track can still do this trick. I can imagine that one could postulate a "new soul" that had no track or experience, but such a being would be a full god without the basis for agreement to connect to this sequence of universes, so he simply wouldn't be here. The only way you'd get someone in here would be to let him share the track which leads here, and that means that at the moment of division, you are both the same. Then each of you hurry's up and gets different real fast.
Note that once divided, these true individuals do not merge together again. There would be no purpose in it. You wouldn't choose to terminate one of the two theta lines because each is interesting and adds to the game. Also note that early on the track, this is not abberative. Later on, we find mild aberrations because of considerations of havingness and limited ability to create, but generally you handled this is some sensible manner. Usually, when you divided you had some good reason and a sensible plan. For example, you were very interested in continuing to operate where you were but also heard of something very interesting to do elsewhere and decided to become two so that both could be experienced to their fullest.
There might also be some sort of paired reproduction of thetans in a 2D like manner, but I have no awareness or data on this right now. It would seem possible because there are a few vague comments by Ron about the basic thetan being two rather than one in the HCL lectures and in the 3rd ACC. If so, then it is conceivable that two thetans could each produce a half which would merge together into an individual. The resulting individual would obviously have to have a full track back to native state, but it might be a dual track. I don't think that this will make any difference in processing (he can still spot and handle early track), so the question doesn't need to be settled at this time.
And so we have the 3 mechanisms in their sane form. He can put some thought (which is not aware of being aware) over there, or he can operate from a viewpoint over there (except its not over there, its just one of many locations he owns and operates from), or he can divide and one of him goes over there. This is the sanity that underlies a vast sphere of aberration.
We will refer to this entire class of theta units as split viewpoints (SVs). Generally, this is an abberated partial split that is not quite a totally separate individual. The PC can discover that he is being each of his many fragments (SVs) but he makes a point of not-knowing about this from his primary theta line where he is maintaining himself as a unique individual.
Mostly he's 90 percent unconscious in each of his split viewpoints, but he does have a least a small amount of awareness and intelligence there. Often you will find an SV where he has a great cheerful glee at abberating himself and others.
The PC generally has deep and strong considerations that memory is locational and will only use the memories in a particular operating location that were acquired in that location. He doesn't let the data cross over. He also will usually insist that responsibility is also location dependent. Himself in position A is not responsible for what he did in position B. He hangs onto this attitude because he's often committing overts and doesn't want the blame to cross over.
Although most SVs are setup by implants, he also does this himself on purpose. He will push a sneaky little piece of himself into someone else to control them. In this society, you see this often on the 2D.
This does not occur on a simple attempt to handle somebody or in making some postulates etc., it is a real attempt to compel someone by pushing a piece of yourself into their head. I don't think that most people do this very often, but you should at least be able to find a few times where you did in this lifetime. Usually the action is of short duration and you pull out again and dissolve the split, but occasionally you might leave a piece in there permanently. These should all be cleaned up. Also, chains of overts of trying to compel people should be run out.
I think that we will find that rape includes the rapist pushing an SV into the victim (the victim would find it as a BT). We might also find that this generally occurs when an SP drives someone PTS which gives us another explanation for the phone calls on the suppressed person rundown.
You will also find that the pc has sometimes split off a helpful SV. He does this as a defense mechanism. For example, he knows the thought police are going to catch him and so he sends a piece of himself off to hide and come back later to break him out of jail. He makes himself forget this so that the police wouldn't read his mind and find out about it. Sometimes these are clouding his mind or abilities to keep the police from finding out. Usually the need for these is long gone but he never noticed and is still keeping things from himself.
The thetan has frequently been implanted to split into pieces from which he is ordered to emit various compulsions at himself and others. A significant version of this is the "compel" item derived off of each penalty universe (covered in another write-up).
In an early version of this, he simply puts pieces of himself into a big pool representing "Eternity" from where he sends compulsions at himself. Later implants make him fragment and place him in various locations around himself and others emitting these compulsions. His fragments appear like BTs to other people.
The compulsion SVs will be covered in more detail in a separate write-up.
This implant has him divide into 5 valences for each of these "Actual GPMs" and try to push himself, as each of these valences, into other people for the purpose of acting out the GPM in life. This is run out with its own platen. See the write-up on the 5 way GPMs.
The PC has often been made to put a piece of himself into a cross copy pool of one kind or another as described in the write-up on Pool Theory. This includes emotion clouds and somatic pools and the big cross copy pools in the universe machinery through which he keeps the universe continually created. He's in these pools along with everyone else. This maintains the physical contact that everyone thinks is needed to maintain a consistent experience of reality and feelings and somatics etc.
One interesting thing that everyone does is to divide after dropping the body and say that only one copy has the earlier identity and memory. This copy is fed into the universe machinery for preservation. The remaining copy (by which we mean you) is supposedly a pure untainted new individual. Of course this doesn't work, but it contributes significantly to forgetting the previous life and pretending that you're someone new.
There are numerous implants that make the individual divide. The usual physical universe technique is to force him to be in two places by use of force (energy waves etc.) and then implant mutually detestable goals into him in the two different locations so that he will keep them separated. He might be implanted to be a policeman and hate crooks in one position and implanted to be a criminal and hate police in the other, so that from each viewpoint, he despises himself in the other valence.
Another common technique is simple trickery and treachery, giving him false data and convincing him to split for his own survival or for the sake of helping others.
Mass implants generally have people divide many ways and become BTs on each other. This is true of incident 2. He didn't simply get infested with BTs, he also became many BTs which were implanted into others.
Double body incidents include dividing and "leaving your real self behind" in the body that is held in pawn.
Sometimes you might have handled a split by running it as a BT, especially when you were running a BT on someone else's body. Sometimes someone else blows a BT which is one of your SVs and you just feel a bit better or have some cognition out of thin air.
The main technique is simply to blow by inspection. You just spot the SV and the division dissolves or you spot the moment in the implant when you divided or you spot the item that did it. Often, spotting the decision to divide will cure it (especially true for volitional splits that weren't forced by an implant).
When one of these dissolves, you don't generally abandon the location or whatever. You just become bigger and can consciously operate from more viewpoints. Note that you're not going to absorb or drain any other individuals. If something is independent enough to go its own way, then it will.
One technique you can use is to simply reassume the viewpoint and responsibility. You can get on the other side of the "valence wall" and run flows or mockups of the wall to dissolve it.
You can also use ordinary BT handling techniques. One thing that works on difficult ones is to assess for the underlying penalty universe goal and either have the SV spot the top or spot the top of it yourself from the SV viewpoint.
Often an SV will also have BTs accumulated around it and copying it. What frequently happens is that the split dissolves immediately on inspection and then a BT copies the split viewpoint and pretends to be you since this is a good way to control you or create an effect or simply because it is interesting.
Because of this, if you need to run something on the SV beyond simply blow by inspection, it is usually best to run it as if it were a BT. This will dissolve splits and restore your ability to occupy the location as yourself while also blowing any copying BTs and allowing anything that has become a separate individual to free up and blow.
Sometimes you will find yourself waking up in a "senior" viewpoint. These may be "oversouls" or whatever and often are in higher universes or in traps of various kinds. Generally your are almost unconscious in these viewpoints but you have the idea that they were the "big" you and your earth existence is the lesser copy. Often, you got out of traps or whatever by leaving yourself behind and extending out a "lesser remote viewpoint". The handling is to clean up machinery etc. (PMEs, CEs, etc.) that is surrounding you in the "higher" viewpoint. Usually the perception of these turns on for a brief while and then fades. Use the opportunity to clean up everything you can get your hands on. You might have to pick up one of these areas a number of times before you get enough of the trap taken apart to free yourself from it completely. Just persist in blowing things and don't Q and A too much about where you are or what's going on. You'll just get dub in until you pull off enough of the surrounding weight.
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