Copyright 1996
All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.
To all intents and purposes, the whole big ruined mess left after the fall of home universe is the games universe vastly expanded with the residue of all of the prior creations. And with the game twisted beyond belief by the introduction of the penalty universe materials and agreements. This is what we referred to as the games universe later on the track. It is the first of the big compulsively agreed- upon universes where we were no longer in full control of the creation of reality.
In spite of all this, you were still a god; But a badly abberated one. You were still immune to force and knew it, but your mockups could be hurt and you were now subject to counter-emotion to some degree because you could really loose something. In the home universe era, this wasn't true. You could always mock something up again and your home universe knew no law but your own.
The body types, styles of mockups, etc. were quite varied in this period. The penalty universes used 64 different body types of which only one was truly human. Older styles such as people manifesting as clouds or whatever were also in use. There was no pattern or organization to the universe similar to the way our galaxy is structured. It was just a hodge-podge of planets, flat-earths, pictures hanging in the sky, or whatever and it all just sort of drifted around. Individuals claimed areas and marked them off by filling the areas with faint light of various colors so that space itself appeared to be a sort of patchwork quilt. The old proponents of the one dimensional creation system also often filled their space with music of some sort or another. These were not sound vibrations but simply a musical telepathic wave that permeated their areas.
The games leaned towards the intellectual side since we were not yet very concerned with force and motion. These included things that could be thought of as godlike equivalents of chess and cards and various strategy games. They also included the old valence game and various other games of one-upmanship where the opponents tried to psych each other out in various ways. Elaborate mockups were often built as prizes, or sometimes a period of service was wagered. There is not as much motion as you might expect because much of the motion was still non-linear (objects in motion might jump the way a knight only touches certain squares in chess without passing through the intermediate points).
The Games Universe goes on for a very long time. Some characters are so bad that you want them out of the game but you have no way of doing this. Everyone thinks this, but of course nobody agrees on who should be thrown out.
Finally a solution is proposed. A lower universe could be built and the undesirables sentenced to it. But a mechanism was needed to fix the convicts up so that they couldn't just pop back up and cause more trouble.
So the remnants of all of the penalty universes were strung together. Remembering the hate and urge to destroy that occurred during the fall of home universe, this is used at the end of each positive goal to attach a negative goal to it. I.E.. the positive (but degrading) penalty universe goals such as the goal to eat were paired with their opposites such as the goal to starve. The negative goal swings the victim around to the next positive goal and makes him go round and round through these penalty goals. This is called the treadmill. With the attachment of the negative goals it became a self perpetuating cycle that is supposed to set the bad guys up to do each other in forever. This is a very popular idea. It is probably the first time after the collapse of home universe that everybody agreed on something.
Needless to say, everyone builds this thing intending it for use on the bad guys rather than themselves, and of course everyone eventually gets tossed in. The treadmill leads the person down into what we came to call the Motion or Motions Universe.
In the Motions Universe, we have the beginning of real sensation as we know it now. These things were suggested in the penalty universes, but they didn't really have a kick until this period. It was probably due, initially, to the spinning sensation that you get from the treadmill (which is very slight the first time you go through it). It was not particularly unpleasant at first and it seemed very interesting, so the games in the Motions Universe tended more towards experiencing sensations and having lots of complex motions.
It was a bit like being in a gigantic three dimensional video arcade. Of course we are talking about a near infinite universe which lasted a long time, so of course you could find just about anything somewhere in it. But the predominant factor was big games of motion and sensation.
There was also more group activity than existed before. The individual was weaker and so he did better playing as part of a team, and group effort was generally needed to build the more elaborate mockups and game playing areas.
And as people became more attached to sensation, it became possible to control and confuse them by hitting them with waves of sensations. And so we have the individual much more at effect than he was previously.
This was the first large universe that was built specifically as a prison to eliminate undesirables. This was the beginning of a pattern that we have followed for the entire series of universes. Since there is no way to kill an immortal spirit, the best way to get rid of him is to exile him to some sort of lower universe built as a prison. Everybody works on building these things and then the game becomes one of tossing people into it and, if you have been tossed in, it becomes a game of escaping.
Usually the implanted conditioning used to force one into the prison universe and keep him there is not very effective at first. One of the key ingredients is making the person forget that there is a higher universe to escape to. Another is to make him forget that he is in prison and distract him with all sorts of interesting things within the prison universe itself. But the individual is pretty tough and shrugs this stuff off after awhile and pops back up to the higher universe.
But as he keeps escaping and getting thrown back in and throwing others in, the conditioning gradual begins to have a stronger effect on him. Also, as the centuries pass, gradually more and more people are in the prison universe at any given time and the game there evolves and becomes more complex and interesting.
And so we have the individual being tossed into the motions universe and playing there for awhile and developing some interest in motion and sensation. And then he remembers that he is in jail and goes back up to the games universe and reestablishes himself there. And then maybe he tosses some other people into the motions universe, either to punish them (because he has reformed and is now an upstanding citizen) or for vengeance (because they threw him in) or just as a joke. Sooner or later, he gets tossed in again himself and gets a bit more attached to motion and sensation and this time when he gets out, he feels something is lacking in the games universe. So he is more willing to go back to jail again and eventually might stay in the Motions Universe by choice.
There are always a few people who remain at the top, and who stay in power and remain out of jail. These are the winners of the game in the higher universe, so to speak. Gradually the Games Universe empties out and all but these last few wind up down in the Motions Universe. But without enough people, the Games Universe becomes uninteresting. Furthermore, it is difficult to keep a large and elaborate universe properly created and cleaned up without a lot of people. So the Games Universe begins to shrink and decay.
The last group sitting up in the Games Universe then sees that they have no choice but to descend down into the Motions Universe along with everybody else. But they have been avoiding going through the treadmill and getting hit with the various conditions used on the prisoners and they have knowledge of higher realities beyond what the convicts sitting down below are aware of. So they chose to invade in style.
This again is a commonly repeated patter. The last crew in the higher universe comes down into the prison bypassing the implanted conditioning and using the technology of a higher universe to conquer and gain power and establish themselves as rulers or gods over the inhabitants of the lower universe.
In this case, where the Motions Universe is invaded by the "gods" coming down from the Games Universe, the primary invader trick was a "False Jewel of Knowledge" which conditioned the inhabitants to be good and willing slaves by teaching them that they had been created to serve the gods. These false jewels were constructed based on an inmate knowledge of the treadmill (since the people in the Games Universe had the plans for it and the people in the Motions Universe had been kicked around by it and then made to forget) and the far better recollection of the original Jewel of Knowledge that was available in the Games Universe. A trip through a false jewel was promoted as a wonderful holy experience. The entire invasion was fought as a holy war and prisoners of war were given the "enlightenment" of the jewel to make them into fanatics who would join the cause. These false jewels were also given out as prizes in competitions and pushed down peoples throats in every other manner that could be imagined.
And the "gods" grabbed power, but they never did manage to thoroughly control the population. Everyone was still too free and powerful and tended to shrug off even the most powerful conditioning fairly quickly and go into revolt.
In the end, these "gods" were defeated and their kingdoms crumbled. But what was to be done with these horrible people and their most enthusiastic henchmen? The entire Motions Universe had been devastated with endless waves of fighting back and forth and the population was half crazy with strange religious ideas and rebellious counter reactions. True organized warfare had come into existence for the first time and the crime of its creation was deemed to be unpardonable.
Instead of simply settling down to rebuild, the population of the Motions Universe made the fatal choice which has led us ever downward. Instead of simply treating the losers roughly for awhile or even forgiving them, it was decided that the only thing to do was to build yet a lower prison universe to hold these evil characters. And so the Symbols Universe was built and they were tossed into it.
And in the fullness of time, it came to pass that others were exiled to the Symbols Universe as well. And so the cycle repeats itself as we take turns being good guys and bad guys and throwing each other lower and lower down.
The symbols universe was set up as a prison universe probably around 60 or 64 quadrillion years ago.
The transfer implant used to send people down to the Symbols Universe has them set up hidden pieces of themselves which give them all sorts of compulsions etc. This is mental machinery which the person builds and then hides from himself. This was based on penalty universe symbols etc. and gives him urges such as needing to eat and to feel sensation based on the degraded goals established by the penalty universes. For the first time, the individual has a sort of "subconscious" and does things (mainly to himself) that he is not aware of doing.
Since each convict had hidden pieces of himself, various mockups based on the penalty universes would stir up feelings of hidden things in motion etc. This expanded into a general concept of symbols where seeing any mockup might imply other things that are not immediately visible. And so we have a situation where symbols were given great significance and there was a continual struggle to communicate as a result.
This actually acts as a sort of reactive mind based on symbols. The person meets, lets say, a tiger and gets a stimulus response reaction even without the presence of mental image pictures. He gets the reaction because there is a piece of him sitting in a compulsion pool being the tiger of the penalty universe "To Eat". At this time, the individual did not have an Engram bank or a time track. He could not be affected by force (although his mockups could be affected) and knew it. But you could show him some object out of a penalty universe and make his hair stand on end.
As a result, the subsequent games, implants, etc. used here were primarily based on symbols. A common method of fighting was for opponents to send waves of symbols at each other (especially symbols of penalty universe terminals). At first these only had mild impacts. But everyone kept postulating so hard about wanting to create heavy effects on their opponents that they agreed too heavily with the power of symbols. So these symbols developed a real kick. This in turn let people commit stronger overts and become motivator hungry which made them even more affected by the impact of a symbol.
The individual was mostly worried about the effect of a symbol being pushed into his viewpoint since it could trigger compulsions. So he tended to put out substitute mockups in place of himself (he was not as concerned about these mockups being affected). Here you have the individual flinching from direct telepathic contact and using communication vias to protect himself.
The MEST (matter/energy/space/time) of the symbols universe primarily consisted of "Thought Planes". These are like photographs drifting in space. You could float over to one of these and look at it and then sort of turn sideways and step into the picture. The picture would then expand out in its own 3 dimensional space that was at an angle to the normal 3 dimensional space of the universe (2 co-ordinates were shared and the 3rd co-ordinate would be in a different direction, hence you get a 2 dimensional plane at the point of intersection).
Over the course of time, more and more beings were exiled to the symbols universe. Eventually entire populations were mass captured and dumped.
By around 46 Quadrillion years ago, the motion universe was getting empty and wilting away. The remaining "winners" wanted to establish themselves in the symbols universe while retaining high status. So they invaded. There might have been many invasions and the range of dates might be as much as from 48 quadrillion down to 42 quadrillion years ago.
The invaders came in with implants. They designed the implants based on their "higher" knowledge of earlier track and the anatomy of the sentencing implant mentioned above. The symbol universe people were not much affected by force (it only hurt mockups) but were very subject to counter thought and gradually came to be affected by counter emotion as well (symbol masses could pack a considerable emotional punch as well as a heavy confusion of thought).
A common invader implant was the Pyramid Trap. This is a big pyramid in empty space with an open doorway leading to something interesting in the center. The unwary being goes in (later is drawn in by beams or tricked in) and the door closes. The pyramid has 128 layers of walls, one for each penalty universe and each inversion. Each wall is covered with the symbols of that penalty universe. The innermost is create, next is destroy, etc. all the way out to Endure and its inversion. The victim can push through a few of these, but then he hits one that he can't confront and falls back to the center. In some variations, there is only a single wall for each dynamic covered with all of the symbols for every goal associated with the dynamic. This required fewer walls and therefore was easier to manufacture.
Once captured, the victim is left inside for a very long time to soften him up. Occasionally the walls would state that another trillion years had gone by to make him feel that it was even longer. Eventually he gets worried about missing out on things and becomes abberated about time. He starts getting desperate to get it over with and will put up with being implanted if only they will let him out.
So he gets trapped in the pyramid, sits there for a few thousand years while getting implant items that tell him that many trillions of years have gone by and then the invaders come and pull him out. Then he gets hung on a wall and simultaneously hit from both sides by a stream of symbols. The first stream is Create/Destroy using the terminals from the penalty universe and its inversion. These symbols alternate in each wave and opposing symbols collide in the center of the victim forming a ridge. The symbols have the "price" thought in them (things like, the price of enlightenment is to suffer, etc.). This is done 64 times, once for each penalty universe. After that he is allowed to compete in a game. The winner is always an invader. The being is then given to the invader as a prize.
There were also other sorts of traps based on symbols. Usually these are either the terminal of a penalty universe or a symbol of one of the valence masses (from the fall of home universe). The guy would be floating along and then he'd come to a big mockup of The Tiger or something like that floating in space and he'd feel drawn to it and slide in. Then a cage would appear around the tiger and he'd be stuck. The bars of the cage would be covered with symbols so that he couldn't pass through them. Then they'd come and haul him out and handle him as above.
Eventually there was a revolution and the invaders were thrown in their own traps. Also, more elaborate traps (big colorful energy structures etc.) were built, usually with pyramids hidden in the center or other sophisticated variations.
Finally a complex civilization of thought planes and symbol masses developed and went through the usual decline.
This seems to be the first time period when there was a real government. People were just abberated enough to need a formal organization to undertake large projects and see to the welfare of civilization. So a controlling council was set up, originally consisting of individuals who were most instrumental in combating the invaders. Once established, the council saw to it that everyone continually perceived the need for such an organization. They undertook the construction of large "Cities" consisting of interconnected thought planes and other mockups. They established a police force to protect these sophisticated mockups from the ravages of malicious individuals and perpetuated the invader machine building implants and traps. Here are the early upsets with governments and their police forces and bureaucracies.
The mockups of this civilization are a bit strange compared to our current experience. Bodies and scenery as we know it only existed in the thought planes. You might be drifting around disembodies and then feel the presence of another disembodied being who would then flash a symbol identifying himself (maybe a body mockup or even something like a Chinese pictogram). Let's say you were being asked to a council meeting. The request might be a series of symbols flashed at you. Then you'd float over to the Council's thought plane which would appear as a flat picture of the council chamber. Then you'd turn sideways into the picture and appear in the chamber. You'd need to "manifest in form" so you'd tap the definitions for a suitable mockup that was not in use and materialize as that body. Note that this would not be a complex body with internal organs etc. as we have them today. It would simply be the image of a body which you would shift around by postulate. Then maybe you'd walk around and talk with and argue with other councilors etc.
Of course if you had to appear in court the police would enforce the mockup you were supposed to appear in.
Note that this controlling council was in existence for most of the duration of the symbols universe. This is an immense period of time and the lifespan of councilors was very very short. The council was constantly being overthrown and replaced. It was a position allowing for great overts and the motivators tended to come in very fast. There were also periods of round robin rotation of council positions or competitions for the post etc. So I think that most people will probably find some point where they served on this council. Usually it was a very abberrating experience where the being played endless games of treachery and betrayal, especially against other council members. Of course the universe was vast and there were occasional rival governments, but generally they didn't last long or control large areas. The controlling council was very jealous of its privileged position and stamped out competition as fast as it could.
The only exception was that people were in good enough shape to wander off on their own and just pick an empty place and start building their own thought planes. So the bulk of the universe was really in a big state of anarchy with the controlling council holding the organized area in the center. Sometimes they would try to take over some of this anarchistic area, but they wouldn't have much success. But let a crowd of the anarchists try to form up into an organized group and the council would move right in and make them join up.
This was the first great machine building period. They would take individuals and condition them so heavily that they became robots and would follow a canned set of instructions without thinking about them. Even after the invaders were overthrown (and made into machines), people were trapping each other and programming them up. Nobody stayed as a machine throughout the entire span of this universe, but everyone had it done to them at least a few times. One of the common uses for the machines was to keep favorite through planes mocked up and dusted off. Whenever someone uses a through plane, their postulates tend to alter-is it, so the "machine" would reset the mockup back to its pure state when they were done.
A final invader wave came down from the motions universe against a civilization that was armed (with sophisticated traps) and ready. To really fix these guys, the Controlling Council (which tried to run things in this mostly anarchistic era) had a prison universe constructed. Soon there were many more convicts being exiled and the cycle was starting to repeat itself.
But this time, after a few quadrillion years the prisoners researched the implants, erased them, and came out and took over. Of course they needed to build a new prison universe for the former controlling council members and various other peoples that displeased them.
This sort of thing was repeated a number of times. Each time, the sentencing implant became more complex.
To some degree, the prison universes became an interesting game, like Houdini doing his famous escapees. If the beings didn't dig themselves out after a few quadrillion years, generally someone would be sent down to start them on the road.
Because these prison universes were intended as temporary, the Symbols Universe kept going at full strength for a long time.
On the whole, it was actually a very interesting universe. The thought planes often had a tremendous aesthetic. The use of symbols and substitution made for very fine art and in a thought plane, you live the art rather than simply looking at it. These thought planes were actually very much like limited versions of the individual universes of the home universe matrix. You'd enter them to see and experience things or meet with people or play games or be told a story.
You could also have thought planes which contained subordinate though planes. A high level though plane might be an art gallery where you could walk around and look at the paintings. But the paintings would be lesser thought planes and you could step into the ones you liked (similar to Disney's cartoon rendition of Mussorsky's Pictures at an Exhibition). If you are one of the people with a horror of art galleries, just remember that implant designers just love to take something nice and use it as the twisted hook that sticks you to an implant. Eventually there was an art gallery implant used in the symbols universe where you were forced to go around in a gallery and experience horrible thought planes. But this is minor compared to some of the other things that went on.
One mockup, usually used by the police, consisted of walls which could attract or repel you. Their action is based on the symbols inscribed on the walls. The repulsive walls had symbols you'd pull away from (as in the pyramid traps). The attractive walls would have desirable symbols from the various penalty universes. Things like symbols of wealth and power and sex. Sometimes the symbols on a wall would change from one kind to the other or there'd be complex sandwidges of walls of various types. They'd try to bang you around with various walls and get you into high motion. The being was already slightly subject to motion sickness if he was made to jump around too much in too little time. This comes from the earlier Motion Universe (which starts with the Treadmill which lays in a spinning sensation).
The police also used Black Thought Planes. In this case, the picture is concealed and you have no idea what you're being thrust into. So there's the flinch at black pictures. Often they would bang you around with walls until you were dizzy and then push you into a black plane where you'd get an implant.
One common implant used this way is The Sources Implant. This played on the fact that the people were already upset about hidden sources of things because of the compulsion pools. The implant pretends to tell you what the real source of various things is. Of course the items are intended to trick you. They are things like "The only source of energy is Machinery".
Another thing present in the late era of the symbols universe is a sort of earlier similar on Arslycus (discussed later) where endless slaves were made to serve in a city of endless thought planes that was much too large and where the tasks were much too boring. The city was known as "Alpha Prime" (really just an intention that means "The First City"). The incident may include a body builder type sequence. You might be assigned to clean up a thought plane and have to do that over and over endlessly. This thing was probably one of the controlling council's big projects. It seems to end with a collapse in a manner similar to Arslycus (these collapses are all based on similar collapses which occur in the text of the penalty universes for the goals To Build and To Orient).
The symbols universe also made heavy use of somatic pools. These were mostly used to supply the sensations etc. that were experienced in the thought planes. Instead of simply telling someone to feel and emotion, pain, or sensation, large numbers of people were ordered to place a feeling of this kind into a sort of "pool". Then when the sensation or whatever was needed, an individual could be "connected" to the pool to get the feeling from it, which made for a much stronger experience than simply having him imagine that he felt a certain way.
The universe went on (in an active manner) for an incredibly long time period. This is probably because everyone was Clear in the sense of not having a Dianetic engram bank. You might think this to be a strange statement in light of the fact that we were loaded with problems, guilt, upsets, pains, sensations, emotions, and every other ill. And we were subject to hidden influences and continually fighting against a suppressive government, and occasionally being made into machines etc. Yet we just kept getting up and dusting ourselves off and carrying on. Because all these abberative things did not have a cumulative and compound effect. The Dianetic A=A mechanism was not present and therefore things would not go into chronic restimulation. You could just go off somewhere for awhile and cool down. So things only slid downscale very very slowly.
Our entire sequence of universe since we left the symbols universe (i.e.., the thought universe, the conflicts universe, the magic universe, and the current universe) have a combined duration of only around 4.3 quadrillion years. This is nothing compared to the duration of the symbols universe. So it seems like we've just gone down into one of these interesting little prison universe sequences again. But this time, the implant was much more sophisticated. And the subsequent war between the thought and conflicts universes (the theta mest wars) was very interesting. And it seems like the last of the beings in the symbols universe got so interested in the wars that they came down as "gods" to join in. So there might not be anyone left up there to dig us out. And I don't think that any of the other prison sequences went deeper than two universes below the symbols universe. Now we're 4 universes deep and the next one is already in operation below us (the Mud Universe). So I think we're playing for keeps.
The symbols universe contained much much more than the things listed here. I've really barely scratched the surface. Certainly there are numerous other implants and abberative factors. But also, there was a great deal of good and wonderful things. In this write-up, we're concentrating on what was wrong. But there was tremendous rightness as well. The universe was generally very exciting and enjoyable. At least 90% of your time in the symbols universe was better than anything you've ever experienced here on Earth. You can spot some pleasure moments of sliding into some incredible picture and having the most wonderful time. Or even the satisfaction of creating a thought plane that others enjoyed and marveled at.
The final prison universe built below the Symbols Universe was called, by its inhabitants, the Thought or Theta Universe (depending on how you want to translate it). They considered themselves to be Thought People in contrast to the Body People of the next lower prison universe (which they built). But they were not thought people in the true sense. What they really were was energy beings. So maybe we should call this the "Energy Universe".
The transfer incident down to this universe sends you down a sort of 4 dimensional spiral staircase. It basically lays in the idea that you are an energy unit and can be effected by energy and it gets you to build what Dianetics and Scientology refer to as the reactive mind. From here on you can be effected by force and you tend to accumulate incidents of pain and unconsciousness which further abberate your behavior. As you go down the staircase, things seem to shrink strangely in the distance while remaining near by. This is because you are curving off in a 4th dimensional direction. With each step, the staircase disappears in blackness and you get an implant item. Then it reappears and you're taking another step downward. The implant includes the materials run on the clearing course.
The body here is a circle or globe of energy and it can be trapped and hurt by energy. And unfortunately, we were stupid enough to think that we were these energy bodies and therefore could be kicked around and conditioned by the use of force. This is the era of the Thetan as an energy unit and it is pretty high and powerful compared to people living as bodies, but it is far lower than the Thetan living as a "god".
And here we have the endless aberrations of energy and the abuse and misuse of force. But we also have what is still a very thought oriented society with a tremendous level of creation and aesthetics.
This universe starts around 4.5 Quadrillion years ago. The goal for this universe seems to be to create effects on others especially through the use of emotion. There was some sort of whole track word for this which I will translate as "To Emotionate".
People could kick into each other so heavily that the next lower prison universe was built fairly quickly, maybe around 2.8 Quadrillion years ago. At this point, beings were still coming down from the symbols universe.
Throughout our history, we had been projecting mockups of bodies but had never been really restricted by them. But now we actually believed ourselves to be energy bodies and the next logical step was to condition the convicts being sent down to the next universe into thinking that they were physical bodies made of matter.
And so we built what we then thought of as the "MEST" or "Physical" Universe as a prison where everybody would be in a body and subject to physical laws. But since it was not the current universe, and since we also think of this one as a MEST or Physical universe, it will avoid confusion if I give this some other name. Based on the subsequent events, I will refer to it as the "Conflicts Universe".
And the implant which took us down from the Thought Universe to the Conflicts Universe laid in a terrible compulsion for using bodies, but it was otherwise defective and the prisoners broke out and counter invaded the thought universe from the conflicts universe resulting in the Theta-MEST Wars.
In the conflicts universe, the body type is a body as we know it, although there were no internal guts or biochemical processes. Externally it might look human (or whatever) whereas internally it was more like a homogenous mass with a few gizmos (electrical coils or whatever) inside of it. And imposed into it would be an energy pattern of golden globes etc. used by the person (who thought of himself as an energy being) to control the body.
Because of the defective nature of the implant, the prisoners escaped and counter invaded the Thought universe. This is the Theta-MEST wars with body people invading against the thought people. Most of the theta line incidents described in Hubbard's History of Man are from this time period.
The war went on endlessly (only the big super long wars are worth mentioning in this history since they are the only ones that had any significant effect on everybody) with people switching sides occasionally so that everyone has the experience of being the thought people fighting back against the invading body people and vise versa.
The only people who were not involved initially were those last few who were still up in the Symbols Universe. But the war got very interesting and went on and on and gradually these Symbols Universe people became avid spectators. Around 2.48 Quadrillion years ago, the final crew came down as Gods from the symbols universe and joined the war. Everyone was tossed through the universe shifting implant many times and eventually we all wound up in the Conflicts universe as body people.
Near the end of the wars, the crossing back and forth between the 2 universes became very great and more and more transfer points and common anchor points were established until the 2 universes sort of collapsed together. This formed a sort of layered universe with a material plane and a thought plane (where you went between lives). One was quite aware of living physical lives and being an energy being between lives (in an energy body which kept re- incarnating in the physical).
After the collapse, there is a long time period of living in the resulting "MEST" universe. The goal of this universe was to gain bodily experience and sensation. The environment is mostly flat worlds in space (continents in the sky). The wars had been so extreme that we feared to build a lower prison universe for fear of starting the whole mess over again.
Again there is a long and interesting creative period building societies and civilizations. But as always, there was an undue amount of conflict and people wouldn't leave each other alone. Some people just wanted make slaves of their fellow man. Others were trying to make everybody good. But in either case, the effort was to make people obey and walk in straight lines and the counter effort was to have revolutions etc. And anyone who tried to step aside from this and "cure" the insanity was stupid enough (thanks to the misleading information in the jewel of knowledge) to try to do it by implanting even more conditioning, which only made matters worse.
Since bodies were of tremendous importance, but the person carried on in an energy form even after the body died, it was possible to push someone into a body, kill it off, and then pull him out, push him into another body, and then kill that one too. So the predominant form of conditioning used here consisted of repetitive deaths and heavy pains and sensations. Here the person can be mauled around by force and it is used either to make slaves or to force people to be good depending on which team you were playing on. Here you might suffer endless car crashes or be thrown out of the door of an aircraft and go splat on the ground over and over again while they try to lay in various stupid orders and conditioning.
Near the end, a group formed that was going to take care of everybody once and for all. It would bring about peace by holding everybody under its sway and it would solve the social problems by having a rigid social structure. This was the "Magic Kingdom of Gilead" (approximate translation). It had the innocuous appearance of a castle beside a lake on one of the continents drifting around in the sky. But they had salvaged some of the higher dimensional technology from earlier universes and internally this castle went on infinitely with the 3 dimensional corridors curving off slightly at 4 dimensional angles so that the castle was quite capable of housing the entire population of the universe.
Giliead was set up as a "pyramid" society where new recruits came in as servants and everyone else bumped up a level in the social hierarchy when enough people came in to fill the lower strata. In other words, social status and privileges were based on how early you joined the society and when it began to look like they were going to take over all of civilization, there was a tremendous influx of recruits who were quite willing to work temporarily as servants with the expectation that they would be overseers later as the rest of the population joined. But of course this tapered off when the remaining people saw that they would be forever stuck in the lower positions. And so the Knights of Giliead (armed with energy weapons and riding flying horses) set out to conquer the remaining peoples of the universe.
This pattern of a stratified pyramidal society trying to take over the universe and make slaves out of the majority of people has been followed frequently. Our modern day Hitlers are but the tiniest shadow of these super organized societies that live by continual expansion and enslavement. But they inevitably collapse when their expansion is blocked either by running out of new people or by a determined military resistance. The three really big ones were Alpha Prime in the Symbols Universe, Giliead as discussed here, and Arslycus in the current universe. All of them had populations in the trillions and their collapse always has a bit of the feeling of the collapse of home universe even though none of them were really nice places for anyone who wasn't at the top of the heap.
Eventually, around 200 trillion years ago, we did build a lower prison universe. This was probably done to provide a fitting place to dump the rulers of Giliead after its collapse.
But we still had a great deal of worry about a prison breakout triggering something like the Theta-MEST wars again. So this time, the prison was intentionally made a fairly nice place so the prisoners would stay there. The transfer implant used a volcano on a flat earth copy of the original earth. A path lined with statues of the penalty universe terminals (the tiger, the bear, etc.) lead up to the peak where one was tossed in and went on down to the prison universe.
People were weary of the constant conflicts, so around 181 trillion years ago, there began a wave of mass suicides where everyone threw themselves into the volcano to "die" as beings and be reborn in the next lower universe.
Eventually this next prison universe came to be known as the Magic Universe.
Entry to the magic universe has an incident which shows you a wizard who floats out over the water from an Arabian style ship while holding a glowing ball between his hands.
The bodies again look like meat bodies but internally they have a structure based on the Chakras described in Eastern Metaphysics. Many of the early medical dub-ins such as the blood running in tides (instead of circulating) and "humors" etc. might also be part of the physical anatomy of the magic universe bodies.
Many of the wrong ideas that people believe instinctively (whether superstition or incorrect science) were actually true in the magic universe. People are just behind the times so to speak.
Based on the inspiration of the eventual 2 layered structure of the thought + conflicts universe, the magic universe was constructed with a physical layer plus a heavenly layer and a demonic layer. Dead people went around in a visible spirit body which was the older body mockup of the conflicts universe.
The goal of this universe was "To Enjoy" and it was primarily a hedonistic pleasure seeking place. It was quite heavily oriented to sex etc. Fantasy stories and fairy tales and most current metaphysical and witchcraft ideas are based on vague recollections of the magic universe.
But, as always, you have some people trying to lord it over others and you have another group trying their best to condition people to make them good.
Here the definition of the game called for many gods and goddesses, demons and devils. And many came down willingly from the conflicts universe armed with higher level knowledge to establish themselves in these positions.
And the games and wars and whathaveyou went on for the usual long period of time until a need for yet a lower prison universe was agreed upon by all. And so the current physical universe was built.
After being sentenced in court, the prisoner usually goes down a spiral path lined with statues of the penalty universe terminals and ends up at a sort of Greek style pool at the center where he is pushed under and finds himself shifted to this universe.
Our universe was built as a prison 86 trillion years ago. The sentencing process includes passing through a sort of implant universe which tells him that this is the universe of physical force and then lays in the goals that he is supposed to live by in this universe (things such as being successful, popular, intelligent, strong, etc.) but putting them in with a twist so that he will forever get in trouble trying to do them. Of course the implant is at the beginning of time (and says so) but it is only the beginning of time for this stupid little universe and not for our eons long existence.
At first, people would escape and be in the magic universe for awhile and then get sent here again (receiving the implant again). The magic universe remained in existence (and is still there although it is very contracted and almost deserted).
In recent times, the remaining kings and wizards, seeing that most of the action and people were down here, relocated themselves by forming up invader forces and trying to take over this universe.
There are some parts of this universe where we have attempted to recreate magic universe operation and which to some degree imitate the magic universe. One difference is that space in this universe is dark whereas in the magic universe, the space is light (radiant).
Most science fiction contains vague recollections of the history of this universe.
The goal of this universe is "To Survive". The normal emotional tone level (as described by L. Ron Hubbard) is in the 0 to 4 band. There may be a many layered structure of "astral" planes in addition to the physical level in places where someone has taken the trouble to build these using higher dimensional technology carried down from the higher universes.
Again there was a big society which tried to make slaves out of everybody. This was Arslycus. It was a great city in space and was researched to some degree by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952. If you will think about building in three dimensions instead of 2 (on the surface of the Earth), it should be obvious that a space city occupying a spherical volume equal to the size of the solar system would have more "land" area that all the planets of the galaxy combined. And gradually they captured all of the populations of the outlying spiral arms of this galaxy. Their main activity was implanting people to be slaves.
An equally viscous group of religious fanatics, known as Helatrobus, was entrenched in the center of the galaxy busily implanting people to be good. Gradually the Galactic Empire (millions of planets in the center of the galaxy) came under their sway, began using implants to solve social unrest, and ceased to be a nice place.
These two groups came to blows and fought a war that just about wrecked the galaxy a few hundred million years ago. It pretty much resulted in their mutual destruction. You might say that Arslycus won because they collapsed the center of the galaxy into a black hole which formed the next lower prison universe (the mud universe) where the remnants of Helatrobus now rule. But it was a Phyrric victory since Arslycus was also shattered. This ended around 167 million years ago.
Of course there have also been plenty of subsequent little empires that have claimed to be the continuation of Hellotrobus (like having Constantinople and the Holy Roman Empire around long after Rome fell to the barbarians).
Since then, there have only been petty little empires and the usual operations of civilized man. And if you object to calling these later glorious empires "little", please realize that an empire with a thousand planets would hardly be bigger than a dust mote on a picture of our galaxy with its billions of stars.
The galaxy has, to some degree, remained in a dark age ever since, with petty kingdoms fighting wars and buisily implanting their citizens.
Eventually the invader waves started coming in from the magic universe to add a little spice to the action. These invader forces would generally be formed up by a few kings and wizards grabbing entire planetary populations and dragging them back up to the magic universe briefly for advanced training and implanting followed by returning here in a wave of conquest.
The body types in this universe are generally humanoid ( 2 arms, 2 legs, etc.) but not necessarily human. This is in keeping with the penalty universe designs that we have tended to fixate on more and more. The more exotic types of bodies sometimes envisioned by the science fiction writers actually hearken to earlier universes where we had a bit more free thought and our mockups were more diverse.
Things are not really as simple here as they seem. To make things this solid and immune to thought, everything is setup on a very indirect basis. We carry all of our earlier universe experience along as baggage and we hide a good bit of it from ourselves and keep it out of sight.
The real structure of our bodies actually carries our entire "evolution" (or "devolution") with it. The bodies consist of a physical body generated by an astral body (a hidden immaterial version of the old magic universe style body) which is generated by a spirit body (the old conflicts universe body) which is projected by an energy body (thought universe) which is projected by a symbol body (symbols universe) which is in turn projected by a mask (motion universe) which is projected by a basic object (games universe) which is mocked up from one's operating space. I.E.., the people operate through many layers of vias to keep themselves and their stuff from being hit. The higher level forms are very carefully hidden and the being wouldn't even let himself know for fear that someone will read his mind and zap them. The person dies in a physical body and then stupidly runs around in an "astral" body where he can still be hit (and is still carrying around tons of baggage) until he can hook up to a new physical body.
If the person were smart, he would step outside of the whole mess and be like a god again. Occasionally, some people do. Unfortunately, they then proceed to get into even more conflicts and trouble and wind up right back in the soup again. They perpetuate their early aberrations instead of facing up to them. Even the gods fall prey to the early stupid and self-destructive ideas such as jealousy and vengeance. Everyone swallowed the jewel of knowledge hook, line, and sinker and believes it to this day.
The next lower prison universe has already been built. The entry point is through a black hole at the center of our galaxy. They are already tossing people into it, but its just started so most people come back up and out pretty quick. Most people on Earth, being of the troublesome type that gets sent to prison planets etc. have probably been down there once or twice already.
It seems like Hellotrobus structured the mud universe as their last act in this galaxy. The remnants of the old Hellotrobian hierarchy may be in power there now.
In the Mud Universe, space is very solid, feeling like molasses. The goal of this universe is To Persist. Note that survival implies continuing to struggle to live whereas persist implies simply hanging on as a rock or whatever. The normal tone band (i.e.. the thetan plus body range) is -8 up to 0. It is an unpleasant place.
We are not in the Mud Universe at this time (although many of you may have visited there briefly). But we do seem to be in some sort of a local prison within the physical (space opera) universe.
Although this planet may have had some good times, it is a copy of the original Earth and therefore tends to be selected for whatever nefarious deeds are required by the local space empires. Its recent use as a prison planet is probably the result of a war, with the soldiers of a captured army being dumped here. It might also have its compliment of political prisoners, revolutionaries, and real criminals. It has previously been used for mass implanting on the same basis of being a copy of the original Earth.
The prison machinery has to be elaborate enough to keep the prisoners from simply reincarnating back in normal society and starting to raise hell.
Advanced technology allows the manipulation of multiple three dimensional spaces in a four dimensional framework. The entire solar system (out to about 1.3 light-years) is handled in this way (there is a set of 12 stations, sort of like the zodiac, surrounding the solar system at that distance).
The entire structure (this solar system) has been copied sideways in a 4th dimensional direction to form a "heavenly plane" on one side of us and a "hell plane" on the other. These are not very thick in a 4D sense and therefore are a bit ethereal giving them a bit of an "astral" (spirit-like) quality. They are like positive and negative plates between which our reality is suspended. Earth as we know it is very thick (thousands of layers) along the 4D axis with a dead spot in the center that acts like a mirror. What we normally see is in this mirror which is reflecting the thousands of "real" copies to either side. One of the reasons you can't grab the things you see with your thoughts is that there really is nothing where you are looking. You have to reach in funny directions to grab an object with your mind and move it around.
Don't get all religious about the heaven and hell planes at the far edges of the prison. This is like painting the top floor of one of our penitentiaries and fixing it up to look like heaven according to legends remaining from the magic universe. Similarly, we could fix up the basement to look like hell. Then we give the guards costumes as angels or devils. The best prisoners are given an occasional day in heaven and the real troublemakers are occasionally thrown into hell. But its all part of the prison machinery and the supposed angels and devils are all really guards who work together to keep the convicts confused and under control. The guards might play good/evil type games to keep themselves amused, but they are basically guards and they never really loose sight of that fact.
With the prisoners so horribly conditioned and brainwiped between lives, there is not much danger of a prison revolt. But there is also the possibility that the prison might collapse. If anything were to destroy the Earth, they would suddenly have far too many people on their hands and at least some would escape out into the galaxy at large. So they must protect the world from destruction. And yet they must leave us with advanced scientific knowledge to support the ever growing numbers of prisoners. They encouraged a scientific revolution so that the population could expand and now they have the constant difficulty of our blowing ourselves up and destroying the world in various ways.
But there is a technical solution to this given the ability to manipulate 3 dimensional spaces in 4 dimensions. You can store copies of the 3D space sideways along the 4th axis. Imagine that we are living on a flat sheet of paper. The paper changes constantly, but occasionally someone makes a xerox copy of the page. If the paper ever catches fire and burns up, they pull the last xerox out of the file and everything goes on from there. You will see the same thing if you play a computer video game that you can save and restore. If the game goes very badly, you can always go back to a previous copy. If you try this, you will also notice that after restoring an earlier copy of the game, you have some knowledge of the "future" even though things will go slightly differently. This is the real explanation of "deja vu" (remembering the future when it happens again).
One recent example was in 1963 when president Richard M. Nixon launched a nuclear war that destroyed the planet. As we all began dying in droves, the prison machinery was used to restore a copy of the Earth taken in 1957. We were all conditioned to go back to what we were doing in 1957 and life picks up with a second pass through 1957 to 1963. Of course they intervene slightly and Kennedy is elected by the barest margin. Since he begins introducing major changes and because everyone unconsciously expects something bad to happen in 1963 anyway, he is assassinated and things begin to settle back down to their normal course. Nixon even gets to be president later with less ill effects.
These "backup" copies of the earth appear to be taken every 5 years in February of the years ending in either a 2 or a 7 (i.e.. 1952, 1957, 1962, etc.).
When they restore and earlier version, they don't like to back up too far because they have the problem of the growing population (as more prisoners are added). Pushing earth time back too far gives them a host of newer prisoners who have noplace to go. Small numbers can be handled by using animal bodies for a brief time, but large numbers require setting up "holding tanks" on yet another copy of the earth further sideways along the 4D axis. This gives us a bunch of weird "preternatural" earths that some people will have experienced just before birth (and right after the previous time they died in this lifetime).
As you can see, this makes a terrible jumble of one's history. Nobody in their right mind, catching a halfway glimpse of the truth, would believe it, because things are not in the simple logical order that you would expect. You wonder why his recollection of Christmas 1957 doesn't match the facts? Maybe he's recalling a different time that he lived through 1957. Does he remember a funny incident when there seemed to be old steam boilered fire engines on the streets of modern New York, well that's a much earlier pass through the 1950s and things were slightly different. We have been reliving the 20th century for quite a long time.
A person's actual experience might include quite a few reincarnations on earth. But he might have lived through the last one or two incarnations a large number of times and he might even have another incarnation "up in the future" that he's been through a couple times as well. And in between, there might be visits to heavens, hells, pre-birth worlds, and even a few stints where he was forced to work in the between lives administrative area to keep this whole complex show on the road. Now mix in tons of heavy conditioning to keep him confused as all hell, and you have a true picture of today's human being here on Earth.
This paints a pretty depressing picture. But its no more than frantic hand waving meant to keep a god so confused and distracted that he wouldn't remember who he is or what he can do.
Here is a brief list of the universes:
a. Separation from static
b. Jewel of Knowledge
1. Creation period
2. The Mis-aligned spaces
3. The Agreements Universe
4. Home Universe
5. Games Universe
6. Motion Universe
7. Symbols Universe
8. Thought Universe
9. Conflicts Universe
10. Magic Universe
11. Current Universe
12. Mud Universe.
It is quite possible that I have gotten some of the details wrong. For example, it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Giliead was in the Magic Universe instead of the Conflicts Universe. And I have intentionally avoided mentioning things which are still highly speculative. So do not take this literal mindedly or assume that it is complete. It is the barest sketch of a framework and further research is needed.
Some of you may think that I have an overly active imagination. In that case I invite you to enjoy the above as an entertaining piece of fiction. I do hope that you will begin to research your past existance and attempt to determine who and what we are. I do not insist that you find the same answers that I did.
Take this roadmap and use it as a suggestion for things to look at. Don't simply swallow it as a matter of faith. Wrong ideas are not harmful unless you blindly insist that they are correct, otherwise you would simply have a good laugh.
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