- Continued
Copyright 1996
All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.
WHAT IS: The Sea Org is set up like a military organization. This is not surprising since Hubbard's only management experience in this lifetime was his brief stint in the Navy. Remember, he was a writer, an entertainer, and pretty much of a lone wolf. As far as I know, he never worked a salaried job. His only experience with groups outside of the Navy was with social clubs like the Explorers and gatherings of science fiction writers.
WHAT ISN'T: Despite his lack of experience, the great wealth of his research into the human mind lead Ron to formulate many useful ideas about groups and organizations. Like most of us, he considered the military approach to be one of the dumbest ones. In the 1950s he encouraged the idea of having groups composed of true individuals, and considered that a few free and independent beings working together were comparable to a large army which only had a few non-robotic individuals doing all the thinking at the top of the command structure.
WHAT IS: Before the founding of the Sea Org, there used to be a rumor going around the organization about how the book "Mr. Roberts" was written about Ron by one of the people who served with him in the Navy. Of course we all thought that Ron was supposed to have been the wonderful junior officer who helps everyone in the story.
WHAT ISN'T: As we now know, Ron was the captain of that sub chaser, and the book pictures him as a psychotic. I can't say whether the book is an accurate picture or just sour grapes, or even if it was really written about Ron, but it certainly shows what's wrong with military organizations. Check out the movie sometime, its a lot of fun.
WHAT IS: The SO (Sea Org) is 180 degrees in reverse to Ron's theories from the 1950s.
WHAT ISN'T: There is no great heritage of early Scientology organizations. It was not Ron's area of interest or expertise and the early material has only the barest beginning of a true management science. The early organizations mearly got by rather than being dramatic demonstrations of some kind of an OT organization system. But they generally did so without crushing people and many good results were produced.
There are some later bits of brilliance in Scientology organizational theory, but they are overwhelmed and swept away by the grossly screwed up basic concepts which make robots and fanatics. Its very sad, especially as he knew the right basics in the 1950s and turned his back on them. For example, he considered that it was a suppressive trait to sacrifice the individual for the sake of the many and even in later times would point out that SPs (suppressive persons) would justify their overts on individuals by saying that they are working for the common good. And yet this business of working for the sake of mankind is the standard justification for the commission of overts in the church.
WHAT IS: The lower ethics conditions with their liability projects and abuse are in use in Scientology. The conditions formulas (for what to do when you're in the condition) are probably even correct or at least workable if you really are in such a condition and want to do something about it.
WHAT ISN'T: The idea that someone who has done $20,000 worth of work in the last year and has been paid only $200 could be a liability if he accidentally breaks an e-meter worth only a few thousand dollars is nothing more than gross exploitation. This is not a real example. The damage is usually something much sillier and inconsequential.
The lower conditions do not cure people of being liabilities and becoming enemies to Scientology. Instead, they take people who had dedicated their lives to the organization and turn them into enemies. There is no better demonstration of the Scientology idea that you create your own opposition than to examine the great vigor with which the CofS creates its own enemies.
WHAT IS: The RPF (Rehabilitation Project Force) exists in the Sea Org. It is a method for degrading people and beating them into agreement. I speak now from hearsay and observation rather than actual experience. When I was first working for a Scientology org, this kind of activity was called Not-ISness rather than rehabilitation and we knew that it was a sure route to failure because trying to make nothing of something never works in the long run.
WHAT ISN'T: The RPF was never intended to rehabilitate anyone. It seemed to me that it was always the most able and individualistic SO members who I saw being put into it (although I'm sure there were some exceptions). The actual intention was obviously to create compulsive agreement (this is my idea, I have never seen it in writing in a Policy Letter or Flag Order). As such, it is a dramatization of the basic intention behind every attempt to implant people.
WHAT IS: In one of his last writings, Hubbard labeled the suppressive influence up and down the whole track as being psychiatrists and priests. If we translate the Scientology terms "Auditor" and "Minister of the Church of Scientology" into ordinary English, we discover that they ARE the latest generation of psychiatrists and priests. How Sad!
WHAT ISN'T: That late bulletin, like many things in the later days, is not really correct. The psychs (or auditors) and priests (or ministers) are the only groups that might conceivably help mankind. These are the ranks that people join when they really feel an urge to aid their fellows. The truth of the matter is that these groups are so dangerous to the oppressive control and manipulation of the masses that they are constantly infiltrated and twisted against their own purposes. Sure there have been some bad psychs and priests but there have been many good ones too, ones who cared and tried to help. But it does seem like their information and techniques have been twisted and distorted by some subtle hidden influence so as to ensure their failure. The same could be said of Scientology.
People who live in glass cities shouldn't throw H-Bombs.
As an aside, I would say that the suppressive influence up and down the whole track of our existence consists of those who want to implant people to make them slaves and those who want to implant people to make them good. These two groups are diametrically opposed to each other, but both want to make the rest of us into obedient robots. The slave makers include some psychs such as Pavlov, but certainly don't include well intentioned men such as Freud and Jung. This group also includes a certain percentage of industrialists, rulers, fascists, etc., but don't make the mistake of generalizing. Not everybody wants slaves. And on the opposite side, there are those "priests" who would brainwipe you to make you "good" according to some arbitrary code (this especially includes the hell preaching demagogues), but they are only a small (but highly visible) percentage. Don't confuse them with the well intentioned majority. And please notice that these "do goodie" mind controllers also include a certain percentage of communists and even some teachers, lawyers, and politicians, etc.
It should be obvious that there are at least a certain percentage of robot makers (whether to get slaves or make others good) within the current Sea Org management hierarchy.
WHAT IS: The continual infiltration of CofS by covert operatives of various organizations. In the early days (1966-68) at one large organization, we discovered a newspaper reporter, an FDA agent, and an IRS agent. We completely missed another reporter who subsequently wrote an expose, and we were slow in catching a Mafia infiltrator who rose to an executive position before being found out. Notoriously absent were agents of the FBI, CIA, and KGB. But the E-meter only reads on overts and a loyal agent might well consider that he was doing a service for his country rather than committing overts and therefore might not react. Also, these guys are often trained and conditioned to fool lie detectors. So I would assume that there were a few of these agents in the organization as well and we never spotted them. In later days at least a few FBI agents were uncovered. Agents on being spotted usually confessed that they had been sent in to investigate but had been "converted" by the wonderful tech. So they often remained on staff acting as double agents. But this is a fairly standard intelligence technique when dealing with "culties" who will swallow anything if you start praising the glories of the cult. In all likelihood, most of these were probably triple agents who continued to do their work in a more exposed manner. I wonder if it might be considered entrapment (enticing someone to break the law) to have given CofS these double agents with their knowledge of Bureau internals.
WHAT ISN'T: There was a tremendous error in judgment in launching operation Snow White. The Church might well have felt that it was a justified tit for tat and in their mistaken egotism thought that Flag training and OT abilities would carry them through unscathed. But they were playing with the big boys, real professionals. Even so, Guardian Intelligence (the spy branch of the GO) put on quite a show and penetrated longer and more deeply than any amateur organization had a right to, but they were burnt in the end and the results were quite harmful. With Ron driven into hiding and Mary Sue in jail, it created a power vacuum about which much has already been written by others.
Around this time period, we also have the death of Quentin Hubbard who was the most likely heir to Ron's position. He was not only the oldest of Mary Sue's sons, but he was supposed to have a flair for the tech. He went around giving talks and he liked to tell stories about whole track (past life) civilizations. I had very little personal contact with him and I really don't know what the whole story is, but he seemed on the whole to be enthusiastic rather than depressed. The "suicide" looks like a gangster style fake. Probably someone was getting him out of the way, maybe to ensure that there was a really big power vacuum.
To her credit, Diane Hubbard tried to curb the SO craziness of the early 1980s but she failed and was slapped down for her troubles. As far as I know she has kept a low profile since and has little involvement with management. None of the other children ever swung much weight in the organization.
This is the same time period that David Mayo and other highly placed people were driven out of the subject. The power vacuum was so complete as to raise the suspicion that it was engineered. As to who did it and for what purpose, I haven't a clue. Maybe the attempt was defeated and loyal (but misguided) fanatics now guard the subject. Maybe the bad guys won and are in power now. It could be Mafia (lots of bucks flowing through there) or CIA (wonderful place for mind control experiments) or just a bunch of little messengers who wanted to be fanatically worshipped. For all I know, it could even be space aliens (just joking - I hope).
WHAT IS: The CofS declares its enemies to be "Suppressive Persons". It has family and friends disconnect from them. It has Fair Game laws (supposedly canceled but still followed in spirit) to harass them. And their members are pushed to believe that these people are real bad guys, rotten to the core.
WHAT ISN'T: There is Scientology processing technology on the subject of one person being suppressive to another. There is even an analysis of the characteristics of a suppressive person. All of this is ignored when the CofS declares someone suppressive. For them there is only one suppressive characteristic, and that is that someone is not in compulsive agreement with or obedient to the Sea Org.
As a side note, the entire suppressive person (SP) and potential trouble source (PTS) technology is slightly questionable since the person himself (rather than an SP) is supposed to be responsible for the condition he is in. Sometimes you do have to pry someone away from a suppressive influence so that they can cool down enough to get audited. This should always be looked on as a temporary measure. There are already Scientology processes for auditing out the situation (the Suppressed Person rundown) and the person who was being suppressed ceases to have problems with the "SP" and can communicate with them comfortably.
Somehow or other, this useful technology (to handle the guy who's continually caving in because someone in his environment is always cutting him to pieces), has become mixed up with witch hunts and inquisitions. And they do indeed have witch hunts, despite Ron's warnings about not doing that. Mass declares of SPs within the organization happen periodically. Its almost like the periodic purges that you see in the more viscous governments.
WHAT IS: Ron said that the greatest overt was making others guilty of committing overts.
WHAT ISN'T: This isn't the worst one. The real worst one is convincing others to commit overts that they wouldn't otherwise have done for the sake of a higher purpose. This is routine within Scientology. One of the many kinds of examples are the cases where someone turns against an old friend who has been declared (often without just cause) as an enemy of the church.
WHAT IS: A basic Scientology idea is that you are responsible for the condition that you are in. I might twist this slightly and say that you need to become responsible for the condition that you're in if you are to have any hope of changing that condition.
WHAT ISN'T: This doesn't mean that other people can't help or hinder you. It just means that in the final analysis, you need to be master of your own life and you will not make a lot of progress by sitting around and blaming others, even if they did work very hard to do you in.
But the CofS has continually twisted this datum to always place blame on the individual and never on the organization. If its an outsider screwing up the person's life, then the outsider is an SP and its the outsider's fault but if its the org that's screwing the guy up, then the guy is responsible for the condition he is in and the org is not to blame. There have been rare exceptions to this hypocrisy, because there are well meaning individuals mixed in among the robots, but you will almost never find the organization taking responsibility for any overts that it has committed.
WHAT IS: LRH never cared for the existing religions. He figured that they usually were based on some keyed out OT showing up and overawing the natives and making them worship. In one lecture he talks about Moses having been a high powered OT. The assumption is that Moses pretended that "God" did it so that the Children of Israel wouldn't blame things on him. If that is the case, then Genesis might be a vague sketch of the implants and past lives that Moses ran out (e.g. confronted and erased) while he was up in the mountains which resulted in his becoming a keyed out OT.
WHAT ISN'T: The dumb quote about Jesus being a pederast etc. is obviously not written by Ron. It was almost certainly written by Captain Bill. Captain Bill announced that Ron's thetan had left his old body (turning it over to BTs?) and had moved into Captain Bill's body and he would issue new bulletins etc. on this basis. The CofS, of course, declared Captain Bill suppressive.
Sometimes there's a processing rundown attached to this bogus bulletin when it appears on the internet. It might be the real CofS OT8 (attached to the wrong introduction), or an invention of Bill's, but more likely it is some older rundown (possibly from the 1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course) that Captain Bill was putting out as OT8.
WHAT IS: Ron preached tolerance for the poor Christians etc. who were busily worshipping some long gone OT. He did say that you might have to work hard to keep from laughing out loud when you were in church, but you should respect their beliefs and just keep auditing them. He expected them to cognite eventually.
Many of us in the early days had a fondness for Jesus, considering him to be an old OT who tried to do something about the sorry state of mankind. John MacMasters (while he was still a loyal CofS member) used to quote sayings of Jesus such as "Ye shall do greater things than I" in his talks.
WHAT ISN'T: When he messed around in OT III incident 2 and got all keyed in, Hubbard found that it included pictures of "Christ on the Cross" etc. He got pretty upset and over restimulated and decided that all of Christianity was an R6 dramatization (in this usage, R6 refers to the implant material found on Routine level 6 auditing which was considered to form the core of the reactive mind). Some of his comments on this are floating around on the internet.
This is obviously just the mental "charge" stirred up by getting an old incident half run out and messed up. He sees an implant picture of someone on a cross and gets upset and starts damning Christianity. The truth of the matter is that there are very early implants (much earlier than inc 2) which lay in the idea that the best of us must always sacrifice ourselves for others. They show you that it is your duty to get up on that cross and how wonderful it is to do so, but the real intention was to get rid of anyone who keyed out OT in a big way. Many great OTs have been done in by this implant during the course of our existence in this and earlier universes. There were others, such as Krishna, on this planet who had this happen to them. When Jesus got up on the cross, we lost a great teacher and eventually most of his wonderful teachings were lost or twisted out of shape as the Romans altered Christianity into a politically acceptable religion.
WHAT IS: Scientology has a rule against mixing practices. This is used in the CofS to make it an ethics offense to have anything to do with or even read anything from any other metaphysical subject, whether it be Zen or Astrology or Science of Mind. They have declared various other groups such as the Objectivists and the Edgar Cayce group (I forget what its called) to be suppressive groups. They don't dare do this with the big religions, but I'm sure that they wish they could.
WHAT ISN'T: This is NOT in Scientology auditing technology. There is a different point, which is that you mustn't mix up two things because they can get in each others way and you have no way of evaluating what changes came from which source if he's doing two things at once. On this basis, mixing Dianetics and Scientology processes together were at one time officially considered to be mixing practices and even now it is considered that the Scientology TR drills must not be done at the same time that a person is getting audited.
Of course Ron did consider that a number of subtle traps and backwards ideas had been planted in the various earlier metaphysical studies. For example, he considered meditations on "I am nothing" to be a mistake (he actually tried some processes based on this and they did not go well). He does recommend that you learn his stuff first before you go and study metaphysics. But he never tells you not to look. After all, he was reading tons of the stuff himself, at least in the early days. Some of the old timers used to send him books and things any time that they thought that another practice had come across something that might be useful.
The current rules block any comprehension of Scientology's backgrounds. They interfere with well rounded spiritual growth. They promote rigid thinking. And they are a direct attack on those other groups who might actually be considered closest to Scientology in their goals and ideas. This would only be sane if the org has the intention of becoming a monopoly in the field of metaphysical thought. Which is probably why they do it.
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WHAT IS: OT (Operating Thetan) abilities. Mind over matter. Telekinesis and telepathy. Even teleportation (and Hubbard does not say this is impossible, he mearly says that it is done by disintegrating the object in one spot and recreating it in another rather than by shifting it). I have seen these things and I have done them. Almost any old time (pre 1968) auditor will swear that they are real even if he has left the church.
WHAT ISN'T: Stable OT abilities. Stable achievements of OT states. Repeatable demonstrations of OT powers at will. The current OT levels have been renamed PreOT levels because they don't produce these things. If the CofS had anyone who could repeatedly lift an ashtray at will, they would have him on TV the next day. These things are never demonstrated, not even in confidential briefings for OTs. Ashtrays have been lifted, but Scientology never produced anyone who could do it on demand.
WHAT IS: The keyed-out OT state. By keyed-out, we mean that some part of the person's mental blockage has temporarily moved out of the way. This has been the source of most of OT manifestations observed in the subject. The key-out is much less stable than that produced by lower level Scientology processes. It often only lasts hours or days. Mine lasted for three months. A rare few (possibly including Ron) may have kept the state considerably longer, but it is known to be an extremely unstable condition. Trying to study it, experiment with it, exercise it to build up strength, or demonstrate it are the fastest ways to bump into something that will turn it off and drop you back to human with a horrible thundering crash. I probably kept the state longer than most because I was young and innocent and wasn't pushing it. I could not do things at will. The abilities did not respond to mental effort and pushing. Just occasionally I would think something like deciding to grab a cup of coffee and it would slide to me across the table. The intention to do something, projected lightly and without effort, occasionally caused it to happen in a bypass of physical laws. The only thing that worked was to think to do something, with the thought and the deed becoming the same. It never worked to try hard to do something.
WHAT ISN'T: The processes that occasionally produced a keyed-out OT are almost never used in modern Scientology. These are a) the processes of 1952-54 (a few of them are in the book "Creation of Human Ability"), b) the power processes (never run on Dianetic Clears), and c) the old (before NOTS) OT levels 4 to 7. It seems like everything that did turn on OT abilities has been carefully pushed out of use. Those processes are being publicized now on the Internet and CofS seems to be upset about it. Maybe we'll start seeing some more OT manifestations as people try this suff.
Note that there has never been a process in Scientology which consistently produced a keyed-out OT state. It has always been a wild random variable. It has never been thoroughly investigated or pinned down. Ron himself admitted on one of the Briefing Course tapes (I think it was the one on the Classification and Gradation chart) that he had no idea why they occasionally produced one on Power Processing.
The real approach to making a keyed-out OT is to try a carton full of techniques and hope that you get lucky. Often you will if the collection is big enough.
WHAT IS: Although the big OT powers have never been produced stabily, minor abilities would sometimes be achieved, at least in the old days. A good example is Ingo Swann. See your local occult bookstore for data on what has been confirmed on him under laboratory conditions. He's about as good as any of the stable OTs. He doesn't lift ashtrays but he can raise the temperature of an object under laboratory conditions.
WHAT ISN'T: Ingo doesn't talk about having been in Scientology or doing the OT levels in the late 1960s. The Church doesn't mention Ingo or claim that he ever was a member. I think they must have a mutual agreement to leave each other alone and keep quite.
I think they declared him a suppressive. It was a long time ago. How many ways can you shoot yourself in the foot?
WHAT IS: Ron probably went keyed out OT in 1952. There was an incredible outpouring of bright ideas from 1952 to 1954. He was positively inspired. Later he often made mistakes or misses the obvious that he'd already found. For example in 1952 he says to get the postulate that the person made during an engram. This was forgotten and it took a decade of running standard Dianetics before they created New Era Dianetics (NED) by asking for the postulate (which makes Clears fairly quickly). I wonder if he actually remembered it or whether somebody simply heard the old tape and suggested doing it.
WHAT ISN'T: Ron didn't remain in the OT state. The keyout is notoriously unstable. My guess is that the state crashed when the police broke into the course room in 1954 and hauled him down to the station. He talks about the arrest in his next lecture to the class and about how he managed to talk his way out of there without getting locked up, but he's obviously a bit shaken and he gets out of the country real fast and heads for England. He even cut the 10th ACC (Advanced Clinical Course) short and they filled it out by playing tapes from the 9th ACC.
If you compare the tapes of 1950-51 to those of 1952-54, you will see a fantastic jump in speed and intelligence. His exuberance knows no bounds and he's really something to listen to. If you then compare them with the tapes of 1955 onwards, you can see that he slows down and is nowhere near what he was, but he's still better than in the 1950-51 timeframe.
Note that my slightly strange word usage ("went keyed out OT" etc.) is proper Scientology speak and one would hope that any ARS readers would have picked up this lingo by now.
WHAT IS: Ron kept on researching in the later 50s and 60s, often trying to get back what he'd had his hands on in those early days and often missing the right answer that he'd found previously. OT III is a complex arduous mess researched in the late 60s and the simple NOTs handling is from 1952! (see the HCL lectures, especially the two different lectures that are both titled "Theta Bodies"). And they have still completely missed the 1953-4 processes on handling mockups of Thetans and blowing them etc. (see the 3rd ACC etc.).
WHAT ISN'T: He never really got beyond the high point of the 3rd ACC and modern Scientology is perhaps 10-20% of what he had at that time. And even that peak was not high enough to allow mass clearing or produce stable OT supermen.
WHAT IS: In 1967 Ron went to North Africa and tried to research OT III. He went into it backwards and ended up half dead. Its one thing to read about the OT III incident casually, its another to go in and bang around for months and make a mess of it besides. It is quite possible that he got panicky and, fearing death, began to take all sorts of medical drugs even though this is quite contrary to normal Scientology practice and almost guarantees that you will screw up the auditing. Tony Dunlevy used to tell a story at Scientology events about how Ron came back to St. Hill with a roomful of materials and told him that if he (Ron) should die while trying to finish getting though it, then Tony was to take the materials and his best people and a staff of medical doctors and try and get someone through it using medical assistance to make it possible for someone to survive running it. Ron flew off and eventually came back and told Tony to forget the room of materials and that he had found an easier way through the level which could be done with a small pack of materials.
WHAT ISN'T: The things that were then mocked up, the Sea Org, crush ethics, crush sell, and a backwards quickie standard tech which lost us most of our experienced auditors and turned the rest into robots were not the work of a monster. They were the last ditch efforts of a dedicated researcher who came close to death and feared that the discoveries which he had already put together would be lost with his passing. And so he cast it all in concrete and set up a cadre of fearless storm troupers and Gestapo agents to guard it with their lives and never let it vary least some fool turn it all to dust. Needless to say, this was not a very high toned attitude.
The astounding side effect was that all this organizational insanity eventually brought people into Scientology in droves and filled the Church's coffers. It really makes one wonder about the average public mentality. You can't attract the suckers by giving them an even break. The sucker will only go to where he knows he will be sucked.
WHAT IS: The subtle OT abilities. The manipulation of chance and probability. The pulling in of serendipitous coincidences, and also the pulling in of motivators for one's overts.
The future is in flux, predetermined in the ordered motions of physics but indeterminate in the subtler interactions of particles and random variables. The flux responds to thought, and especially to strong visualizations, whether intentional or reactive, because these mimic the observation which breaks down the probability waves into actuality. All participate in this working out of the future into the present, whether consciously or unconsciously.
The subtle influence of chance events can never be proven because by its vary nature it is always in accordance with physical laws and can be shown to be a random occurrence. Even long runs of luck are provided for and even required in the mathematical analysis of statistical probability. And yet there are born losers and people upon whom luck always shines.
This is all in accordance with (although not stated or proved by) the modern theories of Quantum Mechanics which sees all existence as consisting of probability waves which are broken down into reality by the action of observation.
WHAT ISN'T: Gaining a larger say in the workings of probability is not the exclusive prerogative of the Scientology OT. Many methods, from Positive Thinking to Trusting That God Will Provide are all capable of raising the level of your input into this flux.
Deep Faith is one of the strong amplifiers. It matters not what the faith is in, it is the raw power of the faith itself which can alter the flow of events. This is a good reason for giving respect to holy men of all persuasions. Even the businessman's faith in himself or the craftsman's faith in his ability have their impact. Self confidence is often seen as a key to power.
But there are negative aspects to raising your input into this flux. Your subconscious reactive thoughts may bring on your fate instead of your desire. The selfish businessman is always risking the backlash of his own overts when he begins to push his horsepower up with various tricks and gimmicks. The holy people are much safer as long as they don't turn hypocritical or discover the flaws in their belief systems and moral codes. In theory, the Scientologists should be in the best position to handle this flux safely because of the concentration on responsibility and the handling of overts, but in practice, they are at risk when they let fanaticism override good sense and judgment.
WHAT IS: If a coin has been tossed but the results not yet looked at, it is still subject to probabilistic manipulations. You may still alter the results by intense visualizations, deep prayer, strong postulates, stubborn determination that the results must come out randomly, or reactive dread at the consequences of loosing (which of course causes you to loose).
WHAT ISN'T: Once the results have been viewed, they are fixed in physical universe mechanics. All the regretful wishing in the world will not change an observed result. Altering anything at this stage requires a total bypass of physical laws and is a major OT ability rather than a subtle one.
WHAT IS: The main "OT Ability" that has often been achieved in Scientology is simply an increase in the person's input into this flux. Fascinating improbabilities sometimes occur.
WHAT ISN'T: This is not a new ability. Everyone has some input into the shuffling of probabilities. Amazing coincidences occur to everybody. The gain is simply in terms of the scale and frequency of coincidences.
But as I mentioned earlier, nothing about this can be proved easily and as a consequence, this area is highly subject to wishful thinking and unsubstantiated claims. Perhaps some of Rhine's work would help here. We might even use large control and test groups running different processes and then give each person ten bucks, turn them lose against a bank of Las Vegas slot machines, and run statistical distributions on the winners.
The above discussion of subtle OT abilities is my own codification of vague ideas and concepts that are in the early materials. Ron never did give a clear and concise description of the mechanisms of pulling in motivators for your overts or of how to make postulates stick, but I think the above is in keeping with what he did say on the subject.
WHAT IS: The CofS and the Sea Org have an expressed goal to Clear the Planet. This goal has been pushed for almost 30 years now.
WHAT ISN'T: There are many reasons why this cannot happen in any reasonable timeframe given their current methods of operating.
If the planet were to be cleared (which I consider to be a good thing), there are only three ways its going to happen. These are:
a) Mass Clearing. This would be the opposite of the mass implanting. It would require developing clearing procedures that could be done on a group processing basis via TV shows. This would require radical breakthroughs which they are not researching and which they currently believe themselves forbidden to research. It would also require a willingness to give the tech away which is contrary to current policy.
b) They would have to do enough individual clearing to get ahead of the birthrate. This would again mean giving the tech away. It would have to be done in schools and self-help groups. There is no way it could happen given current org prices and the average income level of the public.
c) There is an idea in Scientology that you can have a clear group without all the members being clear and that in a similar manner you could have a clear planet. This would hopefully let you boom the economy so that individual clearing could also take place. Again I think this would be a good thing but a great deal of honest research would be needed. We are miles away from figuring out how to make a clear group. The Sea Org certainly does not act like one. In fact, it dramatizes quite badly and has a tendency to make clears act like they are abberated which is the exact opposite of what a Clear group would do. Only when they can figure out how to clear their own group will it be appropriate for them to consider clearing the planet.
WHAT IS: There are a great deal of court cases being fought on both sides.
WHAT ISN'T: This isn't very bright. There are legal precedents being establish that will hurt everyone except for those who want to see all mental practices banned. Even psychiatrists may see their victories now used as precedents against them in their own field later.
Of course anyone being sued needs to fight a strong defense. But the sheer stupidity of the CofS in fighting to prove that it is a business with trade secrets rather than a religion is hard to believe.
And in the matter of liability suits, CofS, Freezone, and even psychologists should be banding together before all of them end up paying out their entire income for malpractice insurance.
The basic purpose of the legal profession is to get rich off of people's desire for vengeance and safety.
To misquote Samuel Clemmens, "It would not clear the planet to declare all the lawyers suppressive, but it would sure be a lot of fun". And maybe there is a real use for the RPF after all (just kidding).
WHAT IS: It is proper for the holders of the copyrights to Ron's works to receive a reasonable fee for those materials.
WHAT ISN'T: Since these are religious materials, it is a violation of the Constitution for them to refuse to make those materials (of course at a reasonable fee) available to anyone who professes to have a religious purpose in studying them, even if those people have been declared enemies of the Church.
What if the Catholics had copyrighted the Bible and refused to sell copies to the Baptists and hauled them off to court if they tried to reproduce the materials themselves? That is the reason people fled here from Europe and it is the basis for our tradition of religious freedom.
I also have a personal prejudice against corporations who buy up patents for the purpose of suppressing inventions instead of putting them to use. The whole reason for the patent system was to encourage invention rather than suppress it. This doesn't usually come up with a body of writing, but in this case we do have a situation where knowledge is being hidden and suppressed instead of encouraged.
In general I do support the rules on copyrights and trade secrets, but not in the case where knowledge is suppressed or religious freedom is trampled on. For this reason, I would give Scam-iz-dat a pat on the back for broadly publishing confidential materials on the internet (it's not a bad idea to break the word up various ways to defeat keyword triggered software).
WHAT IS: It is not unusual for a religion to splinter into an orthodox and a liberal sect. The orthodox often feel that the liberals have perverted their religion and have been known to attack and persecute them. The liberals often splinter further and in some cases have been known to fight among themselves as well as with the orthodox who are persecuting them.
WHAT ISN'T: It isn't right to fight a holy war. I know of no good that has ever come of one. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong, the war itself is a great evil. These wars were, at one time, Christianity's curse, and the active persecution, which is a lesser version of the war, has weighted on the conscience of many. When they have put aside fanaticism and attempted to teach and to help and to heal, the Christians have done much good in the world.
If L. Ron Hubbard walked into a Scientology org today, they'd declare him a squirrel (Scientology's name for a freezoner - squirrels gather nuts) in short order.
WHAT IS: There has been some picketing of Scientology events.
WHAT ISN'T: The last thing you want to do with a bunch of religious fanatics is harass them with nasty signs. That REALLY strengthens their resolve.
Since people will probably ignore this and keep picketing anyway, they should at least use slogans which might actually bring about some change for the better.
The idea would be to use some mental ju-jitsu rather than toughening up your opponent. You might try the following signs. The Scientologists will suppress their reactions, but they might think about these things later and even end up helping your carry the signs eventually.
a) Sacrificing people to get stats up is an overt.
b) You have become the priests and psychs that you opposed.
c) The overt speaks loudly in the accusation.
d) You have created your own opposition.
e) End PTSness, Disconnect from the Sea Org.
If you say the subject doesn't work or is a scam, you will hit absolute resistance. It never works to use your own buttons on someone else. You have to hit their buttons. They have them. Most believe the prices are too high. They detest registrars, routing forms, and sec checks. They are afraid of Ethics. They are often run on wrong or unnecessary processes. Some feel they have betrayed their friends by disconnecting.
The membership does know that there are things wrong. They swallow it because the subject does work well enough that most people will have had at least one big gain.
WHAT IS: Don't let me give you the wrong impression. Things were not perfect in the early days either. I was not there in the 1950s to see for myself what was going on (I have simply heard most of the thousands of tapes from this timeperiod), but I'm sure that they had their share of craziness. For the mid to late 1960s (prior to the Class VIIIs and the Sea Org and the 1969 collapse), I can point to many dumb ideas that were in vogue for brief periods of time.
At one point, many auditors would not let the PC run past lives because it was too restimulative (!!!). At another time, a bulletin (1967) came out saying that "All sickness equals PTS" (PTS means that the person is a Potential Trouble Source because they are connected to a suppressive person) and so the org went crazy on having everybody disconnecting from supposed SPs every time they had a sniffle. I remember one course supervisor who decided that he was PTS to his DESK (!) and we had to carry it out into the hallway for him. These are just examples, there were plenty more.
WHAT ISN'T: The stupid ideas generally did not stay with us and the subject kept evolving. You could always wait for next year or find another auditor or go to a different organization that wasn't riding the same hobby horse. The subject was not being held in a rigid mold and there was room to maneuver around the barriers. And there was always hope for next year's technical breakthrough.
Now we supposedly have all the answers (what a joke), and the technology is perfect (even when it fails), and the organization is in a case condition which we know as "resisting change" which is a characteristic of a suppressive person.
WHAT IS: When the movie "2001 A Space Odessy" came out, there was a dumb ethics officer at some org who issued an order forbidding people to see it because it was "too restimulative".
WHAT ISN'T: Never confuse the actions of individual idiots with the group as a whole. It was a local order, not a general one. At the org I was at, we shook our heads and felt sorry for anyone who was affected by this order and continued to encourage everyone to go see a nifty movie.
WHAT IS: Scientology was once known as the high IQ religion. Ron was extremely bright and anti-authoritarian and so he appealed to every genius who had been forced to swallow crap from teachers that were dumber than themselves. There were many of us who were in MENSA. We even had a National Merit Scholar (that wasn't me, I only made the 99.3 percentile). This is just in one small organization in 1966.
Scientology processing would occasionally raise IQ. There was no steady progression or specific thing that did this. Just occasionally, some big mental block or stress that interfered with the person's ability to think would get handled and there would be a dramatic IQ jump. In the old days, the org used the California Capacity Questioner which is a well respected non-Scientology IQ test (it is one of the ones that Mensa uses).
WHAT ISN'T: Although it still has more intellectual appeal than some of the more mindless forms of ritual worship, organized Scientology has been slipping in this area for quite some time now.
First of all, the anti-authoritarian air has been replaced by a belief in LRH as a new and even more absolute authority.
They might still occasionally be creating a sudden surge in IQ with processing, but they no longer can tell. They moved off of standard IQ tests and started using one designed by Ron. Even assuming that it was structured and calibrated accurately, it only runs to 150 which means that it is inaccurate above about 135 (the upper edge of any IQ test's range is considered to be random, being affected more by mood, experience, and careless mistakes rather than an actual difference in IQ). You can hardly tell if you were really raising or lowering IQ with such a test, and there is a reason for this.
When the technology was screwed up in 1969 due to the Class VIII auditors and the introduction of Standard Tech, there was a dramatic crash in actual, properly tested, IQ scores among Scientologists. I heard from many other staff members that their IQ scores had fallen, generally by 10 to 20 points, after being audited on the quickie "Standard Tech" which was in vogue at that time. An order came out to stop telling people what they had scored on the IQ tests (until then, it was freely mentioned and even used as a sales point because it occasionally jumped significantly and almost never slipped by more than the normal day-to-day variation of a few points). The next thing that happened was that the CCQ and other "wog" IQ tests were declared to be suppressive (because they showed that we were lowering IQs) and they were replaced by this test of Ron's.
I think that the technical corrections that came in during the early 1970s fixed this lowering of IQ and that we are back to the occasional significant improvement. But we have lost the ability to see what is going on.
The worst plight is that of the current staff members. They rarely get the processing which might give them a significant IQ increase. They are constantly pounded with authoritarian dictates that inhibit their ability to think freely (and it was removing this stuff that used to raise IQ!). And they continually use things referred to as "Learning Drills" on the staff members (doing what they call "Chinese School" reciting things etc.). These learning drills were developed and tried briefly in the early 1960s. Per Ron's actual statement (on the Briefing Course tapes), they are known to lower IQ by actual test (while improving the ability to recite formulas by rote) and they were dropped at that time for that reason. So they have created a generation of staff members who can't think, and especially, can't think for themselves about the subject of Scientology.
WHAT IS: Most Scientology staff really are there to help people. They are enduring terrible conditions for the sake of mankind. They don't get rich. They generally don't even get a lot of Scientology processing. A few may be on a power trip, but that is only possible to top management.
WHAt ISN'T: A lot of money flows into the Sea Org, but few ever see any of it. Most of it disappears into reserve funds for fanatically defending the organization, or it is wasted on various bits of foolishness. A tiny handful might be living like kings and a few might be siphoning off funds into their own private nest eggs, but 99.9% of the staff are in self sacrifice mode. This is why you fail in any effort to attack them. Most are already martyrs to the cause.
They have been so abused that anything they do to you does not seem to them to be an overt because they have suffered far worse at the hands of the organization, and they have swallowed it for the sake of mankind.
I have said many critical things about the organization, but they are still trying to help people. And the processing does help people even if it doesn't live up to the sales pitches. On this basis, they should be helped rather than destroyed. I am not in opposition to the Sea Org or the CofS and I do not consider them an enemy (although they will probably consider me to be one). I simply consider that they need widesweeping and radical reforms. And what they need most is truth, honesty, and free communication. You cannot clear a society if you yourself are loaded with withholds.
Like handling a wayward child, you have to hold a firm line and refuse to tolerate their overts while encouraging everything about them that is right and sane.
WHAT IS: The CofS charges high prices, withholds data labeled confidential, tries to restrict other data as being out-gradient, imposes endless barriers and pre-requisites, and often attacks any use of its materials that are not under their control. They act like a corporation which is trying to impose a strict monopoly and dribble out a small amount of service in a tightly controlled manner.
WHAT ISN'T: The actually is not the way to get rich. The big joke is that if they made everything freely and easily available (at reasonable book prices of course) and encouraged self-help groups and co-audit clubs and do-it-yourself magazines and gave away free group processing on TV specials, they would have so much business flooding them that they couldn't handle it.
WHAT IS: The clam is described in "History of Man". It is presented as being part of our evolutionary history.
WHAT ISN'T: This isn't a real incident. The entire set of evolutionary pictures presented in the portion of the book that deals with the genetic line was later found to be an implant. Hubbard referred to this as the "Darwinian Implant" (see the 1963 tape "Errors in Time" etc.).
The book was written in 1952 after only a few months of running past life incidents. As was the case with most of the early research, Ron took a quick stab at it, felt satisfied that a few people could find the stuff he was talking about, and went on to something else. Dianetics and past life incident running wasn't used again until 1957-58 (see "Have you lived before this life") and was again dropped until 1963 when some research was done on implants and past lives. What we actually have is only three brief but intensive research periods in this area.
It was only in 1966 that they began regular training of Dianetic auditors. The 1966 technique was a beginners technique aimed at giving people who had no auditor training some experience in engram running before doing the clearing course. It would actually make a much better do it yourself type book than the 1950 Dianetics book, but I doubt that the SO would be willing to tolerate such an endeavor.
Real use of professional Dianetics techniques did not begin until 1969. With the vast amount of data that has been accumulating since the 1970s, it might actually be possible to start putting together a real history of man, but the will to seek out new answers seems to have deserted the subject.
Based on my own experiences, I have tried to produce a real roadmap of the course of our existence (see my next document, "Cosmic History"). But again, this is only based on the work of one person (myself). At best (if I'm not wholly deluded), it will serve as a starting point and a framework for organizing more data. It is not thorough research.
Ron used to say that we are still on a research line. That statement was never canceled. It IS still true.
WHAT IS: Cults exist and will always exist as long as society and families are imperfect and leave the teenager (or anyone) with a painful vacuum that needs to be filled.
WHAT ISN'T: Scientology isn't very bad as far as cults go. You might think of them as mind-bending, money-grubbing, and dangerous fanatics, but they will at least keep your kid off drugs and away from gang violence and perhaps even make him into a good worker who can get a job elsewhere if he leaves them. At worst, it's probably better than joining the army. Some lives have been ruined and a few have even been lost but they're nowhere near as bad as the competition where the death toll is often beyond counting.
WHAT IS: There is a spiritual side to man.
WHAT ISN'T: We don't have all the answers. We are in the position of Columbus who, having found America, believed that he was in India. But the untapped resources of the new world were far greater than anything he could have imagined. It was well worth the trip.
I can't claim to be a true scientist in the field of the human mind. I still live in the darkness of alchemy, searching for the light of truth. But it is my hope that perhaps I will be the last alchemist. If I inspire others to look further and carry us forward into a true science, then I have done my job.
May Truth Be With You,
The Pilot
Fall 1996
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