Copyright 1996
All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.
Mar 24, 1990, rev. Feb 1993
Everything about how to run these is highly experimental. See my write-up on research auditing (included elsewhere).
1. Initial Approach
Before trying to run deeply, it is best to do a light pass on all of the penalty universes, just running platen 1 and perhaps a bit of ITSA to get some charge off. Later implants tried to group all of the goals together. You want to get enough weight off of the top of all of these so that later groupers are unable to pull your attention on to the next goal after the one you happen to be running. Handled this way, you can actually shoot an item out of the middle of an implant without being drawn into the next item. This violates everything we previously knew about implants, but it works because the penalty universe is so much more basic that it undercuts the very existence of the later implant items that were based on it.
The majority of later implant restimulations of these universes begin with Create and run down to Endure. For this reason, it is best to try and run the implant universes in this sequence. It makes it easier to knock out later implant restimulations in the majority of cases. However, on a first pass, the universes might not want to run in this order. So the approach would be to asses the goals starting from create and take up the first one that reads well.
On the first pass over all of these goals, you should not try and run a goal a second time unless your attention is strongly drawn to it. You'll be doing a lot more with each goal later on, so there's no need to try and milk every bit of charge off of it right away. These things are so basic that they seem like a natural part of life (which they are) and you've been dramatizing these things for a long time, so handling them up at the top is actually less restimulative than walking around in this universe and living them for real.
For a light run on the goal, begin by running it in platen 1. In some cases you'll only get one read on each item (or even only on every other item). The read might occur on the description, or the item itself, or both. If each item is not reading on checking it a second time, then don't bother with the second check since it is just needless restimulation. If its running like this, then stop running platen 1 at the first FN. If there's anything to itsa, do so but don't push it. Next, spot the restimulation in Incident 2 at the Inc 2 location (they did a mockup of each implant universe and told you it happened during Inc 2). Then check for and handle any stirred up BTs, Clusters, or overts. Finally, spot the top of platen 1 again (Native State item) and end off. Take a break and then go on to the next goal.
In other cases, the items will read multiple times and each item should be flattened to clean or a small brief FN. Run as above except that you can continue on to a better FN or cog.
Sometimes the goal will really run well. You can run each item to an FN or each item just turns on a wide FN. In this case the platen will often EP after a few items. If you go past this, platen 1 will stop reading and the FN usually turns off; if this happens, then rehab the EP. At this point you should be able to run some more out of the incident. Begin by spotting some of the "This Means ..." symbols that occur right after the end of platen 1. There will be a symbol for Time up at or near the top which is going to be something like the sun swinging over the environment or a watch or clock appropriate to the universe being run. If you knock out a few of these, you'll get an idea of some of the stuff that happens in the universe and can do a bit of itsa.
At first you might only get a paragraph or so about the contents. As you run deeper, you might write a page or more describing the incident. Write this up on a separate sheet of paper as a descriptive platen of the incident. On subsequent passes, you can start from the description you wrote up and make corrections and additions and simply get more charge off just by re-reading it sometimes. If I have more than a few symbol items, I also make up a symbol platen for the incident and just keep noting the symbols on that rather than having them buried on the worksheets of different sessions. For this you can just write them down as TIME = sun swings over valley, ATTACK = the bug eyed monster jumps you, etc. You can also spot detail items in the body of the incident and note them on the worksheets, but I wouldn't bother trying to make up a platen of these because there are about ten thousand of them in each universe. If a detail item bothers you, get the symbol item above it that set you up for the situation in the body of the incident.
Always start with platen 1. On subsequent runs of a goal where platen 1 has already been run extensively, you might just spot the first few items and be ready to dive in. Then get as much off of the implant universe itself as you can (symbol items and ITSA of the body of the incident).
Once your doing well, you can knock off whatever later restimulators you can reach that are locked up on top of the goal. If you have run OT3, you should be able to get charge off on the Inc 2 location where the goal was restimulated because it is already close to the surface by the fact of having run OT3. You might also be able to blow charge on the Price and Survival restimulators, but don't push them if they don't read. Some of these buttons are included on the penalty universe master list.
You can also scan the track very lightly for later overts or other later restimulators that are beginning to be stirred up. I took apart quite a few implants this way, but don't push it, this step is more of a research action. But if you do spot a later implant, go head and ITSA some charge off of it, and be sure to write down any details that you find out. Often a major implant begins to show up gradually on a few goals before you can get enough of it to make out its structure.
Always end off on a goal by spotting the top of platen 1 again.
Perhaps we will someday have complete platens for the entirety of these penalty universes. This may be necessary if we are to take untrained public through these incidents. But a trained auditor can make it on far less. If you can get enough charge off, whether by running platen 1, the subsequent items in the implant, or later restimulators, then you reach a point where you can just look at the incident and all the arbitraries of human life begin to fall away. Eventually the goal just FNs and life will never be as constrained again.
2. My Own Experience
Aug 1996
I had a rough time of it until I found the items that I have put on platen I. I was running a single penalty universe. It was the tiger universe with the goal "To Eat". I ran this for hundreds of hours and I have boxes full of index cards containing the items. It was extremely restimulative and difficult until I found the symbol items ("This Means") in section 2, and then it got easier, and finally I was able to reach the beginning of the incident and the platen I items. Then the whole thing began to fall apart, but I found that there was additional charge on the items which seemed to come from another goal.
Soon I was running other goals in platen I and finding out more of the anatomy of this mess. I handled perhaps a dozen goals with lots of attention to platen I and the symbol items but also with finding hundreds of detail items in the later part of the incident.
Then I found I could simply run platen I and find some symbol items from section 2 of the implant and then scan the story of the later part without finding items. My hope is that everyone can run it this way rather than going through the horrible struggle that I had had earlier. I could be wrong on this and you might have to run some of the later items in detail. But having platen I makes it easy.
After running dozens of these, I began to see that the goals themselves fit into a pattern which followed the dynamics.
Then the whole thing began to fall away and persistent FN and I achieved a major case state which I will call "Freedom from Arbitraries". What happened is that all of the arbitrary meanings and patterns came apart. Things like the tone scale no longer seemed to have any rational reason but were simply arbitrary patterns that had been chosen almost at random by the early implant designers. And I achieved a freedom from these arbitraries which changed my whole view of life.
I sat on the win for awhile, but I was far from OT and had many other things I wanted to handle but not a clue as to how to approach them. I worked with Ron's OT drills from the 1950s quite extensively, but I still had vast unknowns about the history of our existence and the mechanisms of the mind. Also, I still did not have a full list of penalty universe goals or enough data to give others a chance at running these.
So I took a second pass at these penalty universes, using a research rundown (which I will discuss in another write-up) to try and scan off the later implants locked up on top of these and to gather more data. This rundown resimulated as much as it ran out, so I will not suggest it as a case action, but it was a great tool for exploration. Eventually I took apart enough things to spot the original jewel of knowledge and the agreements universe and began to map out the cosmic history that I presented in an earlier write-up. And finally, after researching numerous other implant platens, my actual GPM goal fell into my lap and I put together and ran the Actual GPM rundown. After this I was researching drills and rundowns and pretty much let the penalty universe research slide.
At this time I can't guarantee that I've got all the goals right, and I have not run all of them thoroughly, so that some of the descriptions are very speculative whereas others were run quite intensively.
There is also the possibility that there is an earlier series of these things. One of the goals that I did run extensively, the goal "To Grow", had a nebulous "Genetic Entity" as the terminal. Platen I and the symbols items followed the usual pattern, but the later items seemed to follow a different pattern. In the usual penalty universes, you start with a fully mockedup environment and slide from tone 40 down to death and below. But in this one with the goal to grow, you start from nothing and gradually build up an elaborate series of lifeforms and then sink into failure (overwhelmed by rival GEs). Since the penalty universes generally use a solid body type (even the goal "To Create" has god as a statue rather than a nebulous being), any goal with a nebulous body type might be from an earlier series that I haven't mapped out at this time.
But platen I works well even on the nebulous ones, so just go ahead and use it on any goal which seems to fit and reads well in the platen. The lists of penalty universes may be slightly off and there might be an earlier series but you can count on Platen I to keep you out of trouble.
May 24, 1990, rev Feb 1993.
It is possible to get a very light keyout on the penalty universes and blow things currently in restimulation by spotting the top item and spotting (or having others spot) being pushed into the penalty universe (on 3 flows).
This may be a workable preliminary step before trying to run any of the contents of these penalty universes. It should be possible to lightly brush over all of them in just a few hours of auditing. Note that this usage is experimental. In this case one would attempt to run through all 64 of the penalty universes.
If you get too much stirred up and in restim and make too many mistakes, this procedure can be used to cool things down. In this case, you would end off in the middle if you experience major relief and feel that the condition is handled. Of course its better to fix errors rather than doing a major undercut like this, but in research auditing, sometimes you carry on too long with a mistaken idea and get too tangled up to sort it out easily. In this case, after doing this rundown you should try and correct the mistaken idea (unless you already cognited on it during the rundown).
You can also run this on an individual spirit as a major action if it seems indicated. This is primarily for situations such as a friend whose dropped his body showing up in session for handling. End off if you get a big release.
This is also useful when you have something in restim that you just can't figure out. If, for example, you feel that you're starting to wake up in some split viewpoint off somewhere else and you can't handle it with a known platen or get in enough of an itsa line to figure out what's going on, then run this on yourself in the split viewpoint until things clear up.
This procedure is very limited in that you're not running with much of an ITSA line. It's really strain relief undercutting whatever is kicking you in the teeth right now and taking a little weight off. In general it is better to run with lots of ITSA and work towards greater knowledge and understanding. But the ITSA line trails off into dub-in in the presence of too much charge and shuts down completely in the presence of too many errors. This gives you an entry point and a way to dig yourself out of a mess.
To run this, you will need the assessment list for the 64 goals and a good understanding of the 16 dynamics as defined earlier in this write-up. Note that the definitions are slightly off of the Scientology definitions for the first 8 dynamics (I.E., 4D is race or government or any group that your usually born into or stuck with rather than joining). The penalty universe versions of the definitions should be used since these correspond to the goals that were abberated.
The Key Out Rundown Steps:
1. Assess for the best reading dynamic. Begin by checking whether it's the lower 8 or the upper 8 dynamics (or even break them up into groups of 4) to reduce the length of the assessment.
Uppermost 4: Creation, Knowingness, Games, Change Next 4: Reason, Construction, Ethics, Aesthetics Next 4: Worship, Spirits, Mest, Lifeforms Lowest 4: Race/Government, Groups, Sex, Body.
2. Check the 4 goals for the dynamic. When a goal reads, do the following:
a. Spot "To (goal) is native state" at the top of the penalty universe.
b. Spot being pushed into the penalty universe; spot pushing another in; and spot others pushing others in.
c. If it seems to indicate (your attention is still on it etc.), spot the native state item again.
3. After running this dynamic (or after each goal if it seems to indicate), spot the agreements universe as follows:
a. Spot rushing into agreement and going through the inverted triangle.
b. Spot "To agree is native state"
c. Spot deciding to agree before that. (if necessary, also spot getting others to agree or working on constructing the agreements universe).
4. Check if anyone was overrun. (use a loose intention meaning BTs or Clusters or Programmed Machine Entities or Split viewpoints or whatever else might exist and be capable of getting overrun). If so, have it spot the moment of release and give it an acknowledgment.
5. Check if anyone is incomplete on running one of the goals. If so, use some intention to boost it up to spotting the native state item.
You can also get a BT etc. occasionally who has spotted the item but needs a bit of an ack or validation before he blows. You can even use "Who are you? (me)" if it seems necessary.
6. Now you can reassess for another dynamic to run, but it is usually better to simply run from creation (16D) on down. Try "To Create" and if it wouldn't read, assess for another dynamic.
Once you start running from To Create on down, you should be able to get every goal to read. If one doesn't read, try steps 4 and 5 above (overrun and incomplete), try step 3 (agreements universe), and if still no read, take a break. After resuming, see if the goal will now read or if the whole procedure is being overrun or if there is something else wrong, or if some overt has gone into restim that needs to be spotted, etc. Also check if the goal is misworded etc. (these were not implanted in English and you might describe the same differently than I would).
Take frequent breaks (every few dynamics or if you see massive blows starting etc.). Sometimes things start coming apart and you just need to wait a little and give them some space before the next goal will run. Use steps 3 to 5 occasionally. Once you get the hang of it, you generally know when to check overrun or incomplete. Spotting the agreements universe occasionally helps pick up ones who've loosened up and are ready to blow.
The procedure itself can overrun. What's happening is that the stuff immediately around you has blown off and given you more space and then you carry on and more distant material is being drawn in and causing your space to shrink. This can turn on protest and overrun phenomena. The rundown can be done again at another time when other things are already stirred up and this procedure again seems to be needed. It's like doing a green form. The repair can be overrun but the form can be used again in the future.
4. Penalty Universe - Assessment List
23 Jul 91, rev. 12 Feb 93
These are the penalty universe goals. The terminal of the universe is listed in parenthesis. If any of the goals or terminals are hard to understand or don't make sense, see the description in the penalty universe master list given elsewhere.
16th Dynamic - Creation
1. To Create (Statue)
2. To Cause (god, old man)
3. To Mock Up (Computer)
4. To Imagine (Cartoon Mouse)
15th Dynamic - Knowingness
5. To Understand (chipmunk)
6. To Know (2 headed dodo)
7. To Absorb (greek hero)
8. To Learn (gnome)
14th Dynamic - Games
9. To Play (Chinese child)
10. To Compete (Coach, doll)
11. To Manipulate (Penguin Banker)
12. To Exchange (Spirit Broker)
13th Dynamic - Change
13. To Metamorphose (clay people) [or to shape or be shaped]
14. To Change (magician)
15. To Combine (Siamese twins)
16. To Bring Order (gorilla people) [maybe out of sequence]
12th Dynamic - Reason
17. To Reason (clown)
18. To Orient (wire man)
19. To Guide (pilot)
20. To Compute (toy bodies)
11th Dynamic - Construction
21. To Construct (beavers)
22. To Arrange (blockhead)
23. To Build (snake people)
24. To Structure (Crystals)
10th Dynamic - Aesthetics
25. To Invent (munchkins)
26. To Inspire (muses)
27. To Enhance (ghost people)
28. To Beautify (fairy godmother)
9th Dynamic - Ethics
29. To Purify (fire people)
30. To Judge (bull people)
31. To Defend (little green men)
32. To Strengthen (ball of energy) [to police?]
8th Dynamic - Worship
33. To Enlighten (rabbit preacher)
34. To Convert (fish man)
35. To Commune (female angel)
36. To Worship (knights)
7th Dynamic - Spirits
37. To Predict (soothsayer)
38. To Influence (cupid)
39. To Collect (elves/fairies)
40. To Embody (Pan - goat god)
6th Dynamic - physical universe
41. To Discover (centaurs)
42. To Locate (Leprechaun)
43. To Gather (spacesuit body)
44. To Own (Fox people)
5th Dynamic - lifeforms
45. To Grow (GE) [maybe from an earlier series]
46. To Live (dinosaur)
47. To Heal (tree man)
48. To Adapt (thread man)
4th Dynamic - society
49. To Establish (3eyed giants)
50. To Share (dolphins)
51. To Control (frog king)
52. To Unite (dog soldiers)
3rd Dynamic - groups
53. To Organize (human clerk)
54. To Co-operate (robots)
55. To Participate (mermaid)
56. To Expand (mouse railroad engineer)
2nd Dynamic - sex
57. To Join (cat people)
58. To Reproduce (insect invader)
59. To Satisfy (cavemen)
60. To Care For (bird girl)
1st Dynamic - body
61. To Experience (Bear) [or to feel]
62. To Replenish (old arab) [might be to survive]
63. To Eat (Tiger) [or to consume]
64. To Endure (pyramid)
After successfully running the penalty universe key-out rundown, you should be ready to handle these in a more thorough fashion.
Continue working through the goals using platen 1 and begin adding in the additional steps described below. At first you are only trying for the lightest keyout. Gradually you start running deeper, getting more and more itsa etc.
Initially we're not going for erasure. We're aiming at greater keyouts and increasing horsepower. As you keep running deeper, your ITSA line gets pretty awesome and you start blowing huge holes in everything. The target is to get up to the point where you can as-is these penalty universes by inspection.
If you get in trouble running a penalty universe, your first handling is to spot the native state item at the top of the goal, also spot being pushed into it, pushing others in, and others pushing others in. Also spot the agreements universe (as given elsewhere). For negative goals, spot the inversion scene and then spot the top of the positive goal.
You can also look for entities of various kinds who are stirred up on it and have them spot the top of it.
Another good rescue process is spotting places where the (terminal) is not.
These are all unlimited techniques that can be run again and again to FN. They are used in normal running but can also be used on an emergency basis even if they have been run before.
Once you feel better, take a break. When you get back in session, check if there was some error in the earlier session (wrong item or whatever) and fix it. Note that the above techniques will even key out wrong items etc., but you want to fix the mistake and make the gains rather than simply feel better. By keying the mass out first, it becomes possible to correct errors even in the presence of sloppy auditing or incorrect platens or worst tangle sort of situations.
These are the basic processes for running the penalty universes.
1. Platen 1.
This is your entry point. Once your running deeply, all items should either read or FN. If an item doesn't read, pause and mockup exactly what the item means and then try spotting it again. If an item can't be made to read, check for and handle overts as described below. If overts doesn't read, you can use any of the other steps below and then return to the current step on platen one (which should now be reading). If you get a big release in the middle of platen I, then go on to the following steps.
2. Overts
Check if you have any overts connected with doing this goal and handle (overt rudiment).
3. Spot the incident 2 location (noticing the false mockup of the implant universe that was placed there during inc. 2).
4. Spot the Pyramid location (this is an earlier mass implant). Spot the face of the terminal within the pyramid.
5. Spot the terminal saying the price of the goal.
6. Spot places where (terminal) is not.
Also, spot places in the penalty universe where you are not.
7. Spot symbol items from the penalty universe (a few are given in the master list, others can be spotted and blown by inspection).
8. Scan the detail of the penalty universe. If anything feels heavily charged and wouldn't blow, look for a symbol item that set you up for the detail item.
9. ITSA any later track restimulation.
10. If any of the above steps stir up heavy charge, run platen I again from the top.
Also, if any entities of whatever sort turn up, have them spot the native state item and being pushed in etc.
When you're fairly far along, you can also run the following processes (you should probably only run these once a particular goal):
11. Spot things that you must not (goal) until the ridge blows.
12. Spot people, groups, etc. that you would permit to (goal) until your willing to have others doing this goal.
13. Spot places where (terminal) would be safe. Run this past the point where you get joy from placing the terminal in "safe" places where it is tortured etc. until you can have it or not have it anywhere by choice.
14. Spot things that the (terminal) does not own.
15 June 1987, revised 2 June 1990
This is a universe created in its own space and time. You actually go through the experience. The items are intentions (thoughts) that you receive after (or during) the experience described. The intentions are not in words nor are they in any language. The experience is having the viewpoint of the terminal, not seeing pictures or mockups of the terminal doing things (except for the symbols in the early sections). Seeing pictures or hearing words are later restimulations of this that were done in electronic implants.
In the first run, the root verb (shown as % here - substitute the correct goal when running) is not really meaningful when it is said (intended) in the early items since it is not defined until the middle of the symbols in section 2. In these items, it is just this undefined thing that you are anxious (the first time) to find out about.
Before this starts, you are blanketed by one or more thetans who push you into this. Note that you are not in a body. The other thetans may have captured you or you may have lost a game and this is the agreed upon penalty or you might be having it done to you for kicks or to find out what everyone else has been talking about.
You might or might not have done the overt side (pushing another into this) first (you certainly did it as an overt sooner or later). In the overt side, you feel the other person wiggling and protesting under you and get some faint feedback of the items from him as you hold him.
There is also a third flow of watching others pushing others into a penalty universe. In running this, try to spot all 3 flows on items a. (blanketing) and b. (pushing in) and get a read on each if possible. For the remaining items (item 1 on), just try to spot it (i.e., as-is it on a gradient) in its own time and space (to some degree you are spotting a location within the penalty universe) without narrowing down to a specific flow. Although you can spot your feelings of going through this (protest etc.) and of putting another through it (someone wiggling around under you etc.) and of feeling sympathy for someone you see being pushed through by others, these effects are secondary. The item itself is senior to the effects it created and you want to as-is it by permeating it in its own space and time rather than by running its effects out as an incident.
You might have also had a hand in creating this, either as a designer or as one of a team doing group postulates of some portion of the items. In that case, you will find group agreement and the intention to make this as devilish as possible and putting out heavy intentions to make each thought and experience solid. The items are thought waves spread along the track of the penalty universe.
Everyone had a hand in mocking these up. Their construction was a group effort to solve the problem of not being able to enforce any penalties on anybody. But I think you will only find yourself responsible for a few specific pieces of a few specific penalty universes. Most of it probably came as a surprise the first time you went through it.
If it seems to indicate, then try spotting designing or postulating or agreeing to the penalty universe being run.
* * *
This platen covers section 1 which is the same for all of the penalty universes (except for the goal being stated). After section 1, each penalty universe uses its own symbols etc.
Section 1 includes a mockup of the Jewel of Knowledge. This is not the original jewel which we experienced before home universe. This is simply a mockup included in the implant to give it a bit more of a kick. At the time of these implant universes, we already had a great deal of significance concerning the jewel of knowledge (I think it was inaccessible to us after entering the home universe matrix). So the mockup lends a great deal of "truth and importance" to the items being implanted.
In this incident, the jewel is a sort of 7 dimensional diamond. From a 3 dimensional view, it appears to have 8 sides (two 4 sided pyramids with a common base). You do not see all of it as a whole in the incident. Instead, you only see 3 (or maybe 4?) dimensions and have the feeling of it extending out into spaces beyond your perception. Note that the complete jewel would have 128 sides.
After the decision to be, the jewel shows up with the items. Note that the items are in groups of 3 ending with "To ... is the basis of all ...". The jewel begins to appear on the first item of the set, becomes more substantial on the second item, and then flashes at the end of the third ("Basis") item (like an instant read). You need to spot the jewel appearing and then spot the flash on the end word of the "Basis" item. The jewel disappears after the flash. The jewel follows a pattern of appearing on the left, then the right, and then in the center at a certain distance. On the next series of items it will do the same but it will be closer until, near the end of the platen, it is touching you.
Note that there is a later restimulation of this which can turn on uncomfortable sensations in the forehead. This is an incident used in the Thought Universe, Conflicts Universe, and Magic Universe to install Jewel of Knowledge machines. The implant begins with the Native State item and has the jewel of knowledge present and flashing from the very first item on (unlike the penalty universe where it only appears after the decision to be). Also, in this later incident, there are 3 jewels visible (left, right, and center) and they move in on each set of items (rather than having only a single jewel that appears in various locations). The 3 jewels come together and merge in the center of the forehead. There are only 6 positions for each of the 3 jewels and the entire implant only uses 24 goals and only some of those match up with penalty universe goals. So, if a forehead sensation or somatic turns on, check if your running a jewel of knowledge installation implant. If so, go earlier and get back to the original penalty universe.
The treadmill (Games Universe) starts with the same platen as the original penalty universes. If you get into that, it has an uncomfortable sensation of motion or spinning. If this happens, spot it and get back to the earlier penalty universe. This is a bit like getting back to the earliest run in CC or OT2 material.
These later incident problems mainly come up on the goal to Create or occur if you don't spot items a and b well. Only the original penalty universes have separate moments of being pushed in etc. for each goal (each universe). All the later incidents have a single push into the Create goal and then carry you from goal to goal as part of the implant.
a. Spot being blanketed, blanketing another, and others blanketing others
b. Spot being pushed in, pushing someone in, and others pushing others in.
1. There is nothing, no space or time or dimension etc. TO %.. IS NATIVE STATE
2. You are aware of being the basic life static before all time TO %.. IS TO BE THE STATIC
3. Now as Static, you want to be not-static. You want something to happen. You want there to be something. You want cause and effect. TO %.. IS THE URGE FOR SOMETHINGNESS
4. Now you realize what the urge is and it makes sense THE BASIC URGE IS TO %..
5. As you realize what the urge is, you receive this intention: BEFORE THE BEGINNING, NOW, AND FOREVER, IS THE URGE AND THE URGE IS TO %..
6. You realize that all other urges will stem from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS FOR ALL URGES
7. You feel the strength of the urge growing. TO %.. IS TO NEED RELIEF
8. You realize what is needed for relief THE BASIC RELIEF WILL COME FROM %...ing
9. You see that all relief stems from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL RELIEF
10. You realize that this is the reason for everything TO %.. IS THE ORIGINAL REASON WHY.
11. You realize this: THE BASIC REASON WHY IS THE NEED TO %..
12. You see that all other reasons will come from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL REASONS WHY.
13. You see that you need to do something about this. TO %.. IS TO ACT.
14. You realize this: THE BASIC ACTION IS TO %...
15. You realize that all other actions stem from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS FOR ALL ACTION.
16. You realize that you must decide something before anything will happen. TO %.. IS TO DECIDE
At this point, space becomes visible and is filled with a faint sourceless golden light. (spot the space).
Jewel of Knowledge in far distance (position 1) on the Left.
18. You realize that this is the first decision. THE ORIGINAL DECISION IS TO %..
19. You realize that all other decisions stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL DECISIONS. Jewel flashes in the far distance (position 1) on the Left.
20. You postulate that there will be something TO %.. IS TO POSTULATE Jewel of Knowledge in far distance (position 1) on the Right.
21. You realize that this is the first postulate THE BASIC POSTULATE IS TO %..
22. You realize that all other postulates stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL POSTULATES. Jewel flashes in the far distance (position 1) on the Right.
23. You postulate time. The time exists to allow for change due to .%.ing TO %.. IS THE SOURCE OF TIME Jewel of Knowledge in far distance (position 1) in the Center
24. You realize that the basic consideration of time is past, present, and future .%.ing. THE BASIS OF TIME IS %..ing
25. You realize that all future considerations of time will stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL TIME. Jewel flashes in the far distance (position 1) in the Center
26. You agree with the concept of .%.ing TO %.. IS TO AGREE Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 2) on the Left.
27. You realize that this is the basic agreement THE BASIC AGREEMENT IS TO %..
28. You realize that all other agreements stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL AGREEMENT. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 2) on the Left.
29. Now you create energy. The energy is formed of the concept of .%.ing TO %.. IS TO HAVE ENERGY Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 2) on the Right.
30. You realize that this is the most basic of all energies THE BASIC ENERGY STEMS FROM %..ing
31. You realize that all other energies stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL ENERGY. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 2) on the Right.
32. You postulate that .%.ing is the basic reality TO %.. IS REALITY Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 2) in the Center.
33. You realize this: THE BASIC REALITY IS %..ing
34. You realize that all other reality stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL REALITY. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 2) in the Center.
35. Now you postulate matter. The most real mass stems from .%. TO %.. IS TO HAVE MATTER Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 3) on the Left.
36. You realize that this is the most basic of all matter THE BASIC MATTER STEMS FROM %..ing
37. You realize that all other matter stem from this. To %.. IS THE SOURCE OF ALL MATTER. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 3) on the Left.
38. You postulate that affinity is achieved through .%.ing TO %.. IS LOVE Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 3) on the Right.
39. You realize this: THE BASIC LOVE IS ACHIEVED THROUGH %..ing
40. You realize that all other love stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL LOVE. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 3) on the Right.
41. You postulate that the basic interchange is through .%.ing TO %.. IS TO COMMUNICATE Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 3) in the Center.
42. You realize that this is the first communication. THE BASIC COMMUNICATION IS %..ing
43. You realize that all other communication stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL COMMUNICATION. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 3) in the Center.
44. You realize that .%.ing will bring understanding. TO %.. IS TO REACH FOR UNDERSTANDING Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 4) on the Left.
46. You realize that all understanding stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL UNDERSTANDING Jewel flashes nearby (position 4) on the Left.
47. You postulate that there will be space in which to .%. TO %.. IS TO HAVE SPACE Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 4) on the Right.
48. You realize that this is what creates space THE DELINEATION OF SPACE IS BY %..ing
49. You realize that all other spaces stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL SPACE. Jewel flashes nearby (position 4) on the Right.
50. You postulate that .%.ing gives meaning to existence TO %.. IS TO HAVE MEANING Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 4) in the Center.
51. You realize this: THE BASIC MEANING IS IN REGARDS TO %..ing
52. You realize that all other meaning stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL MEANING Jewel flashes nearby (position 4) in the Center.
53. You postulate that .%.ing is truth TO %.. IS TRUTH Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 5) on the Left.
55. You realize that all other truth stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL TRUTH. Jewel flashes nearby (position 5) on the Left.
57. Now you create havingness. The most real havingness is to %. TO %.. IS TO HAVE Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 5) on the Right.
58. You realize that this is the most basic of all havingness THE BASIC HAVINGNESS STEMS FROM %..ing
59. You realize that all other havingness stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL HAVINGNESS. Jewel flashes nearby (position 5) on the Right.
60. You postulate that .%.ing is the basic aesthetic TO %.. IS BEAUTY Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 5) in the Center.
61. You realize this: THE BASIC BEAUTY IS %..ing
62. You realize that all other beauty stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL BEAUTY. Jewel flashes nearby (position 5) in the Center.
63. You wish to connect with the thoughts in the Jewel of knowledge. TO %.. IS TO CONNECT WITH THOUGHT Jewel of Knowledge is close (position 6) on the Left.
64. You realize this: THE BASIC THOUGHT CONCERNS %..ing
65. You realize that all other thought stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL THOUGHT Jewel flashes close (position 6) on the Left.
66. You realize that this will influence all existence. TO %.. IS THE HIDDEN INFLUENCE Jewel of Knowledge is close(position 6) on the Right
67. You realize this: THE BASIC HIDDEN INFLUENCE IS TO %..
68. You realize that this underlies all other hidden influences TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL HIDDEN INFLUENCES Jewel flashes close (position 6) on the Right.
69. You postulate that the most valuable particle is that which is .%.n TO %.. IS TO VALUE Jewel of Knowledge is close(position 6) in the Center.
71. You realize that all other value stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL VALUATION Jewel flashes close(position 6) in the Center.
72. You realize that this will bring about true existence. TO %.. IS TO EXIST Jewel of Knowledge touching(position 7) on the Left.
73. you see that this is the only possible reason for existing. ALL EXISTENCE DEPENDS ON %..ing.
74. Now you realize that through this you will achieve an understanding of all existence TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL EXISTENCE Jewel flashes, touching (position 7), and passes into you on the Left.
75. You realize that the jewel is bringing you enlightenment TO %.. IS TO GAIN ENLIGHTENMENT Jewel of Knowledge touching(position 7) on the Right.
76. You realize this: THE BASIC ENLIGHTENMENT CONCERNS %..ing
77. You see that all other enlightenment will stem from this TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL ENLIGHTENMENT Jewel flashes, touching (position 7), and passes into you on the Right.
78. You realize that this will bring knowledge TO %.. IS TO KNOW Jewel of Knowledge touching(position 7) in the Center.
79. You realize this: THE BASIC KNOWLEDGE CONCERNS %..ing
80. You realize that all other knowledge stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL KNOWLEDGE Jewel flashes, touching (position 7), and passes into you in the Center.
The jewel remains in the center of your beingness.
81. Now something begins to appear below you. It is not yet substantial. You reach for it. TO %.. IS TO REACH
82. What you are reaching for is .%.ing THE BASIC REACH IS TOWARD %..ing
83. You realize that all other reaches stem from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF EVERY REACH. The jewel flashes within you.
As you reach, you encounter the basic symbols. These are like a stack of 3 dimensional pictures. You know that if you reach for them, you will gain understanding. Looking down at them makes the jewel seem to be above you (or in the top of your space).
84. Now you contact the first and most basic symbols of all existence TO %.. IS TO CONTACT SYMBOLS
85. You realize this: THE BASIC SYMBOLS CONCERNS %..ing
86. As you connect to the first symbol, you realize this: TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL SYMBOLOGY The jewel flashes on top of you and seems to move you into the first picture.
* * *
At this point you actually reach the first symbol. Usually it is THIS MEANS TIME. The symbol items continue from here on. The picture with each symbol is unique to the universe being run. Some symbol items such as time are used in all the universes and others are specific to the universe being run.
The jewel is not visible while you are looking at the symbols, but you can feel it there above you guiding you through them.
*** end part 1 - notes on part 2 (symbols) ***
This section defines the basic symbols used in the implant universe. At this point, you are in a space with at least 4 dimensions not including time. The symbols are 3 dimensional pictures that seem to be stacked up (in 4 dimensions) like a pile of photographs. You reach threw this deck of symbols seeing each one in turn. As you see each one, you get the intention "THIS MEANS ....".
Each symbol is in the pile twice. The original form is in the first half and the alter-ised form is in the second half. The second half was done in reverse order. I.E., this goes A, B, C, then C, B, A. The meaning and the basic scene are the same in the two copies of the symbol. The alterations in the second half mainly consist of changes in color and direction. I.E., something that's blue the first time might be green the second and the right and left sides of the picture might be switched as in a mirror image. The later version is the alterised one that persisted and it feels more "natural" than the original.
Sometimes you may have to compare the two copies of the symbol and spot the difference
Sometimes they make a minor addition or change to the picture. Usually something uncomfortable such as seeing exactly what it is that is being buried in the second picture only, but this is not common.
The first 4 items are THIS MEANS TIME, SPACE, ENERGY, and MATTER.
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