Copyright 1996
All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.
In this final document in the series, I will include some general write-ups and random notes from my files.
Oct 5, 1990
Let us consider what might lie at the top of the scale. Imagine, for a moment, what it would be like if everyone really achieved total freedom and the full ability to create, alter, and destroy Matter, Energy, Space, Time, Thought, and Life? What if people agreed or disagreed at will depending on what they felt like doing? What if it was not physically possible to impose any restraints on an individual or enforce any rule or order?
The result would be total chaos and anarchy. But is this a really a bad thing? There is a terrible picture of devastation and destruction that goes along with the concept of chaos and anarchy. But that picture is an implant.
Given total freedom, the petty, viscous urges would soon fall away (if they hadn't already been run out as part of the route upwards). These things are the manifestations of being at the bottom of a long and degraded game. With really high randomity, high horsepower games, and the true ability to play them, there's no fun in crouching down in a dark little pool of nastiness.
So what we would really get would be a fantastic array of creations and a level of tone and ARC that is beyond human comprehension.
But the statement about chaos and anarchy still holds true. The free being will play what games he feels like, and if things are not to his liking, he will turn around and mockup another universe and invite his friends to come on over.
This means no laws, no punishment, and no government. Either you get someone's agreement, or their just gonna go their own way. So you can't make anyone wrong or get even for anything. Once, way back when, we solved this problem by creating the penalty universes. But that trick wouldn't work twice in a row. If our boy's been down here and climbed back out, then he's too experienced to fall for it.
This ungovernable condition is known as anarchy.
The cor-requisite ultra high level of creation with an infinity of things popping into and out of existence with great rapidity, is known as chaos. An individual might keep his creations in a beautiful state of order, but the sum total of all creations of all individuals is a condition of the highest possible randomity. This is actually quite good. As an immortal god, the only thing that would provide enough interest and variety would be utter chaos.
This then, is the chaos and anarchy at the top of the scale.
But the bottom of the scale mimics the top. And there is a truly horrible chaos and anarchy at the low end. This is the chaos of total destruction. And there also is the anarchy engendered by being so far out of ARC with everything that there is nothing left but unreality. This is the direction of the bomb throwing anarchists, and the destination of people who are madly trying to make nothing out of everything.
Between these two extremes lies a center point of total and absolute order. This is the position of total safety that society craves. Here, supposedly, is the place where nothing bad can happen because there is nothing unregulated, no randomity, and no unpredicted motion. There is also no freedom, no space, and no theta. This state is as impossible to attain as the absolute infinities at either end of the scale, but it is possible to come very close to it.
The thetan, actually, can't stomach this state of total order. With every law passed, he has less freedom of motion. His "space" collapses. As it collapses, he seeks to protect what little remains and therefore supports the introduction of additional laws which then contract his space further.
Now add to this picture, the existence of many implants which convince him, with false data, that he should go along with this for the sake of other people. He has been convinced that endless laws are needed to keep people from killing each other and furthermore has been shown that even wrong laws must be obeyed to keep society working properly. His own integrity, which is considerable, has been turned inward against himself to keep him in obedience.
This reaches an extreme in the thought police states where even a bad opinion of the government is a gross overt heavily punished. These societies are not usually the outgrowth of the petty dictatorships like the ones we see around the world. They can come from societies like this one. The sales job is fairly simple. Crime comes from earlier evil intentions. If these evil intentions were "cured" at the source, we could all live in safety. So everybody should agree to be hypnotized against having evil intentions, and should be made to report in to the police if they do think a wrong thought. They'd try it here if the psychs ever come up with a super duper brand of hypnosis. Our name for this super duper version is implanting.
But these though police states never last very long. Just when they think that the last dregs of freedom have disappeared, the people realize the same thing and civilization falls.
What we really have here is the cycle of the "treadmill". At the top of the positive goal is an imitation of the infinity of native state. It is all beautiful and wonderful near the top and then sinks down through greater and greater barriers. At the end of the positive goal, the thetan can't stomach it anymore and abandons the goal. He begins to hate and adopts the negative goal. Then he's on a rampage where everything is destroyed. At the bottom is the false native state of everything being gone because he's wrecked it all. Then he swings around into the next goal.
The super orderly police state matches up with the total loss of space at the bottom of the positive goal. To regain some space, the thetan swings around to a negative goal and starts tearing everything to pieces. The more he destroys, the more space he regains until all is in ruin.
This is really a trap of considerable subtlety. As the individual sinks down, his space contracts. Once an individual passes threw the crossover into the negative goal, his space expands again. In other words, he gets validated for going the rest of the way out the bottom and not-ising everything. But it doesn't lead out of the trap, it simply carries you on to the next goal.
There the guy is with lots of space and freedom. Then, bit by bit there are more rules and barriers and his life is more regulated. He tries hard to go along with this. Then one day, there's too many stops and he can't move or do anything. So he snaps. He says "the hell with it all" and goes out of agreement. Now he's going to get even and bring the whole mess crashing down. And the more he wrecks and disagrees, the more free and less controlled he becomes.
But this is a deadly freedom because its anatomy is not-isness. He's getting over barriers by making nothing of them. He's going to reduce it all by force you see, and that doesn't quite work. It all goes up in flames, and he gets out of it in physical terms, but he's not confronting any of it and its all still there out of sight forever after.
Here we have the true suppressive person. This is how you get a Hitler or Caesar. Once they've gone over the edge, its all unreal, especially the overts, so they don't pull in motivators very quickly. As far as they are concerned, they are serving the great purpose of getting rid of all these horrible barriers.
The being goes through this over and over. He starts on a positive course, pushes forward on it for a long time, and eventually slides downscale. He hits total stop and abandons the positive course, decides to get even, and begins to destroy things. Soon its all unreal and he's out the bottom. Currently, we're probably only spending 2 1/2% of our lifetimes in this inverted state (hence the 2 1/2% ratio of SPs). Each time you go through this, there is one more layer of not-is laid on and your that much less able to reach or handle the environment on either side of this cycle.
A better measure of the overall state of a being might be how fast does he slide down through this cycle. Does he hang on for ages and only rarely sink, or does every feather in his path cause him to abandon everything and begin destroying? If he drops out the bottom fast, he's building up layers of not-is much quicker than average. The cycle accelerates. The more he not-ises, the weaker he is and the faster he slides down to pick up even more unreality.
Now lets look at using this data.
For the individual, the key thing would be to run out the penalty universes and especially run the treadmill crossover into the inverted goal. In addition, just recognizing this cycle and knowing something of its anatomy can help you stay afloat.
Put aside, for the moment, the pleasure of tearing everything down. The validation you get for it is part of the trap (and the space that you win is spoiled by the attendant unreality).
Even more important is to put aside any desire to get even. This is an item in the crossover platen. You abandon the positive goal, begin to hate "them" for making you do that, and then decide to get even with "them" by doing the negative goal. It all seems very logical and inevitable.
When this manifests in life, you will truly have good reasons for getting even. Your own positive goals do get smashed down by real counter efforts. You really are justified in wanting to get even. But if you do, it all goes unreal and there's another nail in your coffin.
Now you might be screaming that this isn't fair. After all, your entitled to get even. Well your right. It's not fair. It's just a trap that has worked very very well for a long long time. All we're discussing here is mechanics. The game isn't fair. If it was, somebody would have won it and it would have ended quite some time ago.
An interesting and useful process to take some weight off of this is to push "I'm gonna get even with you" into the walls and furniture. Spot objects in the room (or exterior) and just hit them with that intention. Vary it by putting reasons on it: "I'm gonna get even with you for .... ". Makeup nonsense reasons such as "for making my hair turn green" and also use real reasons, if you feel like it, but be sure to direct them at some undeserving object. In other words, if you bang your shins on the table, tell the car "I'm gonna get even with you for banging my shins".
Now let's consider this in terms of society. The general cycle is as follows:
top: Chaos and Anarchy (total freedom) v middle: Maximum Order (police state, zero freedom) v bottom: Chaos and Anarchy (total unreality)
We have a society that is already highly regulated. Everytime we add another law, we push a few more people over the edge and crime increases. To handle that, we put out some more laws and tougher handling and some more go over the edge, etc. until we reach the point of open rebellion.
The upscale direction is to get rid of laws. But if we just pull all the laws off, the upper chaos and anarchy is out of reach and people will dive into the low scale one, again resulting in the fall of civilization.
The correct handling is to very slowly and gradually (so that people can have it and will come up tone) remove laws on a gradient. What you want is something like a rule to age off laws unless they are renewed or a cap on the number of laws so that old ones have to be repealed to issue new ones, etc. Get the government out of peoples lives and reduce the bureaucracy. But don't try to pull it down all at once or it will simply be another swing down through the negative part of the cycle.
If you raise a child well, you can give him lots of freedom. But if you suddenly find yourself caring for a child that has been heavily and poorly controlled, you can't pull all the stops out at once or he'll just go on a rampage of destruction. So you put in good control and then very clearly start removing the stops one at a time.
Your keynote should be to introduce the minimum number of rules necessary for things to function, and put as much effort into identifying old rules that can be relaxed as you put into identifying new rules that need to be added.
In auditing, we have a situation where many rules are needed at first. There are rules for the PC (which are essential for new PCs) and rules for the auditor's handling of the PC (which are essential on new PCs even if the auditor is an old hand) and rules for new auditors (which are essential while the auditor is coming up the gradient).
New auditors and PCs represent the maximum case of necessary rules in auditing. Unfortunately, this is the situation at the start of training and therefore we all begin with the most rigid and rigorous operating basis.
But the rules need to be gradually slackened as one moves up the line.
At the top, you want to reach a state where anything can be run out purely on confront and ITSA without any formal session, meter, process, or procedure. And just a hairsbreadth below that, you want to be able to mockup a drill or process instantly that will blow something and run it, shooting from the hip so to speak, without any tools or whatever.
You can't jump up to this level right away. But it is an essential target and it is achievable on a gradient of lessening meter dependence and increasing knowingness and willingness to confront.
Someday you might be halfway to OT and floating around somewhere without a body and be just a bit short of the ability to mock one up out of thin air. Under those circumstances, it would be pretty silly to have to pick up a body just so that you can hold the cans of an e-meter to do an assessment.
We have all been making the chronic mistake of continually introducing order as a means of improving things. We always put in more rules and order and never remove any. Sooner or later, it attains critical mass and blows up in our faces.
The only times we've tried to remove order was when we were on the other side having the order pushed down our throats. An then we thought we were being unethical or irresponsible. Thanks to implants, there is a mistaken identification of order with responsibility and disorder with irresponsibility.
The sane way to operate is to both add and remove rules. Go ahead and put order into areas, (some places sure need it), but also add some freedoms and introduce a little chaos for variety. And when your talking to the unenlightened, remember that the polite word for chaos is randomity.
Our earliest difficulties seem to involve inter-personal relations rather than creating or dealing with creations.
Although "to Create" has been popular in implants and penalty universes, this is all later on the track and we didn't seem to have a lot of trouble with it in the beginning. Our earliest troubles had to do with dealing with each other. This would stem from the jewel of knowledge which basically tricked us into conflict.
The earliest series of charged goals (actual GPMs ?) that I can find on the track seems to deal with ARC and may stem from the reality wars.
These goals are (approximately):
a) To Make Them Listen To Me
b) To Make Them Like Me
c) To Make Them Agree With Me
Note that the communication is an outflow whereas the affinity and reality are inflows, which would guarantee an imbalance and lead to trouble.
I suspect that at basic these goals are consistent from person to person. If so, that would imply some sort of implant.
There may also be a goal "To Make Them Admire Me" in this series.
Later come degraded or inverted versions such as "To Make Them Leave Me Alone" or "To Be Unobserved" etc.
There may be some kind of early aesthetic implant used in the reality wars to invert these. For example, a story sequence in which you succeed in making everyone like you and then they all cling to you and it becomes suffocating so that you start fighting to make them leave you alone.
I don't have this pinned down yet. The current handling would be to run more grade 3 (ARCXs) in the basic area. I think that this is coming up in my own auditing because I'm nearing erasure of grade 3 in the basic area.
I can already see that the earliest basics have to do with simple communication (grade 0), probably simple decisions to ignore certain individuals, and that these predate the reality wars and come from the earliest universe building period right after the jewel of knowledge. Notice that it is communication specifically and not the ARC triangle.
It is possible that the ARC triangle itself is an interlocking condition that stems from the reality wars rather than being a basic mechanic. Why should you go into agreement or get sucked into somebody else's reality just from talking to them? That would seem to be an aberration.
They might, for example, have shown you that it was basically unfair to agree with a creation that you liked if you were unwilling to talk to its creator, and so you had to raise your communication if affinity and reality were increased.
This strange idea of interlocked A, R, and C then leads to the implication that you could have your reality contaminated by talking to someone else (because reality and agreement will increase with communication). That's deadly because you then start cutting communications to protect yourself, and once you've blocked communications, then you really can get in trouble.
If Hitler had painted a beautiful painting, wouldn't true sanity include the ability to admire the painting while continuing to hate the man?
This is all slightly speculative because I still have a great deal of charge in this area and may be twisting things around or getting the details wrong. But the implications are immense and it would be unfair of me to keep this to myself.
Space opera type incidents seem to be common in this universe prior to our being on earth. The speed of light does not seem to interfere with ultra high speed travel between star systems.
Since it seemed to be an interesting challenge, I spent a good bit of time working over Einstein's theory of special relativity and the equations governing the space-time distortions that occur with near lightspeed travel.
I'm satisfied that the equations are correct and that there are distortions when observing something near light speed. These effects have been proven to some degree, but only in terms of observations from one frame of reference seeing a distortion when viewing something in another frame which has a great speed differential.
Einstein was very careful to say that he was only defining the observations and measurements made at near light speed, he does not state what is actually occurring in reality.
The standard view is that if you accelerate long and hard enough to reach 4 times the speed of light in a Newtonian system, what will really happen is that you will appear to be moving at very close to the speed of light. It would be something like .99 of light speed - the easy way to describe this is by saying that it has a tau factor or distortion of 4 to 1 (written as 1/4) and don't worry about the exact decimal number, but realize that it never reaches the speed of light but just keeps gaining on it by smaller and smaller fractions.
With this tau of 1/4, a spaceship would travel the 4 lightyears to alpha centuri in only 1 year by their own clocks. But instead of seeing anything moving faster than light, it will appear (from the ship) that the distance to alpha centuri has shrunk to only 1 lightyear.
According to the standard interpretation, which I believe to be incorrect, this space time contraction is an apparancy and the ship will take 4 years of our time to get there even though the crew will only age 1 year while traveling. The idea is that the time has actually distorted rather than considering it to be a measurement distortion. The textbook example is that if one of two twins travels on a fast moving spaceship he will end up younger than the one who remained on Earth.
This leads the astrophysicists into endless argument and overcomplexity. The first cop-out was to say that time here and on alpha centuri could not be synchronized. This holds true between Earth and the fast moving spaceship (and that is all that Einstein addressed), but it is false between Earth and Alpha Centuri (you can send clocks faster and slower and plot the time distortion and thereby synchronize at least within a few seconds - no room for 4 years of distortion).
The next cop-out was to blame it all on the acceleration period, because that is not modeled in the theory and thereby leaves room for things to happen. But if you accelerate many ships identically, and then let them all coast at the same speed, and have them decelerate in identical manners but at different times, they will have traveled different distances and have different cumulative distortions (1 year, 2 years, or whatever) and it does not seem logical to suppose that identical accelerations and decelerations could yield different adjustments, so we should discount whatever happens during the acceleration as being irrevalent to the problem even though it might well have its own strange behavior.
Then comes the problem of two ships both moving (and because there is no privileged frame, we can also recognize that a ship flying past the Earth can also be viewed as the Earth flying by a stationary ship). The true nature of the equations is that there is simply a speed differential and it doesn't matter which one is "moving" and which one is "stationary" because all is relative. According to the equations, both parties would see the other as slowing down. It is not a bi-directional distortion where one sees the other as slower and the other looks back and sees the first one as faster. Each is "slowed down" relative to the other.
Now the theorists really get carried away and start arguing about how one slowdown is real and the other is an apparancy. And it gets worse from there.
The simple view would be to consider it a simple measurement distortion, in which case the spaceship reaches Alpha Centuri in one year in our time system as well as in its own. Its just that they see us slow down (by 4 to 1) and distort, and we see them slow down and distort, but when they decelerate and land, everything gets back to normal. There has been no experiment which proves this either way.
Obviously my view is much simpler. And they know it is too, but they abandon it because of one little fly in the ointment.
Let's have a ship moving with a tau factor of 4 passing the Earth and headed for Alpha Centuri. We see the distance as 4 light years and get light and radio broadcasts that are 4 years old. The ship passing overhead sees the distance as 1 light year and gets light and radio that's only 1 year old. Note that there is no time travel here, they are getting it sooner than us, but they are not receiving it before it was sent.
This requires that the speed of light be a constant relative to the observer and not to the source. The common view is that this is obviously impossible because how would a photon, taking off from Alpha Centuri, know whether to go faster or slower depending on whether it was to be received by us or by the fast moving ship. It would imply an interaction between the observer and what he was seeing.
Unfortunately, Einstein did not like quantum mechanics. But the quantum theorists are quite sold on the idea that the observer is part of the equation.
One of the Quantum interpretations is that the photon takes off in all directions simultaneously and moves in a probability wave until it interacts with an observer, at which point the wave breaks down and becomes a real particle motion which will be found to have occurred between points A and B (but which was not real until the point of observation, because we can see the interference generated between the different probable paths that were all being traveled simultaneously - this has been proven experimentally).
If we take the conventional probability wave equation and add another factor representing the speed, which is also indeterminate until the moment of observation, it becomes possible to visualize a photon moving not only in all directions but also at all possible speeds until the moment of observation. And we constrain the interaction to only occur at the speed of light relative to the observer.
This gives us space travel without a speed of light barrier. And Einstein's equations become the tools needed to navigate at super high velocities.
Of course this still leaves us with the classical problems of acceleration and fuel etc. It takes a long time to build up speed. And even with continuous acceleration and some super tech to handle the problems of fuel and reaction mass, the trips will be slow. But then we have the interesting fact that traveling further does not take as long proportionately because we reach higher speeds at the same rate of acceleration. In this case, days of travel (at continuous acceleration) would be of much greater significance than the actual distances involved. Although Ron dismissed the whole light speed business as unimportant, he did come across this odd use of travel time (at some standardized acceleration rate) as a measure of distance in running space opera incidents.
Getting back to the subject of Scientology, all of the perception oriented OT drills of the early 50s tended to work on some interaction on the part of the observer. It didn't work to handle perception as a passive reception of something sent out by an uncontrolled source. What worked was things that involved the observer, such as pulling in the light waves, mocking up the object to be seen, or bouncing some sort of radar or flitter off of the objects.
But our results with perception drills always seemed to be marginal rather than spectacular (the rare spectacular exterior perceptions usually came from exteriorization drills etc. rather than working on perception directly). This implies that we were close but not quite on the mark. Perhaps further consideration of things like probability waves coming off of the source and being pulled into view might open up a new realm of drills that might produce more powerful results.
We still haven't really solved the area of emotion and loss.
In Dianetics, Ron identified incidents of loss and misemotion as secondary engrams. These secondaries were shown to draw charge from earlier engrams. But when we knock out the weight of the engram bank (by going clear, etc.), the secondaries remain and we can easily see that clears are still strongly affected by loss and subject to strong emotions on a stimulus-response basis.
As I have mentioned earlier, incidents of loss can exist earlier than painful incidents because a being who cannot be hit by force or made to feel physical pain can still lose anything that he is not capable of re-creating. The true solution to this is to be able to create things at will, but that can fail if you cling to it as a solution and non-confront the fact of loss. The non-confront itself causes you to obsessively try to create situations of loss and you will work hard at it even in the face of having tremendous powers of creation.
So you need to achieve a willingness to confront loss as well as an ability to re-create things. This doesn't mean that you abandon everything or that you have a need to loose things. It just means that you are not afraid of losing them.
Early aesthetic implants (as used in the reality wars etc.) were especially hot on showing loss and emotion to be interesting things to get you to mock them up. They promoted things like the beautiful sadness of losing something. If you can convince somebody that its desirable to lose, then they can be beaten easily.
From modern Dianetics, we know that you can accustom somebody to confronting force by a gradient scale of running incidents that contain impacts and eventually get a "clear" who can confront the force in mental pictures. This undercuts the entire engram bank to some degree. If we consider that there is a "secondary bank" of loss and misemotion, then we might achieve a similar effect by a gradient of running secondaries of loss and get a sort of "emotional clear".
From the clearing course, we also know that you can take a key basic implant and free the person from his stimulus response creation of mental pictures and again get a sort of "clear" who no longer mocks up pictures of force reactivity. Again this tends to undercut the entire engram bank. From this one might hypothesis that there are "emotional implants" or an "emotional basic" that could be run to undercut the stimulus response creation of emotion.
I haven't achieved either of these states of "emotional clear" at this time so I can't guarantee that they exist or tell you for sure how to get there.
The penalty universes are not the basic on emotions. They are the basic source of the tone scale which puts the emotions into a fixed pattern. There is a great benefit to running this out because you stop shifting willy nilly from one emotion to the next. But you must have already had emotions before the tone scale was laid in or else there would not have been anything to force into the pattern.
The emotional pools set up in the symbols universe (discussed in the "Cosmic History") are part of the emotional machinery but again this cannot be basic. You had to have had emotions and aberrations about emotions before you could be made to set up these things.
I have searched for an "emotional basic" incident or implant without success. At one point I did seem to have some sort of incident where there are clouds of emotions circling you. But I couldn't get it to run properly. My suspicion is that there is something a bit out of reach that I am not yet up to conceiving of which is part of this emotional basic.
I did however find that there is an incident which sets up emotional machinery built out of entities and split pieces of yourself. I don't have all the details on this incident either, but I managed to put together a list of emotions and what the machinery was supposed to do. This is probably not complete, but I will list what I do have about these machines here.
ANGER: The machine feeds you false data on other people's motives and inspires you to rage. It says that its all their fault and that they should suffer. It says that you have a right to get even.
ANTAGONISM: The machine convinces you that other people don't like you and are laughing at you behind your back and are lying to you and tricking you. It tells you that they are unworthy of your friendship.
FEAR: The machine convinces you that danger is coming, that something is going to get you, that they're after you, etc. It tries to build paranoia.
BOREDOM: The machine says that its all worthless and that there is nothing worth doing and you wouldn't like it anyway, etc.
CONSERVATISM: the machine says that things have to be protected, that they can be lost or destroyed, and makes you worry about losing things, etc.
JEALOUSY: The machine says that you deserve it and they don't.
APATHY: The machine says that its all hopeless anyway so why bother, etc.
GRIEF: The machine says that things will never be the same, what is lost is gone forever, etc.
This might be emotional basic or it might be the incident used to lay in the emotional machinery listed above, or it might just be yet another implant.
The whole thing begins with:
2. You are walking down a long hall and there are statues in the nitches along the wall. Each leads to an emotional implant.
The implant for each emotion begins with:
3. TO BE ..(emotion).. IS NATIVE STATE.
The implant for each emotion shows you that its the solution to a problem (troubles with other people etc.).
There is more to be learned in this area, but at least we have a start.
Many of the more advanced metaphysical practices work with a system of energy sources in the body (usually located in specific positions in the physical body but considered to be part of the astral body) known as the Chakras. This system goes back to ancient India and possibly earlier and can be found in many different practices. The origin of the Christian halo (which was originally a golden disk rather than a thin ring) is the eighth or highest chakra which rides above the head and was supposedly mastered by Jesus and used by him to perform his miracles.
LRH ignored this system and worked with a system of golden balls (or GE [Genetic Entity] anchor points) instead.
I've drilled and experimented with both of these systems and both seem to be real. There seem to be layers of spiritual or astral bodies and they follow the pattern of our physical evolution on the track. The pattern of the chakras seems to go back to the magic universe and is an almost material fairly low level theta mockup whereas Ron's system of anchor points seems to go back earlier to the conflicts universe and the first compulsive body mockups. More basic than both of these is the "thetan" as a sphere of energy which can project tractor and pressor beams, which is another system that Ron worked on in the technique 88 lectures of 1952.
There are earlier and more basic systems which manifest as even higher (less material and more theta) spiritual body types that we still mockup and drag around with us. The next one is a sort of "symbol" body that dates back to the symbols universe, and there are "templates" and "pools" associated with it (discussed elsewhere in these writings) but I am nowhere near having a good anatomy of it, so I will put it aside for now.
As to the chakras, the GE anchor points, and the energy theta body, many drills work on all three, but nothing works spectacularly and you can't work any of these things too long or hard because it is putting you back into agreement with energy and mechanics. Ron recognized this early on and decided to abandon the whole matter because cases would start deteriorating after long drilling. But he also got some exceptional results on PCs before abandoning these things (anchor point adjustments, energy beam handling, etc.) so I would consider it to be a mistake to ignore these areas. Just don't specialize in them or start grinding away, use a light touch instead and go onto something else whenever you have a bit of a win with these things.
The GE anchor points (golden balls) are discussed extensively in the tapes of 1953 and 54, so I will primarily address the chakras here.
There are many different eastern and American metaphysical systems that try to work with these. There are varying numbers, descriptions, colors, and significance assigned to them. Most systems have either 6 or 7 chakras, but a few of the advanced systems consider that an 8th chakra develops above the head in a sort of halo in very advanced souls.
From our viewpoint, seeing how the thetan has decayed, the obvious is that there are naturally 8 chakras, including one above the head, and that the 8th has been impacted and collapsed down into the head and our first task would be to unstick it and get it back up where it belongs. Furthermore, we would conclude from the fact that some systems only allow for 6 chakras that maybe some people have both the 7th and 8th collapsed down onto the 6th chakra. Perhaps the collapse goes even further, because we only have the observations of very advanced mystics who would be expected to have these things in better shape than average. Probably most people have the whole series collapsed down into the 3rd or 2nd or even the first chakra. Since the 2nd chakra has to do with sex, and considering the behavior of most people in this society, it would not be surprising to find that most were collapsed into the 2nd.
There is also a lot of importance placed on the color of these things, but the various systems do not quite agree on the colors assigned or the meanings although there is some similarity. For myself, I found it best to work towards white and then golden on all of them and blow off any black or dark spots or splotches. The other colors probably have to do with direction of flow, wavelength, and how you're trying to use the chakra, and might be appropriate in some cases, but golden energies tend to be basic on the higher spiritual and energy bodies and so it works well with the chakras and might actually be an upgrade above their natural state. As you get up to a good level of golden energy, you will spot a faint rainbow of colors within the gold. This then can be worked further so that you have a basic golden color that is carrying a rainbow. Since these things spin, the view is a bit like having a golden CD disk (but a bit thicker and larger) spinning with a bit of a rainbow of colors reflecting off of its surface.
Another point of halfway agreement with a bit of contention in the different systems is the definition of each chakra. I examined various systems, and played around with what I could reach on this stuff, and tried working it all around to line up with the 8 dynamics (which has some correspondence) and finally realized that they represent the energy of each dynamic as the dynamics were interpreted in the magic universe (which is very hedonistic, passionate, and emotional) and so you have the 4th chakra (the heart chakra) handling the energy flows of courage, compassion, leadership, etc. which can all be viewed as part of your relations to society and mankind. There is also a bit of the corresponding upper dynamic (numbers 9 to 16) included in each one.
The simplest drills follow the same methods used for GE anchor point adjustment (see Creation of Human Ability and the 5th to 9th ACCs) or for energy field handling (see Tech 88, SOP for Theta Clearing and the November lectures of 1952). You can mock up copies of these chakras outside the body and have the body draw them in, you can run gentle flows of energy across them until they become visible, you can lightly add energy (never force or push at body related energy structures, a delicate touch is always called for) and gently coax them into position when they are out of place. And you can blow black masses out of them by turning them white or golden. You can also blow entities out of these things (and that also works for GE anchor points etc.) and blow entities that are holding them out of place or keeping them mocked up (you don't need their help) or keeping them hidden. With these techniques, you should be able to unstick collapsed chakras and get all 8 into their natural positions, including the one over the head.
Note that the chakras are spinning in alternate directions.
The 8 chakras are as follows (in my own interpretation):
Note that many of the metaphysical systems work exclusively with a particular manifestation or subset of the full energy field available and often insist that the other systems are incorrect.
1st Chakra: This is the 1st dynamic (body self) energy source. It is located a bit below the base of the spine, just below and behind the genital area, right where you sit. This, rather than the stomach chakra, is tied to the energy of eating etc. Its oriented to the end product rather than the start of digestion. This grounds the entire energy system in reality and location and is the basic negative pole of the entire affair. It provides energy oriented towards strength and physical healing. The stance used in martial arts systems like karate is oriented around this chakra and to some degree energizes it. The advanced yogis get carried away on doing sitting drills (lotus position) because they are trying to master this chakra and use it as a firm base. The flows of this chakra generally remain within the body. It can also sublimate into ethics or decay into gluttony.
2nd Chakra: This is the 2nd dynamic (sex/children) energy source. It is located at the level of the sexual organs, but a bit behind because the entire series of chakras are located one above the other. It includes sexual, reproductive, and nurturing energies. It is also involved in healing and aging (like the first chakra) because of cellular reproduction. Whereas the first chakra provides strength to fight disease and maintain circulation in injured areas, this one is involved in rebuilding damaged tissue etc. This one flows out of the body only on very close personal relationships (including deep friendships, close apprenticeships, etc. as well as true family, children, and sexual relationships). The energies run on a basis of high affinity, love, and admiration. It can be degraded into sexual cravings, lust, etc. Or it can be sublimated into aesthetics.
3rd Chakra: This is the third dynamic (groups) energy source. It is located at the level of the stomach and solar plexus. Many of the eastern systems consider this to be the "emotional" chakra because they see that it is connected with anger, fear, etc. Other systems call it the "control" chakra (and some say that the efforts to control are debased and will always fail). The correct definition includes co-operation, control, group effort, constructive activities, and the general emotions (not only anger and fear but also enthusiasm etc.) because these all have to do with dealing with groups of people that you are connected with. This chakra flows outward into your immediate sphere of operation, but it can easily be jammed and backlash into the body, giving one terror stomachs etc. In its degraded form, it is the drive to enslave others, and in its highest form, it is the center of constructive effort.
4th Chakra: This is the fourth dynamic (society) energy source. It is at the level of the heart. It includes compassion, courage, loyalty, leadership, ethical systems in the social sense, judgment and reason in the low sense of legal systems (rather than high abstract thought), and various other things related to getting along with mankind. It produces a light broad wave that goes way out but is usually fairly tenuous. In its degraded form, it is the energies of hatred, prejudice, and self righteousness.
5th Chakra: This is the fifth dynamic (lifeforms) energy source. It is at the level of the throat or mouth. This is often called the communication chakra. One system limits its use to talking to god. If we consider the 5th dynamic (lifeforms) and subtract out what has already been covered in the lower dynamics (eating, sex, etc.), and then think about what life has in common that is not present in inanimate (6th dynamic) objects, we come around to communication and willful change as the distinguishing characteristics of the fifth dynamic. This would also include life-force and "oneness" with nature.
6th Chakra: This is the 6th dynamic (MEST) energy source. It is at the level of the eyes. A few of the Easter systems have turned their backs so far on the physical universe that they miss this chakra and label the 7th as the 6th (and if they have the 8th one, they call it the 7th). This is sometimes called the perception chakra, and some practices associate the third eye with it. At least one practice tries to exteriorize from the body by moving into this chakra and then flowing out of the body via the third eye. But that area has been so heavily implanted that I would suggest using other techniques. Here is the perception and projection of physical reality, and also the playing of games.
7th Chakra: This is the 7th dynamic (theta) energy source. It is near the top of the head. This is often called the thought chakra. Here is the energy of understanding and knowingness, and the spiritual and metatative energies and power of concentration, etc. Here also is the high level permeation of MEST for the sake of understanding, and the telepathic energies.
8th Chakra: This is the 8th dynamic (god/infinity) energy source. It belongs above the head although it is often collapsed. This is the center of creative energy including the continuous creation of reality and is the positive pole of the entire system, connecting to infinity and the underlying allness of the basic life static. You can find an underlying "god wave" permeating everything and the interesting thing about it is that it is accepting of everything and all embracive without any restriction (and from this one might get Jesus' statement that God is Love, but note that the "god" in this sense is not thinking or judgmental). In its degraded form you will find humbleness and propitiative worship and destructive energies and engaging in these things is probably what collapses it.
The entire system probably generates energy on the dichotomy of a solid physical location in reality on the one side and being part of a location-less infinity on the other.
Once you have cleaned these up in the body, you can find a more basic set that you have hidden in some mocked up space sideways of reality. Those will be your basic energy sources and the bodily ones are only a mundane projection. You can clean up this basic set in much the same way as you clean up the ones in the body, handling black masses etc. You will find that each chakra in the basic set has a connection to the corresponding bodily one. This connection can be cleaned up and unblocked and the energy flow increased, which will improve the energy level of the ones in the body.
If you then trace back from the basic set, you will find a line leading to a "universal" set that is held in common by all of us. I will refer to these as the "universe machines", and we have each put a piece of ourselves into them. These are huge spinning disks and that is where the cross copy of the reality of this universe takes place. You wouldn't be able to mess with these until you blow lots of guardian entities out of the way, so leave them be until you're fairly far along the road.
Everything I have mentioned up to this point is fairly safe and easy. You can work on cleaning up individual chakras without stirring up too much. But the next drill can turn on heavy somatics and should be left until you are quite advanced. Up until I ran into trouble on the following one, I considered the entire chakra system to be highly speculative and was mainly playing with it to get a datum of comparable magnitude to Ron's anchor point system. The following, however, sold me on these things being real.
In yoga, there is an advanced practice called Kundalini where you get the energies of each chakra flowing upwards to the ones above it, starting with the first and continuing on to the top of the series. They warn beginners not to try this, because people have turned on pains that lasted for years before they got these things under control. I, of course, figured that the odds were that I was probably just mocking these chakras up anyway, and that even if something was really there I'd be able to handle the energies involved because I had done so many other energy drills.
So I began gently coaxing an energy flow upwards from the first chakra to the second, and having the second contribute to the flow to make an even bigger flow going up to the third, etc.
The first three were easy and pleasant and gave me no problem. When I hit the 4th, there was a bit of resistance but I was able to push through it (a mistake as it turns out). When I hit the 5th, I turned on an array of Heavy somatics. This included toothaches, headaches, chest pains, etc. These all started simultaneously and were quite intense. I was amazed. So I slowly and carefully dampened the flow (not reacting in panic or suppressing the area, because that can make something stick or react compulsively) and this reduced the intensity of the somatics from heavy to mild.
Now, with only a faint trickle of energy still flowing upwards, I reexamined the 4th chakra (which had appeared golden with a rainbow effect previously) and found it full of black smudges. So I turned those areas golden with a gentle flow of my own energy and the lingering somatics faded. Then I increased the upward flow a bit and the chakra started going black again and the somatics began to return. So I shut the flow down completely, blew the new black masses, and started contemplating what had just happened.
And I thought about the 4th chakra and the 4th dynamic, and I realized that that is where I have heavy charge. I'm actually in fairly good shape on the 3rd dynamic. I might want to see things change and improve, but I'm not really interested in vengeance or make-wrongs or burning someplace down. But the 4th dynamic is a different matter. I do have a bone to pick with society and government, and although I have it well justified, its still a manifestation of charge and dramatization.
I realized that as the energy flowed past the chakra (the black spots and somatics did not turn on until I passed the 4th chakra and went on to the 5th), the chakra began energizing my flows with society and some of those flows were stuck or inverted and this resulted in the blackness. And the more energy I flowed through the chakra, the more these flows backed up and the more blackness was generated.
So I spotted and recognized the presence of charge on society and the 4th dynamic, and I confronted and blew a few things, and I exteriorized from the game I was playing on the 4th dynamic (pretty much by postulate and by a willingness to let go that was brought about by the realization that my charge and the game condition were detrimental).
Once I had put aside all my game conditions and considerations on society, I tried the drill again. This time I was able to run through the 4th chakra and up to the 5th without somatics or blackness and it was all quite comfortable, pleasant feeling, and revitalizing.
So of course I pushed through some resistance on the 5th and got the flow up to the 6th and turned on a new set of heavy somatics and found blackness in the 5th chakra.
This happened on each of the remaining ones as I worked my way up to the top, and on each one, I searched around and confronted things and changed my mind about them (as I had done on the 4th chakra) until it was cleaned up.
In retrospect, each of the chakras that gave me trouble had some kind of protest connected with it, and when I stopped protesting, the flow cleaned up. On the 4th, it was my protest at society jamming narrow minded rules and moralities and taxes etc. in on people. On the 5th, it was my protest at the way insects etc. swarm and reproduce endlessly. On the 6th, it was my protest at being trapped in a fixed reality. On the 7th, it was my protest at the ignorance and stupidity of others. On the 8th, it was my protest at having to compulsively participate in the continuous creation of this universe.
I don't know if protest will always be the button to look for or whether that was peculiar to my current case state. It certainly hinted to me that we probably need a grade of release to handle the subject of protest in general.
Before you should even consider trying this, your first action should be to handle the rudiments (problems, overts, upsets) on each of the 8 dynamics and also handle any protest connected with the dynamic (things that you are protesting). Then causatively exteriorize from the game conditions that you are in on each dynamic. And of course have each chakra well cleaned up on an individual basis first.
The interesting thing about this is that It was a practical test of my relationship to each dynamic and it brought home to me the fact that I was not-ising (making nothing of) various areas of heavy charge.
By making postulates to put aside all my game conditions on various dynamics, I was able to get a light flow all the way up to the top, and then reflected it back down from the 8th to the first, and then reflected it back upwards again. This would be the full drill, bouncing a wave up and down, and also holding the system (especially the 1st and 8th) apart by means of strong intention and postulates (because they will pull together as the flow increases). As of now, I have only done this lightly. I need to clean up the dynamics some more before I would try any heavy flows on these channels. The light pass on this was meant merely to get an idea of where this is going. It did seem to improve my energy level a bit, but the more dramatic effect even with only a trickle of energy, was to cause changes in my perception and orientation.
(This was written long before I found the "point to the being you divided from" process. Without that, I was not able to take this to a big EP. I did make some gains fooling around with this, but after awhile it started getting harder instead of easier to handle, so I assumed I was missing some key element and bailed out at the next rest point. With the "point to" process, it might be possible to take this all the way.
Another interesting point is that I found these before I started playing around with the chakras and I was surprised later when I saw the similarity and connection between them - Aug 1996).
7 July 90
The universe machines are a set of 10 disks (with a bulge in the center - similar to the galaxy or a flying saucer etc.) that act as a sort of giant cross-copy pool to keep the universe mocked up. Although these have some of the characteristics of machinery, normal machine handling techniques or mass clearing procedures do not work (and can turn on somatics).
Each of the 10 machines is surrounded by a circle of 128 guardians. These are mockups of the positive and negative penalty universe terminals. Each of these guardians contains a large number of beings implanted according to the following platen. These need to be run before you can handle these machines safely (because they will defend the machine etc.). You will find that you have a large number of your own Split Viewpoints in the guardians and in the machines themselves.
Each of the 10 machines has a goal. We will call these the universe goals. They are To Eternalize (i.e., postulate the as-isness of something - making it encompass all time and space without locating it in any time or space), To Conceive, To Design, To Perceive, To Communicate, To Emotionate (i.e., to create effects on others through an outflow of emotions (or high scale aesthetic waves)), To Experience, To Enjoy, To Survive, and To Persist.
The items are in the pattern: TO (universe goal) IS TO BE THE (terminal) AND (action). There are 16 actions. Running the 16 action items for a particular guardian (i.e., penalty universe terminal) will free up the beings stuck in that guardian. Since there is some degree of cross-copy between the same guardian on each of the 10 machines, you should run the same guardian on each of the 10 machines (i.e., for each universe goal) before going on to the next guardian.
In other words, the sequence is as follows:
a. Select a penalty universe terminal (best to run from the god statue of TO CREATE down to the pyramid from TO ENDURE alternating positive and negative goal terminals).
b. Repeat for each of the 10 universe goals beginning with Eternalize and ending with Persist.
c. Run the 16 action items for the terminal and universe goal.
In running the 16 action items, it is not enough to simply spot the item. The items are pinned down both by the first item of the implant which established the universe goal (the first item is "TO (universe goal) IS NATIVE STATE") and by the earlier penalty universe which established the terminal.
Therefore, you need to spot both the top of the universe goal and the top of the penalty goal. I.E., when you run TO ETERNALIZE IS TO BE THE GOD STATUE AND ..., you need to spot both TO ETERNALIZE IS NATIVE STATE and TO CREATE IS NATIVE STATE. Furthermore, it helps to spot the agreement universe as well. It is even useful to spot being made to split and being implanted with false data as given in the control entity rundown because some of the things that turn up are CEs.
However, you can't spot all these things on every action item because you'll get endless overruns on some of the beings. But you have to do some spotting or you'll leave beings unhandled and upset (and create BPC and turn on mass). The only way to run this is in the style of the old group processing. You call an item, which wakes some guys up, and have them spot something, and some blow, and some don't, and you call another item, and have everyone spot something else and some of the ones who didn't blow before will now take off etc. Part way through this, a vast cloud of beings (spots of energy etc.) will show up and lots of stuff will start blowing or flying around or whatever. If you run too deep, some will get overrun (have them spot the point when they went release) and you'll start pulling guys out of the next machine (which might start appearing as a huge disk of energy off to the right). If you run too shallow, you'll start feeling mass from too many who woke up half way but haven't separated out. Either phenomenon can stick the needle.
You have to judge how many extra spotting steps you should do. Early on, you need more and later things come apart easier and fewer steps are needed.
The pattern of the universe machine items is as follows:
To handle a terminal, run the 16 items for each of the 10 universe goals given above. This will run on the 128 positive and negative penalty universe terminals. The penalty universe goal for the terminal being run is used in the spotting steps in addition to the universe goal listed above.
Have the beings in the terminal mockup spot the following as needed:
a) TO (universe goal) IS NATIVE STATE
c) spot rushing into agreement, going through the inverted triangle spot TO AGREE IS NATIVE STATE spot seeing the
need for agreement before that.
d) spot working on building the agreements universe
e) point to the being you divided from (this step added Aug 1996)
f) spot being made to split spot being implanted with false data spot the first time you were implanted with false
g) who are you (me)
After running a few items for a particular terminal/universe goal and after spotting all of the above at least once, you can generally cut back to simply using lines b and occasionally e between the items.
After you have run off a significant percentage of the terminals, you can try a broader handling. This is both to speed up the process and to handle the problem of others starting to wake up on terminals that you haven't run (or who were missed on terminals that you did run).
For this bulk handling, you want to run anybody who has started to wake up in any of the terminals. Take one universe machine (e.g. one of the 10 universe goals above) at a time and address the entire circle of terminals. Call the lines using "the terminal" or "fill in the terminal you are being" instead of supplying a specific terminal. Explain this to them with an R factor before you start. Do the spotting steps, but concentrate on the agreements universe because you don't have a specific penalty goal to run (use the top one, TO CREATE, once or twice). This will give a tremendous amount of blows, but will not quite finish off the terminals that haven't been run yet because only those who are more awake can run this way (without their precise item being called).
After the bulk handling, go back to running specific terminals as above. You will find that now most terminals will come apart on the first item.
Note that you can't start with the bulk handling initially because it's just too ruff unless you get some of it taken apart first. But eventually you need something to speed things up because the product of 10 machines times 128 terminals times 16 actions is around 20,000 items.
The universe goals were derived based on researching the earlier universes on the back track. But they also were found to correspond to the implant items used in forming the universe machinery which keeps this universe mocked up. This in turn leads down to the chakras which power the body. But the chakras also seemed to have a correspondence to the dynamics. Furthermore, there seemed to be a correspondence between the upper and lower sets of 8 dynamics. Also, the various planes of this universe (astral etc.) seemed to correspond to the earlier universes in their nature and the layers of astral bodies corresponded to body mockups of these earlier universes. Putting this all together with minor rearrangements of data gives the following unified structure:
Upper Base Plate: To Eternalize (pre-home universe) -------------------- Universe : : : lower : upper : Goal : Universe : Chakra : dynamic : dynamic : Body -----------:----------:---------:---------:---------:------- To Conceive: Home : halo : 8D : 16D :concept : Universe :over head: worship : creation: body : : : : : To Design : Games :top of : 7D :15D Under: basic : : head : spirits :-standing: object : : : : : To Perceive: Motion :forehead : 6D Mest :14D Games: Mask : : : : : Communicate: Symbols : mouth : 5D life :13DChange: symbol : : : : : Emotionate : Thought : heart :4Dsociety:12DReason:energy : : : : : Experience : Conflicts: stomach :3D groups:11D build:spirit/GE : : : : : To Enjoy : Magic : genitals:2D sex :10D :astral : : : :aesthetics: : : : : : To Survive : current : rectum :1Dsurvive:9D Ethics: physical : : : : : ---------------------------------- Lower Base Plate - To Persist (Mud Universe)
This is highly speculative and not quite right, but close.
A correspondence like this implies the existence of a more basic pattern that underlies everything and repeats within itself. And that in turn makes one think of fractals and chaos theory (which is an interesting new area in math/physics - a number of good books have come out on this recently).
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